Biden just announced the US is going to be supporting the pensions in Ukraine

/——-/ The “elected officials “ admit they don’t read the bills before voting on them. And the media sure isn’t telling us about the bills, so how the hell are we supposed to know about it?

They are all listed on the Congress webpages.

:banghead: Werent you on here just blaming the bill and spending on Congress and abdicating Biden from responsibility for it?

Not at all. Just pointing out that Biden was not alone responsible for it. It passed with a huge bipartisan vote.

Besides we are told all the time that the House holds the purse strings.
Bootstraps. Why should someone in Somia have to pay for Ohio's bills?

Big Time Fucking Lie, that is NOT what the article reads as, but you people need your lies. Hey here is question you. What numb nuts, Orange Faced, 5-Deferment Draft Dodging Fuck Wad Coward relaxed Rail Safety Standards for train cars carrying hazardous materials??? That would the Putin Pussy Himself The Traitor.
Not at all. Just pointing out that Biden was not alone responsible for it. It passed with a huge bipartisan vote.

Besides we are told all the time that the House holds the purse strings.
And Presidents are blamed for a rising deficit or take credit for a shrinking one all the time. Biden just did that in the latest SOTU so only seems reasonable that he owns what the money he asked to be sent to Ukraine is being used for.
And Presidents are blamed for a rising deficit or take credit for a shrinking one all the time

When there is a Dem president the Repubs blame them for rising the deficit and all spending and the Dems give them a free pass.

When there is a Repub president the Dems blame them for rising the deficit and all spending and the Repubs give them a free pass.

Biden just did that in the latest SOTU so only seems reasonable that he owns what the money he asked to be sent to Ukraine is being used for.

Whatever makes you happy.
When there is a Dem president the Repubs blame them for rising the deficit and all spending and the Dems give them a free pass.

When there is a Repub president the Dems blame them for rising the deficit and all spending and the Repubs give them a free pass.

Whatever makes you happy.
And they take credit for it when it goes down. Even if it goes down from an all time high like Biden just did last week. If you're going to take credit you're going to get the blame along with it. It's jus the way it is. We blame/credit Presidents for the price of gas for crying out loud.
They are all listed on the Congress webpages.

/——-/ Give me a freaking break. So, what was your reaction when you read the bill in detail?
I don’t blame just the Dims. I have said many times that the Republicans are feckless when it comes to spending.

But, the true divide (imho) is not between Democrat and Republican.

One of the true divides is between very different political philosophies. Liberalism vs Constitutional Conservatism.

The deeper divide is between politicians who adhere to our Constitution and those who do not.

If our politicians, who ALL take an oath to our Constitution, actually honored their own oaths, spending wouldn’t be so massive especially on “special” projects and tons of pork that aren’t part of the enumerated powers of the government.

But they don’t honor their oaths. And that’s true for most of our politicians regardless of their political party.
So, by virtue of the fact that the IMF will be granting loans to Ukraine, and given that the US is one of the contributing funders, yes, I suppose the US would be supporting Ukraine's civilian government funding, along with every other underwriter of the IMF... MEH... the Ukrainians could stand a break re: their finances.

Brave people, willing to fight - hard - for themselves and their sovereignty and independence - against tyrannical autocratic bully-regimes, deserve support.

And the Ukrainians - God bless 'em - have been re-writing the Book-of-Ball$, in a European context. So long as we're joined by others, I support the move.
I’m fighting against xiden who is a tyrant in my country attempting to overthrow my country! That’s my money and not Ukraine’s. You confirmed his take over by stealing Americans money and giving it illegally to a foreign country!!

And fk you
We blame/credit Presidents for the price of gas for crying out loud.

In a 100% partisan manner.

If there is a Repub in office then the Repubs give them full credit for the price going down and none for it going up. The Dems give them all the blame for it going up and none for it going down.

If there is a Dems in office then the Dems give them full credit for the price going down and none for it going up. The Repubs give them all the blame for it going up and none for it going down.

You can keep playing that game since it seems to make you happy.

I will not
/——-/ Give me a freaking break. So, what was your reaction when you read the bill in detail?

I did not read it. I do not waste my time as they are going to spend whatever they want to spend and people will keep voting them back in office at a greater than 90% clip.

If you voted for one side or the other of the duopoly you are responsible for this
That fucking asshole is bound and determined to ruin America.

Why doesn't he ever try and foster peace? All he does is want to spend billions and billions of dollars on Ukraine, pledge our allegiance to Ukraine, swear we will do whatever it takes as long as it takes, bad mouths Russia.

Not once has he ever tried to find a peaceful way out. It's just move after move of antagonizing Russia and time and time again of throwing America's money and resources to Ukraine.

I don't get a pension, why the hell should we be paying for pensions of a foriegn and corrupt country?
I want Ukraine to win against the Z-Orcs. I don't mind giving them some military aid but Potatohead is going way over board.
I’m fighting against xiden who is a tyrant in my country attempting to overthrow my country! That’s my money and not Ukraine’s. You confirmed his take over by stealing Americans money and giving it illegally to a foreign country!!

And fk you
Calm yourself, Princess...
The problem with most regulation is that it's always designed to cause more economic hardship.
There's nothing wrong with imposing safety standards.
One of the cars involved in that accident was throwing sparks for miles because they hadn't tested the brakes to see if they were locked up.
If they had removed that one car, the accident wouldn't have happened.
Not to mention the fact that the government had declared that the chemicals on that train wouldn't be declared toxic, even though they clearly are toxic. Nevermind the fact that they were transporting frozen food next to toxic substances.
Yes....a little regulation is okay....but the problem with the federal government isn't regulation but over-regulation.
No one can foresee the future. When you let industry police itself the catastrophic failures are the only way to see where the rules are too lax. After the fact punishment is the only recourse. This is the price we pay for capitalism.

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