Biden is coming for trump

Hopefully for Democrats Biden's dementia doesn't fully kick in before November.

Do you remember why McCain really lost? It was a turkey shoot if he could make it past the first 4 years so his VP was extremely important. I would have voted for him had he a decent VP instead of Bat Shit Crazy.

McCain lost because he ran a piss poor campaign. Remember he suspended his campaign to come back to Washington to "work" on the house crisis wile Obama was campaigning door to door. Not to mention the Dems were able to blame the housing crises on Bush, even though they were the main cause of it.

I also voted for Bush Jr. twice due to the losers that the Dems presented. I don't doubt you won't believe the reason some of didn't vote for McCain. You honestly believe that his VP pick had more than 2 brain cells.
The only people talking down to blacks are republicans.
Barry continues to treat Joe like he has Corona Virus. Biden's videotaped confession of extorting the former Ukraine PM and claiming Barry new about it - confirmed by Nadler during Impeachment...Barry wants nothing to do with Joe...
That videotape was not what you say. Just watch what happens to trump once the nominee is named.
Biden gave a videotaped confession of extorting the previous Ukraine PM, BRAGGED about it, gloated about Obama knowing....

Joe is a punkass Extortionist...Barry's whole administration members were criminals, liars. Perjurors, FISA Court members, spies, etc...
Joe tip toed through the debates while the other Democrats tore Bloomberg apart. Now that he is a front runner, the spotlight turns back on him and the corruption he and Hunter engaged in with Ukraine and China. Obama thought he was off the hook until yesterday.
You nitwits keep playing your corruption card like you did with Hillary,,,while the most corrupt pos ever to enter our WH is ALL YOURS
The end of trump is near.

Super Tuesday tally: Biden wins 4 states, Sanders takes 2

When you are so scared of an opponent that you have to break the law and get impeached, it's time to think about what you are going to do when your presidency is over. Biden is coming and he is going to whip trumps ass. Along with Biden will come two hydrogen bombs named Obama and they are going to be fired up to blast trump into oblivion. The time is coming to an end for trump. Live it up while you can trump lovers...
You can tell all the trumpscum who found your post funny that Donald is so afraid of Biden that he told his trumpscum to vote for Bernie in states with open primaries.

just saying
You claim to be a progressive. Yet, you support Biden over Bernie. Makes no sense, but fits perfectly into the demands of the establishment.

I am a moderate. In an earlier time, I would be (and I was) a registered Republican. Today, I am unaffiliated or an Indie because the Party of the Rump doesn't represent my ideals. I will tell you right now, yesterday, my vote for Biden was cast but the majority in the state chose Bernie. I hope the convention fixes that oversight.

You claim to be a progressive. Yet, you support Biden over Bernie. Makes no sense, but fits perfectly into the demands of the establishment.
They are both Commie Bastards so....

Geeze, Bernie is coming for Biden, then Biden is coming for Bernie, and then there was...…..DOOMBERG was coming for both of them; and each and every time, the Left was singing how they were...….each and every one of them…...going to beat Trump.

Hell, they can't even beat each other 1/2 the time!

The only thing we actually pretty certain of is---------->Trump is going to be the GOP nominee.

Besides that, the Leftists would be smart to quit singing the praises of this one, that one, or the other; or they are going to be spending their time writing a new song each, and every, day-)

It's something you aren't familiar with. It's called Democracy. Of course Biden and Bernie are gunning for each other. That's how the game is supposed to be played. And after July, one or the other will be gunning for Rump with the support from the other. Yes, it's the Democratic Process in action. Not like what you endorse with almost every state canceling the Republican State Conventions. Even Texas couldn't stop it by closing down many (over 200) polling places and trying to shorten others. Even with up to 5 hours waiting, democrats and indies still voted. You Party of the Rumpsters can't even win by cheating this time around.

You know...…… expect the OTHER side to screw you, not your own side.

The Bernie Bro's are going to make things very bad on the DNC.

If Trump would have done this, they would have tried to impeach him, lol. Let's see what Bernards followers do to the DNC!

