Biden just announced the US is going to be supporting the pensions in Ukraine

Guess what the most corrupt country in the world is?


Ukraine doesn't even make the top ten, tard.
OMG...what you're trying to say is when Obama put Biden on top of the corruption in Ukraine, Joe must have fixed it then.
Or took it all home and stashed in his garage behind his vet.
Yet you blamed it all on the Dems....and this quote from Biden is almost a year old, why did you not whine about it back then?
Matters not who supported or didn't, because it has to be signed by the Democrat president, and that be's Biden.

The majority of Americans don't support it, but who are they now ? Nobody's.

There is no hurt. I pay the taxes the law requires me to pay, after that I really just do not give a fuck.

You though seem very bothered by this, but you brought it on yourself with your votes for your beloved GOP.

So, in essence you are fucking yourself. Are you at least enjoying it?
Your logic is that of a leftist.. I wish you would finally admit it.
OMG...what you're trying to say is when Obama put Biden on top of the corruption in Ukraine, Joe must have fixed it then.
Or took it all home and stashed in his garage behind his vet.
Put it in his bank account.. lol
No, this just another kick back scheme to enrich our scum politicians.
Matters not who supported or didn't, because it has to be signed by the Democrat president, and that be's Biden.

The majority of Americans don't support it, but who are they now ? Nobody's.

The majority of Americans voted for the 454 people that voted yes for it so that Biden could sign it.

Perhaps they should be more careful who they vote for.

Your logic is that of a leftist.. I wish you would finally admit it.

To you anyone that does not have their head shoved up Trump's ass is a leftist.

Well if the US would have started the war then you might have a point, but no the US is only trying to help the Ukranian's defend themselves by trying to help give the Ukranian's and opportunity to equal the odds a little. It's up to the Ukranian's to win it or lose it.
For those weak-kneed cowards who are sweating themselves silly about Putin:

There are many good reasons for the West to support Ukraine's fight against imperialist Russia.

First, it's the right thing to do.

Second, the Ukraine is a major food source for the world. We cannot allow a mass murdering genocidal dictator to control the world's food supply.

Third, this enables the West to see the military capabilities, tactics, and logistics of Russia. This is an invaluable strategic opportunity. We are learning our greatest enemy's strengths and weaknesses at a very cheap price!

The more we hurt Putin, the less saber rattling he will do in the future. He is a paper tiger and now the whole world knows it.

1)Go fight for the Ukraine
2) Send your own damn money to fund their pensions.

You'll neither because you're a Prog Pussy.
The majority of Americans voted for the 454 people that voted yes for it so that Biden could sign it.

Perhaps they should be more careful who they vote for.

To you anyone that does not have their head shoved up Trump's ass is a leftist.
That's about as stupid as it gets, but I'm not surprised that you went there, because the leftist comes out like that in you. He live's in your head.. lol
Matters not who supported or didn't, because it has to be signed by the Democrat president, and that be's Biden.

For 4 years Trump was not resposnble for anything he signed, he had to do it because Congress passed it.

Now Congress gets a free pass and Biden is 100% responsible.

And this is why our country is in the shitter, tribalism is more important than the country to you people
For 4 years Trump was not resposnble for anything he signed, he had to do it because Congress passed it.

Now Congress gets a free pass and Biden is 100% responsible.

And this is why our country is in the shitter, tribalism is more important than the country to you people
You supporting Biden, leftist ??
but no the US is only trying to help the Ukranian's defend themselves by trying to help
It was never about Ukraine. It was a confrontation with Russia from the very beginning. The Ukrainians are cannon fodder for the United States.
How much of this aid we are giving to Ukraine will be funneled back to Biden and the Dems?

Ukraine is corrupt as fuck. That is where so many criminals wash their cash.

From Biden to Sam Bankman Fried.

You people realize we sent money to Ukraine…Ukraine put it in FTX….SAM BANKMAN FRIED GAVE IT TO THE DEMOCRATS.

If you do not think a FUCK TON of the aid we are sending Ukraine is not being stolen by those in power, you are literally a retard.

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