Biden IRS to crack down on....waiters and waitresses...

Of course that 87,000 includes all the new IRS agents for the next 10 years, and all the other stuff you know about it is also crap. But they will go after the rich instead of going after the poor like the Republicans have, super dupe.
They still know nothing except basic taxes......wife is in the business. I bet half wont be able to grasp enough to do anything but harass people
She also probably believes these additional IRS agents were going to be hired to go after the rich people. Well...... if we need the rich to get more audits, why are they messing around with Sally at some coffee shop getting spare change from customers? Why not shift those current IRS agents to those wealthy people now and leave the little people alone?

Who wants a job that not only doesn't pay very well, but may end you up in some IRS office trying to defend what you honestly made?
it's a voluntary program that is no different from what they've been trying to do forever. This is garbage propaganda as always from the right... Very scary, super duper.
They still know nothing except basic taxes......wife is in the business. I bet half wont be able to grasp enough to do anything but harass people
of course this is garbage right wing propaganda so it is nothing like what you think it is. It is a voluntary program that is no different from what they've been trying to do forever. Your media is a total disgrace. Learn to read the between the lines a bit for God's sake
They still know nothing except basic taxes......wife is in the business. I bet half wont be able to grasp enough to do anything but harass people

And why only waitresses and waiters? I never been there, but I understand you tip everybody in NYC. You tip the cab drivers, you tip the doormen, you tip the garbage man, you tip the parking lot attendant.

These commies won't go after their own kind. Find some poor soul trying to earn extra money to help make payments on her car in Missouri somewhere.
of course this is garbage right wing propaganda so it is nothing like what you think it is. It is a voluntary program that is no different from what they've been trying to do forever. Your media is a total disgrace. Learn to read the between the lines a bit for God's sake
Just the facts dumbass
And why only waitresses and waiters? I never been there, but I understand you tip everybody in NYC. You tip the cab drivers, you tip the doormen, you tip the garbage man, you tip the parking lot attendant.

These commies won't go after their own kind. Find some poor soul trying to earn extra money to help make payments on her car in Missouri somewhere.
The way AOC is money grubbing ya know she didnt report all hers
So here's my gripe. The Fair Labor Standards Act separates tipped employees from non-tipped employees. They have SEPARATE minimum wages. Tipped employees have a MW of $2.13/hr and non-tipped employees have a MW of $7.25/hr. But what is happening these days is that NON-TIPPED people are begging for tips - most conspicuously, "baristas" and the like. And nobody monitors those tips.

Tipped employees are supposed to have their tips monitored, because if the tips do not bring them up to $7.25, then the employer is supposed to supplement the tips to bring them up to $7.25. Many employers cheat on this, and see to it that under no circumstances will they have to dip into their figurative pocket to supplement the wages of tipped employees.

But why are we tipping "non-tipped" employees? I can understand if they do an outstanding job, but if they are just doing the job they are paid for...WTF?

And with general inflation in the public service sectors, the tips that "non-tipped" employees "demand" bring the overall cost of, for example, dining out, to a level that is becoming painful. In fact, I'm dining out less now...$40 for breakfast for my wife and I is a little much. I'll make my own fucking bacon and eggs.
So here's my gripe. The Fair Labor Standards Act separates tipped employees from non-tipped employees. They have SEPARATE minimum wages. Tipped employees have a MW of $2.13/hr and non-tipped employees have a MW of $7.25/hr. But what is happening these days is that NON-TIPPED people are begging for tips - most conspicuously, "baristas" and the like. And nobody monitors those tips.

Tipped employees are supposed to have their tips monitored, because if the tips do not bring them up to $7.25, then the employer is supposed to supplement the tips to bring them up to $7.25. Many employers cheat on this, and see to it that under no circumstances will they have to dip into their figurative pocket to supplement the wages of tipped employees.

But why are we tipping "non-tipped" employees? I can understand if they do an outstanding job, but if they are just doing the job they are paid for...WTF?

And with general inflation in the public service sectors, the tips that "non-tipped" employees "demand" bring the overall cost of, for example, dining out, to a level that is becoming painful. In fact, I'm dining out less now...$40 for breakfast for my wife and I is a little much. I'll make my own fucking bacon and eggs.

I'll make my own fucking bacon and eggs.
don't expect to be tipped then,,,,,,~S~
So much for "millionaires and billionaires"'s the people making $3.10 an hour that need the IRS breathing down their necks...

The Culinary Union here in Vegas always votes straight Democratic!
I hope the IRS puts them on a rack!! :muahaha:
I have three friends I know well enough to know that make right at 100k bar tending. If I have to pay taxes, so should everyone else
I have three friends I know well enough to know that make right at 100k bar tending. If I have to pay taxes, so should everyone else

What they make AFTER the bar closes in their "special outfits" doesn't count.

I know bartenders who bust their ass and are great at what they do and barely make enough to pay rent. 1100 a month for a 1 bedroom apartment in BFE.
What they make AFTER the bar closes in their "special outfits" doesn't count.

I know bartenders who bust their ass and are great at what they do and barely make enough to pay rent. 1100 a month for a 1 bedroom apartment in BFE.
Actually the ones in special outfits should have to pay their taxes too. You are correct, most are not that well off.
My mother was a waitress at Denny's when this first started in the 80's. She only worked part-time. The law was tips must be claimed whether the waitress made tips or not, and you wouldn't believe how many waitresses don't get tipped or tipped very little.

The manager decided the only fair way to do it was all waitresses turn in their tips and be divided evenly. That drew outrage from the good experienced waitresses that usually made the most tips. The busboys were not happy either as waitresses often tip the busboys doing their tables. It was a complete mess.

Finally their tax guy told my mother that after all is said and done, she would be better off quitting the job because those claimed tips with my fathers income was breaking even and she was basically working for free. She liked the job but what was the sense?

Now they are only going to make it worse. Service jobs are the most unfilled in our country and now they want to chase more workers out of it. Thanks Democrats for supporting American workers.
Other horse shot story from the biggest liar on the board
Tips means to To Insure Prompt Service. Cash handed to a service worker is more like a gift than an income. Taxes should only be applied to earned income.
Bullshit. Employers generally pay wait staff only enough to cover taxes.. claiming that the public is paying their wages through tips

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