You sure do like to read what you type. Maybe you should try and read it before you post it. Sorry, but the malarky of the Party of the Rumpsters holds no water when we are discussing the real 2 party system designed by our Fore Fathers.

Hey, all I know is your side is going to have to deal with the full force of the Bro's, not us. Wish you luck-)

See how Donna Brazille reacted yesterday? She knows it too, lol! And I am 100% positive, she knows a hell of a lot more than you do-)
I am a moderate. In an earlier time, I would be (and I was) a registered Republican. Today, I am unaffiliated or an Indie because the Party of the Rump doesn't represent my ideals. I will tell you right now, yesterday, my vote for Biden was cast but the majority in the state chose Bernie. I hope the convention fixes that oversight.

They are both Commie Bastards so....

Geeze, Bernie is coming for Biden, then Biden is coming for Bernie, and then there was...…..DOOMBERG was coming for both of them; and each and every time, the Left was singing how they were...….each and every one of them…...going to beat Trump.

Hell, they can't even beat each other 1/2 the time!

The only thing we actually pretty certain of is---------->Trump is going to be the GOP nominee.

Besides that, the Leftists would be smart to quit singing the praises of this one, that one, or the other; or they are going to be spending their time writing a new song each, and every, day-)

It's something you aren't familiar with. It's called Democracy. Of course Biden and Bernie are gunning for each other. That's how the game is supposed to be played. And after July, one or the other will be gunning for Rump with the support from the other. Yes, it's the Democratic Process in action. Not like what you endorse with almost every state canceling the Republican State Conventions. Even Texas couldn't stop it by closing down many (over 200) polling places and trying to shorten others. Even with up to 5 hours waiting, democrats and indies still voted. You Party of the Rumpsters can't even win by cheating this time around.

You know...…… expect the OTHER side to screw you, not your own side.

The Bernie Bro's are going to make things very bad on the DNC.

If Trump would have done this, they would have tried to impeach him, lol. Let's see what Bernards followers do to the DNC!

You sure do like to read what you type. Maybe you should try and read it before you post it. Sorry, but the malarky of the Party of the Rumpsters holds no water when we are discussing the real 2 party system designed by our Fore Fathers.

Hey, all I know is your side is going to have to deal with the full force of the Bro's, not us. Wish you luck-)

I am more worried about you party of the rumpsters when the bad news comes. No matter what you say this ain't LA and this Rump ain't OJ Simpson.
Geeze, Bernie is coming for Biden, then Biden is coming for Bernie, and then there was...…..DOOMBERG was coming for both of them; and each and every time, the Left was singing how they were...….each and every one of them…...going to beat Trump.

Hell, they can't even beat each other 1/2 the time!

The only thing we actually pretty certain of is---------->Trump is going to be the GOP nominee.

Besides that, the Leftists would be smart to quit singing the praises of this one, that one, or the other; or they are going to be spending their time writing a new song each, and every, day-)

It's something you aren't familiar with. It's called Democracy. Of course Biden and Bernie are gunning for each other. That's how the game is supposed to be played. And after July, one or the other will be gunning for Rump with the support from the other. Yes, it's the Democratic Process in action. Not like what you endorse with almost every state canceling the Republican State Conventions. Even Texas couldn't stop it by closing down many (over 200) polling places and trying to shorten others. Even with up to 5 hours waiting, democrats and indies still voted. You Party of the Rumpsters can't even win by cheating this time around.

You know...…… expect the OTHER side to screw you, not your own side.

The Bernie Bro's are going to make things very bad on the DNC.

If Trump would have done this, they would have tried to impeach him, lol. Let's see what Bernards followers do to the DNC!

You sure do like to read what you type. Maybe you should try and read it before you post it. Sorry, but the malarky of the Party of the Rumpsters holds no water when we are discussing the real 2 party system designed by our Fore Fathers.

Hey, all I know is your side is going to have to deal with the full force of the Bro's, not us. Wish you luck-)

I am more worried about you party of the rumpsters when the bad news comes. No matter what you say this ain't LA and this Rump ain't OJ Simpson.

