Biden isn't the reason inflation is sky high.

Then we both agree that the inflation we are seeing is not all due to "too much money chasing too few products".

But no, I do not hits out of the kindness of their hearts, I expect them to do exactly what we are seeing them do, pump up prices until the people stop buying the product, then drop it a dime and keep it there.

But it is sort of hard to blame that on the Govt so if anyone that brings it up is accused of not understanding economics
I blame the pandemic as well as the economic damage caused by shutdowns in response to it. The cause of current economic turbulence seems obvious to me.
Its all Biden problems , as the republican's say. Never mind that the CEO and the supply chain are causing the problem.
That’s funny coming from you. You think old Joe holds no responsibility for inflation. It’s always Ds are blameless in your world.

Partisans. Ugh!
I mean it is true. Biden really has nothing to do with it. It goes to one company called Blackrock that even control governments. The American president is NOT free to do what he wants.
The jig is up – corporate earnings calls are revealing the hidden culprit behind the rising prices facing Americans: big corporations are raking in more cash than eversqueezing working families and jacking up inflation with their price gouging and profiteering.
of the CEOs are raising prices along with the supply chain,
The Canadian Convoy is not helping matters either.

The Nazis and their Hamas allies are panicking.

Yeah, the terrorist sponsoring democrats are getting obliterated in November.


Remember what they did to you. Remember that loved one's died alone because democrats wouldn't let you spend the last moments with them.

Remember that you couldn't get a hamburger because the democrats closed everything down - while the rulers dined in luxury at the French Laundry.

Remember that you lost your job and income due to the democrat lockdowns, but they rewarded their corrupt cronies in the Teachers Unions with 3 years of pay for NOT teaching your children.

Make the fuckers pay.

November is just the beginning.

Make the fuckers pay.
The jig is up – corporate earnings calls are revealing the hidden culprit behind the rising prices facing Americans: big corporations are raking in more cash than eversqueezing working families and jacking up inflation with their price gouging and profiteering.
of the CEOs are raising prices along with the supply chain,
The Canadian Convoy is not helping matters either.
Biden wants to take credit for the growth and with that goes inflation. Pelosi is highly biased and dishonest so to read her rubbish and excuses are a waste of time. She always has excuses to blame others for her problems, this is just another excuse.
The Nazis and their Hamas allies are panicking.

Yeah, the terrorist sponsoring democrats are getting obliterated in November.


Remember what they did to you. Remember that loved one's died alone because democrats wouldn't let you spend the last moments with them.

Remember that you couldn't get a hamburger because the democrats closed everything down - while the rulers dined in luxury at the French Laundry.

Remember that you lost your job and income due to the democrat lockdowns, but they rewarded their corrupt cronies in the Teachers Unions with 3 years of pay for NOT teaching your children.

Make the fuckers pay.

November is just the beginning.

Make the fuckers pay.

:cheers2: :cheers2:
If inflation was at a record low that also wouldn't be because of Biden but he would take credit for it. All Presidents get more credit than they deserve when things are going good and more blame than they deserve when things are going bad it comes with the job.
The Nazis and their Hamas allies are panicking.

Yeah, the terrorist sponsoring democrats are getting obliterated in November.


Remember what they did to you. Remember that loved one's died alone because democrats wouldn't let you spend the last moments with them.

Remember that you couldn't get a hamburger because the democrats closed everything down - while the rulers dined in luxury at the French Laundry.

Remember that you lost your job and income due to the democrat lockdowns, but they rewarded their corrupt cronies in the Teachers Unions with 3 years of pay for NOT teaching your children.

Make the fuckers pay.

November is just the beginning.

Make the fuckers pay.
Why would you make entities pay for people to dumb to see scams? Sure these entities dumbed the people down and injected their kids with poisons to make them dumber.But don't you see even with all their scams. WE are still smarter then them.:)
A pound of beef is still a pound of beef, a barrel of oil is still a barrel of oil, a bushel of corn is still a bushel of corn, an ounce of gold is still an ounce of gold, none of these have changed. What has changed is the value of the currency used to purchase these items. When there has been extensive money printing it's value is not fixed, it is reduced, and more of it is required to purchase those things which has not seen change. Of course the bottom line in those companies has increased, they are taking in more of this devalued currency just to stay even.
It's a multi level problem. Biden deserves a share but there is plenty of blame to go around. (including what is noted here)

We're going to make you pay.

Bank on it.

Everyone who had a mother, father, grand parent, child, or sibling die alone because of your lockdowns is going to remember - because we will remind them.

Everyone who lost their job, their home, their dignity because of your lockdowns is going to remember - because we will remind them of what you did.

You're going to pay - and well beyond November.

This is not the time for healing - fuck Mitt - this is the time for REVENGE.
The jig is up – corporate earnings calls are revealing the hidden culprit behind the rising prices facing Americans: big corporations are raking in more cash than eversqueezing working families and jacking up inflation with their price gouging and profiteering.
of the CEOs are raising prices along with the supply chain,
The Canadian Convoy is not helping matters either.

Source: Nanthy Pewothi's own government web site.

Can you think of any reason why one of the top leaders of the Democrapic party, one with a particularly-well-established reputation, even for a Democrap, of deep corruption and dishonesty, might lie about the role of her own party's policies in creating the disaster that has very obviously resulted from these policies?
Sure...The vote was rigged but without Biden in there.. Many people would have not seen how evil our governments really are.

Fattest Profits Since 1950 Debunk Wage-Inflation Story of CEOs​

  • Companies post higher margins as pressure for pay hikes grows
  • Deere earnings hit record; workers held out to get 10% raise

we have to support the CEO's.

Nazi Democrats: We wiped out 30 million jobs, think voters will notice? I know, let's attack corporations, that always works!
We're going to make you pay.

Bank on it.

Everyone who had a mother, father, grand parent, child, or sibling die alone because of your lockdowns is going to remember - because we will remind them.

Everyone who lost their job, their home, their dignity because of your lockdowns is going to remember - because we will remind them of what you did.

You're going to pay - and well beyond November.

This is not the time for healing - fuck Mitt - this is the time for REVENGE.

Agreed. The Democrat Party has gone full Marxist and must be literally destroyed in 2022 and 2024. They as well as those Quisling RINO Republicans who allowed them to get away with this shit.

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