Biden Knew His Actions Would Cause a Border Crisis

Dont Taz Me Bro I hear you and know, we do not suffer their burden of the border states by any means. Crime is up everywhere. I am just not sure of a national crime connection to changes at the border, though am certain it does impact Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California. The rest of us, probably not so much. We are definitely not having an increase of crime by illegal aliens in Jackson, TN, just the usual homegrown thug class, getting out more after staying home more, due to Covid-19.

Did you know that national crime numbers go up when border state crime numbers go up because - stay with me here - WE'RE PART OF THE FUCKING NATION?!

No one's actually interested in hearing, "Fuck the border, because Tennesee's doing great, and I only care about what personally affects me".

This is a national problem for a number of reasons, but the first reason is because it was caused by a federal policy.
A supermajority of Americans blame him for the surge at the border and most believe it's causing an increase in crime and drug trafficking. This was done on purpose as the Democratic Party for decades has embraced illegal immigrants. They claim they don't support it, but it's a lie. They know that these people mostly result in future Democratic voters and they absolutely love the quagmire they are seeing right now, which is why few will speak out against it.

I'm all for anybody coming to this country and making a life for themselves. My mother is an immigrant. In fact, I believe our immigration requirements need to be far more liberal. The amount of red tape and bureaucracy surrounding our immigration process is why we have so much illegal border crossings in the first place. We need to make it easier for people to come here and obtain a work visa and that will enable us to have a freer and more controlled flow of immigration without the chaos, the trafficking, and the kids in cages. Congress continues to fail us in properly addressing this issue and for some reason we allow them to.

This is grounds for impeachment.
Dont Taz Me Bro I hear you and know, we do not suffer their burden of the border states by any means. Crime is up everywhere. I am just not sure of a national crime connection to changes at the border, though am certain it does impact Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California. The rest of us, probably not so much. We are definitely not having an increase of crime by illegal aliens in Jackson, TN, just the usual homegrown thug class, getting out more after staying home more, due to Covid-19.

Did you know that national crime numbers go up when border state crime numbers go up because - stay with me here - WE'RE PART OF THE FUCKING NATION?!

No one's actually interested in hearing, "Fuck the border, because Tennesee's doing great, and I only care about what personally affects me".

This is a national problem for a number of reasons, but the first reason is because it was caused by a federal policy.
It would probably better if everyone reacted more to what directly affects them personally than getting in a lather about the things that do not. Of course, we are part of one nation, but that does not give you or anyone else to soap box to rile to whole nation to your cause or support. I often think, many would like a closed, fenced border, protected by armed troops, but (in my opinion) that is not what this country is mainly about, nor should it be. Fences secure enough to keep people out can also be thought of as keeping people in and have been used that way, by governments in parts of the world that many of us despise.
It has been a problem, at least as far back as the Reagan Presidency, with kick the can being the way the political problem has been played for 2 generations or more. If you think I pay too little attention to your political border issue now, I assure you I was far more concerned back in the day, about the Czech border back then, because that is where the tank tread met the trail, so to speak, when armed and fully loaded tanks are gun tube to gun tube moving parallel along a tree lined or open border.
Fences secure enough to keep people out can also be thought of as keeping people in and have been used that way, by governments in parts of the world that many of us despise.

This is what worries you about a secure US border?
A supermajority of Americans blame him for the surge at the border and most believe it's causing an increase in crime and drug trafficking. This was done on purpose as the Democratic Party for decades has embraced illegal immigrants. They claim they don't support it, but it's a lie. They know that these people mostly result in future Democratic voters and they absolutely love the quagmire they are seeing right now, which is why few will speak out against it.

I'm all for anybody coming to this country and making a life for themselves. My mother is an immigrant. In fact, I believe our immigration requirements need to be far more liberal. The amount of red tape and bureaucracy surrounding our immigration process is why we have so much illegal border crossings in the first place. We need to make it easier for people to come here and obtain a work visa and that will enable us to have a freer and more controlled flow of immigration without the chaos, the trafficking, and the kids in cages. Congress continues to fail us in properly addressing this issue and for some reason we allow them to.

