Biden isn't the reason inflation is sky high.

The jig is up – corporate earnings calls are revealing the hidden culprit behind the rising prices facing Americans: big corporations are raking in more cash than eversqueezing working families and jacking up inflation with their price gouging and profiteering.
of the CEOs are raising prices along with the supply chain,
The Canadian Convoy is not helping matters either.
of course it's not Joe Xiden himself, it's the policies of all Demafascist.

the xiden inflation started well before the peaceful protest of the Canadian truckers...try again
So we can say they have become the bricklayers of government out of control. And the people finally see,

Fattest Profits Since 1950 Debunk Wage-Inflation Story of CEOs​

  • Companies post higher margins as pressure for pay hikes grows
  • Deere earnings hit record; workers held out to get 10% raise

we have to support the CEO's.
you absolutely cannot spend your way out of inflation. well said, Senator

The truckers are not done, they will go down into America into Washington DC and tell you fk you. WE the people are coming for you dickface politicians. Better hold your breath all politicians in the USA. They are coming for you to if you don't stop..
It's become a silly, but very true cliché, that Democraps always put forth policies which anyone with two brain cells to rub together has to know will produce very bad results. When these policies are enacted and carried out, and when the obvious adverse results occur, the same Democraps will then try to blame the adverse consequences on those who opposed the polices and who correctly warned about what the results would be.

That is exactly what this thread is about. That is exactly what Penelope is doing, here.
The pussy little Jan 6 was nothing dummies. You havent seen anything yet. :D :D
The jig is up – corporate earnings calls are revealing the hidden culprit behind the rising prices facing Americans: big corporations are raking in more cash than eversqueezing working families and jacking up inflation with their price gouging and profiteering.
of the CEOs are raising prices along with the supply chain,
The Canadian Convoy is not helping matters either.
Geez, your link is a .gov site. Couldn't you find anything MORE biased than that? lol
The truckers will block all of DC where you can't get in or get out. What do you have to say of that CNN??
The jig is up – corporate earnings calls are revealing the hidden culprit behind the rising prices facing Americans: big corporations are raking in more cash than eversqueezing working families and jacking up inflation with their price gouging and profiteering.
of the CEOs are raising prices along with the supply chain,
The Canadian Convoy is not helping matters either.
Trump gas $1.58

Biden gas $3.54

Do the math you college educated moron

The Facist of the world want to double down well guess what we are going to double down 10 times that!@!
So, you do not think that companies take advantage of on going inflation and raise their prices even more to ensure maximum profits but exacerbating the problem in the process?
You would think the liberal owned company's would lower there's

Oh wait no liberal owned company's
So trolling traitor - you're convinced your Reich will pay no price for what you did? You're sure that no one will remember loved ones dying alone - because Xi's man will give more free money?

You just count on it Nazi.

You are so much fun!

Let me give you a little touch of reality...

My family is one of those that benefited greatly from COVID. I have been working form home for almost 2 years, saving 70 miles a day in driving. At the current gas prices that is one hell of a savings. My wife was getting $400 extra a pay period in hazard pay for working in the COIVD unit plus as much OT as she could handle. Even my 26 year old daughter got her 6 figure job in part because she was willing to travel around the country during the pandemic and many people were not. That opened the door for her and she ran with it.

Add to this the fact I could not care less when party controls congress and which party has the warm body sitting in the White House. My life will keep going on unchanged by those things. I have made sure to have a life that is not controlled by those in power, that is not impacted by those who win elections.

You on the other hand have your entire life built around one single party and you are only allowed to be happy when they are in power

As the saying goes SUCK TO BE YOU

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