Nope, and the United States isn't California and New York alone, so what is your point-)
Its sort of interesting how Biden, from the Slave State of Delaware seems to be sweeping through the Confederacy.

Now that's funny? Could it be the great great grand kids of some group of people that put him over the top? Perhaps they can sweep the State Governments in the fall! Hey then they can put up some monuments to the, cough, 'Confederacy' of their own!
Hopefully for Democrats Biden's dementia doesn't fully kick in before November.

Do you remember why McCain really lost? It was a turkey shoot if he could make it past the first 4 years so his VP was extremely important. I would have voted for him had he a decent VP instead of Bat Shit Crazy.

McCain lost because he ran a piss poor campaign. Remember he suspended his campaign to come back to Washington to "work" on the house crisis wile Obama was campaigning door to door. Not to mention the Dems were able to blame the housing crises on Bush, even though they were the main cause of it.

I also voted for Bush Jr. twice due to the losers that the Dems presented. I don't doubt you won't believe the reason some of didn't vote for McCain. You honestly believe that his VP pick had more than 2 brain cells.
McCain had the right idea for a VP, more than 2 brain cells, yep, for sure.....mmmmmm
Hopefully for Democrats Biden's dementia doesn't fully kick in before November.

Do you remember why McCain really lost? It was a turkey shoot if he could make it past the first 4 years so his VP was extremely important. I would have voted for him had he a decent VP instead of Bat Shit Crazy.

McCain lost because he ran a piss poor campaign. Remember he suspended his campaign to come back to Washington to "work" on the house crisis wile Obama was campaigning door to door. Not to mention the Dems were able to blame the housing crises on Bush, even though they were the main cause of it.

I also voted for Bush Jr. twice due to the losers that the Dems presented. I don't doubt you won't believe the reason some of didn't vote for McCain. You honestly believe that his VP pick had more than 2 brain cells.

There are many reason why he lost. I merely added a few more. Although I was fine with Palin and still voted for McCain.
It's something you aren't familiar with. It's called Democracy. Of course Biden and Bernie are gunning for each other. That's how the game is supposed to be played. And after July, one or the other will be gunning for Rump with the support from the other. Yes, it's the Democratic Process in action. Not like what you endorse with almost every state canceling the Republican State Conventions. Even Texas couldn't stop it by closing down many (over 200) polling places and trying to shorten others. Even with up to 5 hours waiting, democrats and indies still voted. You Party of the Rumpsters can't even win by cheating this time around.

You know...…… expect the OTHER side to screw you, not your own side.

The Bernie Bro's are going to make things very bad on the DNC.

If Trump would have done this, they would have tried to impeach him, lol. Let's see what Bernards followers do to the DNC!

You sure do like to read what you type. Maybe you should try and read it before you post it. Sorry, but the malarky of the Party of the Rumpsters holds no water when we are discussing the real 2 party system designed by our Fore Fathers.

Hey, all I know is your side is going to have to deal with the full force of the Bro's, not us. Wish you luck-)

I am more worried about you party of the rumpsters when the bad news comes. No matter what you say this ain't LA and this Rump ain't OJ Simpson.

Nope, and the United States isn't California and New York alone, so what is your point-)

The point is, no matter how insane you may be, we aren't afraid of you and will vote anyway. In droves.
Hopefully for Democrats Biden's dementia doesn't fully kick in before November.

Do you remember why McCain really lost? It was a turkey shoot if he could make it past the first 4 years so his VP was extremely important. I would have voted for him had he a decent VP instead of Bat Shit Crazy.

McCain lost because he ran a piss poor campaign. Remember he suspended his campaign to come back to Washington to "work" on the house crisis wile Obama was campaigning door to door. Not to mention the Dems were able to blame the housing crises on Bush, even though they were the main cause of it.