Let's just leave it at the fact we have a border crisis again. At this point with 330 million people, stretched food sources and flagging energy along with spiraling costs of debt and infrastructure, we really need to start looking at whether potential immigrants will be an asset to this country making us stronger or a further burden making us weaker. Too many immigrants today are not the robust immigrants of yesteryear coming here to start a business and work hard building America, not even willing to adopt our own American way of life.
Dont Taz Me Bro
They’re everywhere man
Here in Vegas - I feel like I am in Latin America.
I don’t think I am even on US soil
Now I am a fan of the Mexican people but that does not mean I want to live in Mexico
Biden is nothing but an empty vessel. He doesn't know what he is doing and, at this point, the Democrats are guilty of elder abuse.
Fences secure enough to keep people out can also be thought of as keeping people in and have been used that way, by governments in parts of the world that many of us despise.

This is what worries you about a secure US border?
Not really. I do not like spending money to solve a problem that will not be solved by spending the money. I do not like the duplicity of the Republicans and the Democrats as they use it to raise money, while both sides benefit monetarily on the issues, as the issues there are of more benefit to talk about, blame and raise money on, than they are to solve. Solving would take working together and would get somebody primaried if they tried it.
I do not like spending money to solve a problem that will not be solved by spending the money.

Stopping people from simply walking over the border isn't helpful?
Not that much, in my opinion. There is no 20 foot-tall fence, 2000 thousand miles long that could keep me out if I wanted to come in. It will keep back the sick, lame, lazy, but not anybody that wants to come across. Think of it like a minimal, fixed fortification. Patton said fixed fortifications are a testament to the stupidity of man that can be conquered by anybody, and he was right. He was talking about much more serious fortifications than a crumby 20 foot-tall, uncontrolled fence, that is easy pickings for anybody with a short length of rope and even an improvised grappling hook. I don't think the fence is worth the money and never have. I do not really care about the fence. I have not missed a meal, or vacation for lack of money, since they started building it and won't, so knock yourself out if you want one. Just don't look for somebody with my background to be a big supporter.
I do not like spending money to solve a problem that will not be solved by spending the money.

Stopping people from simply walking over the border isn't helpful?
Not that much, in my opinion. There is no 20 foot-tall fence, 2000 thousand miles long that could keep me out if I wanted to come in. It will keep back the sick, lame, lazy, but not anybody that wants to come across. Think of it like a minimal, fixed fortification. Patton said fixed fortifications are a testament to the stupidity of man that can be conquered by anybody, and he was right. He was talking about much more serious fortifications than a crumby 20 foot-tall, uncontrolled fence, that is easy pickings for anybody with a short length of rope and even an improvised grappling hook. I don't think the fence is worth the money and never have. I do not really care about the fence. I have not missed a meal, or vacation for lack of money, since they started building it and won't, so knock yourself out if you want one. Just don't look for somebody with my background to be a big supporter.

Not that much, in my opinion.

Not that much, but some?

There is no 20 foot-tall fence, 2000 thousand miles long that could keep me out if I wanted to come in.

But it would make it more difficult.

It will keep back the sick, lame, lazy,

You say that like it's a bad thing.

Patton said fixed fortifications are a testament to the stupidity of man that can be conquered by anybody, and he was right.

I agree, we should add mine fields and machine guns.
I do not like spending money to solve a problem that will not be solved by spending the money.

