Biden IRS to crack down on....waiters and waitresses...

So, Biden wants to find 1.7 billion worth of unclaimed waitress tips and tax them, while sending the same amount every week to Ukraine for free. What are they going to do next, make everyone who gives tips send a W2 form to everyone they tipped during the year? The bottom line is, Democrats are money grubbing idiots.

It's the way they work. I didn't watch it but Hannity and Carlson were talking about how he wants to get people to stop smoking. Never said a word about his support for legalizing pot or setting up legal injection sites where people can use their un-taxed illegal drugs that encourages drug lords to ship the stuff here. Worry about the 8 percent or so of smokers.
No moron, tips means To Insure Prompt Service. It's something people give on their own meaning it's not earned income. It's extra on top of their earned income.

Years ago when I delivered pizza I got tips. I made sure those people that tipped me got their pizza first even if I had to go out of my way to do it. They didn't have to give me anything but the price of the pizza, they gave it to me to help insure they got a hot pizza (or as hot as it could be). At the time we didn't have those insulated bags like they do today.
Really dickhead? Do you tip in ADVANCE of the service provided?

No? Friggin moron
My mother was a waitress at Denny's when this first started in the 80's. She only worked part-time. The law was tips must be claimed whether the waitress made tips or not, and you wouldn't believe how many waitresses don't get tipped or tipped very little.

The manager decided the only fair way to do it was all waitresses turn in their tips and be divided evenly. That drew outrage from the good experienced waitresses that usually made the most tips. The busboys were not happy either as waitresses often tip the busboys doing their tables. It was a complete mess.

Finally their tax guy told my mother that after all is said and done, she would be better off quitting the job because those claimed tips with my fathers income was breaking even and she was basically working for free. She liked the job but what was the sense?

Now they are only going to make it worse. Service jobs are the most unfilled in our country and now they want to chase more workers out of it. Thanks Democrats for supporting American workers.
Like all of the groups they claim to support, democrats hold low paid wait staff in contempt.

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Dec 24, 2017 — According to CBS News, Trump attended a holiday dinner just hours after signing the tax bill into law, where he told friends, “You all just got ...

"You all just got a lot richer," Trump tells friends, referencing ... › Politics

Dec 24, 2017 — President Trump kicked off his holiday weekend at Mar-a-Lago Friday night at a dinner where he told friends, "You all just got a lot richer," ...
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Trump Told Friends at Mar-a-Lago 'You All Just Got a Lot ... › News

Dec 24, 2017 — President Donald Trump reportedly told friends at his swanky Mar-a-Lago resort "You all just got a lot richer," hours after signing the ...

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Dec 24, 2017 — “You all just got a lot richer,” Trump said Friday at a dinner at Mar-a-Lago, two friends at a table near the president told CBS News. Late last ...

I was talking about this initiation fee and annual membership.
They want to do a lot of things, they rarely do any of them

And if someone gets their income via an online source they should damn well pay taxes on it just like I have to pay taxes on my income.

I think most people do. I always do when I order online. The idea this is what the IRS is concentrating on is what's so ridiculous.
Like all of the groups they claim to support, democrats hold low paid wait staff in contempt.

I know, but the problem is they're too stupid to figure that out. Look at the support he got from black voters, and he's the candidate that said the most racist things about blacks in our lifetime
So much for "millionaires and billionaires"'s the people making $3.10 an hour that need the IRS breathing down their necks...

eAt tHE RiCH!
They still know nothing except basic taxes......wife is in the business. I bet half wont be able to grasp enough to do anything but harass people
Until IRS personnel are held responsible for the tax advice they give out, we know several things:

1. The tax code is way too complex.
2. the IRS can operate in any fashion it wants to with impunity.
3. Neither of these is a positive thing.
Actually, I couldn't be more right

Murica operated just fine for over 150 years without stealing the incomes of the people.

You're a common looter.

We were a second rate economy that provided nothing for We the People.

I prefer todays society thank you
I know, but the problem is they're too stupid to figure that out. Look at the support he got from black voters, and he's the candidate that said the most racist things about blacks in our lifetime
This is true. They have a great capacity to either totally ignore what a democrat has said and done in the past or rationalize anything and everything, no matter how rotten.
We were a second rate economy that provided nothing for We the People.

I prefer todays society thank you
Everyone prefers living at the peak or just after the peak of an empire's economic arc. Roman citizens probably preferred it too, right before the fall. Ours is coming.
Everyone prefers living at the peak or just after the peak of an empire's economic arc. Roman citizens probably preferred it too, right before the fall. Ours is coming.

Our economy is dramatically stronger than it was before we implemented an income tax
I think most people do. I always do when I order online. The idea this is what the IRS is concentrating on is what's so ridiculous.
Tips are the lower class's tax dodge, and the IRS is trying to cancel it. Some bean counter somewhere estimated that the government could confiscate X billions of dollars more from wait staff, and here we are...
Murica was on the leading edge of the industrial revolution in 1913, liar.

The income tax as straight-up theft, and you are a common looter.
America was in an era of the robber barons accumulating enormous wealth while contributing little to society
If the service is terrible, 10% would be a gift.
Fine, but it's for more than the services rendered at the table. Nor is it a token gift for the "favor" of serving you and your guests. It's a job. Do the job well, work long hours and you make more money. If you average 10%, quit and find a cush job.

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