Biden just announced the US is going to be supporting the pensions in Ukraine

Who is the "they" in they can line their pockets? Are you suggesting NATO countries are working with Putin to scam NATO countries and USA?

PLEASE explain what you meant by that comment???
NATO has been scamming America for decades. We need Trump back in there to put a stop to it and allocate the resources here at home to MAGA!
Seems like all our resident right wingers are really anxious for the government to come in and help the railroad pay for this.
The government is partly responsible for this.
They relaxed standards that could have possibly prevented this accident.
The Biden Adm tried to blame this on Trump, but if you remember....Biden refused to solve issues with the railroads before Christmas last year. He kicked the can down the road and the problems that existed led to this accident. He's been in office for over 2 he's joined at the hip of yet another disaster that resulted from his criminal negligence.
The government is partly responsible for this.
They relaxed standards that could have possibly prevented this accident.
The Biden Adm tried to blame this on Trump, but if you remember....Biden refused to solve issues with the railroads before Christmas last year. He kicked the can down the road and the problems that existed led to this accident. He's been in office for over 2 he's joined at the hip of yet another disaster that resulted from his criminal negligence.
People like you usually cheer deregulation. Is blaming this all on Biden worth abandoning one of the main complaints of American conservatives? You want more government regulation now? Make up your mind.
They're the "deplorables"....We know that the left holds them in total contempt.
Do you have a link to Biden saying this yesterday?

I know that he said it 297 days ago and then the money was approved by the Senate with a vote of 86 - 11 and the House with a vote of 368 - 57.
So, by virtue of the fact that the IMF will be granting loans to Ukraine, and given that the US is one of the contributing funders, yes, I suppose the US would be supporting Ukraine's civilian government funding, along with every other underwriter of the IMF... MEH... the Ukrainians could stand a break re: their finances.

Brave people, willing to fight - hard - for themselves and their sovereignty and independence - against tyrannical autocratic bully-regimes, deserve support.

And the Ukrainians - God bless 'em - have been re-writing the Book-of-Ball$, in a European context. So long as we're joined by others, I support the move.
America's war against Russia was considered to be a good investment right across the political spectrum, but it's become a matter to resent by many Americans now that it appears that nothing will be gained for the money.
People like you usually cheer deregulation. Is blaming this all on Biden worth abandoning one of the main complaints of American conservatives? You want more government regulation now? Make up your mind.
The problem with most regulation is that it's always designed to cause more economic hardship.
There's nothing wrong with imposing safety standards.
One of the cars involved in that accident was throwing sparks for miles because they hadn't tested the brakes to see if they were locked up.
If they had removed that one car, the accident wouldn't have happened.
Not to mention the fact that the government had declared that the chemicals on that train wouldn't be declared toxic, even though they clearly are toxic. Nevermind the fact that they were transporting frozen food next to toxic substances.
Yes....a little regulation is okay....but the problem with the federal government isn't regulation but over-regulation.
Biden proudly announced yesterday that WE will be paying for the Ukrainian people's pensions.

This reminds me of the time Obama took over GM & Chrysler and bailed out their pension funds.
This is socialism folks. The government doesn't give a darn about the voters or the taxpayers because everything is based on politics.

Apparently the only way the people of East Palestine are getting any help is if they move to Ukraine and became naturalized citizens.


Bootstraps. Why should someone in Somia have to pay for Ohio's bills?

Biden Says He'll Help Pay Ukraine's Pensions But Tells East Palestine You Get Nothing​

He doesn’t wish to offend the Jewish voters.

We must remember that Brandon is demented.
Where is Biden going to get this money?
Oh yeah, I forgot, tax the rich.
They were able to make sure that monies approved in the last Omnibus were "portable".

In other words moved from one agency to another. You will hardly even hear of it when it's transferred to the Ukes unless you get a whistleblower.

Remember the hue and cry when Trump tried that to fund a border wall and he was fought tooth and nail by both sides?

Congress (other than Rand Paul), Tater and his band of turds, need to festoon all the lampposts in DC for what they have done to the country and continue to do.
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You should have let your elected officials know this before htey voted on the bill almost 300 days ago, passing it with a Senate vote of 86 - 11 and a House with a vote of 368 - 57
/——-/ The “elected officials “ admit they don’t read the bills before voting on them. And the media sure isn’t telling us about the bills, so how the hell are we supposed to know about it?
They were able to make sure that monies approved in the last Omnibus were "portable".

In other words moved from one agency to another. You will hardly even hear of it when it's transferred to the Ukes unless you get a whistleblower.

Remember the hue and cry when Trump tried that to fund a border wall and he was fought tooth and nail by both sides?

Congress (other than Rand Paul) and Tater and his band of turds need to festoon all the lampposts in DC for what they have done to the country and continue to do.
Biden has been misappropriating funds all over the place.
He's got his hand in the cookie jar and he's been sending it to whatever purposes the commies in his administration feel they can get away with without getting noticed.

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