I also voted for Bush Jr. twice due to the losers that the Dems presented. I don't doubt you won't believe the reason some of didn't vote for McCain. You honestly believe that his VP pick had more than 2 brain cells.
McCain had the right idea for a VP, more than 2 brain cells, yep, for sure.....mmmmmm
View attachment 310253

Those aren't brain cells, those are breasts and I will admit she does have a stop me.....
You know...…… expect the OTHER side to screw you, not your own side.

The Bernie Bro's are going to make things very bad on the DNC.

If Trump would have done this, they would have tried to impeach him, lol. Let's see what Bernards followers do to the DNC!

You sure do like to read what you type. Maybe you should try and read it before you post it. Sorry, but the malarky of the Party of the Rumpsters holds no water when we are discussing the real 2 party system designed by our Fore Fathers.

Hey, all I know is your side is going to have to deal with the full force of the Bro's, not us. Wish you luck-)

I am more worried about you party of the rumpsters when the bad news comes. No matter what you say this ain't LA and this Rump ain't OJ Simpson.

Nope, and the United States isn't California and New York alone, so what is your point-)

The point is, no matter how insane you may be, we aren't afraid of you and will vote anyway. In droves.

Who is trying to make you afraid? I didn't see any reports of people being turned away, did you?

Where are you getting this notion? You feeling ok?
Hopefully for Democrats Biden's dementia doesn't fully kick in before November.

Do you remember why McCain really lost? It was a turkey shoot if he could make it past the first 4 years so his VP was extremely important. I would have voted for him had he a decent VP instead of Bat Shit Crazy.

McCain lost because he ran a piss poor campaign. Remember he suspended his campaign to come back to Washington to "work" on the house crisis wile Obama was campaigning door to door. Not to mention the Dems were able to blame the housing crises on Bush, even though they were the main cause of it.

I also voted for Bush Jr. twice due to the losers that the Dems presented. I don't doubt you won't believe the reason some of didn't vote for McCain. You honestly believe that his VP pick had more than 2 brain cells.

There are many reason why he lost. I merely added a few more. Although I was fine with Palin and still voted for McCain.

Isn't Democracy a wonderful thing...... Of course, the skit that SNL did of one of the debates danged sure didn't help.
Barry continues to treat Joe like he has Corona Virus. Biden's videotaped confession of extorting the former Ukraine PM and claiming Barry new about it - confirmed by Nadler during Impeachment...Barry wants nothing to do with Joe...

Obama isn't officially backing any candidate. But he will throw his considerable support behind whomever win the convention. So you keep telling yourself anything that makes you feel secure but the party of the rump is anything but secure with only 36% of the voting public backing it. There aren't more of you than us. You are just LOUD@@

You are so wrong. The vast majority of the US is more Conservative. The loud mouths have always been the leftists. Poverty stricken inner cities are the base for the Democratic Party.

You should be aware that the Liberals are actually a minority in the Dem party. The majority is made up of moderates and conservatives.

The liberals have been running the Democratic Party for years and it is even more pronounced now. Democratic politicians have secretly supported far-left policies for decades but they have had to sugar coat it to get some "normal" people to vote for them. Slowly but surely they are getting what they want, which is a hard move to the left.
Trump's neurological problems are becoming more and more obvious. He goes from not being able to keep his eyes open, slurring words, and falling asleep on his feet to going full speed like a meth head and showing uncontrolled shoulder twitches.
You sure do like to read what you type. Maybe you should try and read it before you post it. Sorry, but the malarky of the Party of the Rumpsters holds no water when we are discussing the real 2 party system designed by our Fore Fathers.

Hey, all I know is your side is going to have to deal with the full force of the Bro's, not us. Wish you luck-)

I am more worried about you party of the rumpsters when the bad news comes. No matter what you say this ain't LA and this Rump ain't OJ Simpson.

Nope, and the United States isn't California and New York alone, so what is your point-)

The point is, no matter how insane you may be, we aren't afraid of you and will vote anyway. In droves.

Who is trying to make you afraid? I didn't see any reports of people being turned away, did you?

Where are you getting this notion? You feeling ok?

I can't wait to see the new "Mobile Voting Booths" in Texas come November. You are going to have to be fast, real fast to vote in certain precincts.

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