Stopping people from simply walking over the border isn't helpful?
Not that much, in my opinion. There is no 20 foot-tall fence, 2000 thousand miles long that could keep me out if I wanted to come in. It will keep back the sick, lame, lazy, but not anybody that wants to come across. Think of it like a minimal, fixed fortification. Patton said fixed fortifications are a testament to the stupidity of man that can be conquered by anybody, and he was right. He was talking about much more serious fortifications than a crumby 20 foot-tall, uncontrolled fence, that is easy pickings for anybody with a short length of rope and even an improvised grappling hook. I don't think the fence is worth the money and never have. I do not really care about the fence. I have not missed a meal, or vacation for lack of money, since they started building it and won't, so knock yourself out if you want one. Just don't look for somebody with my background to be a big supporter.

Not that much, in my opinion.

Not that much, but some?

There is no 20 foot-tall fence, 2000 thousand miles long that could keep me out if I wanted to come in.

But it would make it more difficult.

It will keep back the sick, lame, lazy,

You say that like it's a bad thing.

Patton said fixed fortifications are a testament to the stupidity of man that can be conquered by anybody, and he was right.

I agree, we should add mine fields and machine guns.
Some, but not enough to be worth the money or the forcing of landowners to sell Uncle Sam the land to do it.
Not enough more difficult to matter. I am 67, and it would present me no problem. It is mostly young people come over.
The sick, lame and unprepared are dying in the desert coming over every summer, already, not that I care.
Yeah, baby! Now your talking! Maybe a second small 10 ft fence enclosing a 50-meter wide, FASCAM (Family of Scatterable Mines) minefield. Weapons "hot" mounted drone surveillance for the entire run of however many sections deemed necessary and overlapping Ground Surveillance Radar from the inside fence. That would represent a significant discouragement to your average, "go for a walk to the new world" illegal immigrant masses. Even with my skill set, I would have to think long and hard before attempting. With a setup like that, you could use much cheaper and far more cost-effective (well-marked with warning signs in 2 languages) fencing with the lethality of the "no-mans" land in between. The fences would just keep out anybody that wasn't set to challenge the automatically lethal defense in depth approach to the problem, handling all but the organized crime drug smuggling cartels and even requiring them to use much more expensive, trained and equipped personnel to defeat the obstacle.
I have not to say, though, there is no way in hell you could ever sell the idea to the lily-livered bureaucrats and their bleeding heart supporters.
Dont Taz Me Bro I hear you and know, we do not suffer their burden of the border states by any means. Crime is up everywhere. I am just not sure of a national crime connection to changes at the border, though am certain it does impact Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California. The rest of us, probably not so much. We are definitely not having an increase of crime by illegal aliens in Jackson, TN, just the usual homegrown thug class, getting out more after staying home more, due to Covid-19.

Did you know that national crime numbers go up when border state crime numbers go up because - stay with me here - WE'RE PART OF THE FUCKING NATION?!

No one's actually interested in hearing, "Fuck the border, because Tennesee's doing great, and I only care about what personally affects me".

This is a national problem for a number of reasons, but the first reason is because it was caused by a federal policy.
It would probably better if everyone reacted more to what directly affects them personally than getting in a lather about the things that do not. Of course, we are part of one nation, but that does not give you or anyone else to soap box to rile to whole nation to your cause or support. I often think, many would like a closed, fenced border, protected by armed troops, but (in my opinion) that is not what this country is mainly about, nor should it be. Fences secure enough to keep people out can also be thought of as keeping people in and have been used that way, by governments in parts of the world that many of us despise.
It has been a problem, at least as far back as the Reagan Presidency, with kick the can being the way the political problem has been played for 2 generations or more. If you think I pay too little attention to your political border issue now, I assure you I was far more concerned back in the day, about the Czech border back then, because that is where the tank tread met the trail, so to speak, when armed and fully loaded tanks are gun tube to gun tube moving parallel along a tree lined or open border.

What a brilliant idea. "My decisions on national policy are only about what happens in my part of the country, and fuck everyone else."

For the record, I didn't bother reading past your first ignorant sentence, because it was dumb enough to forfeit the privilege of having me pay any more attention to you than that.
I do not like spending money to solve a problem that will not be solved by spending the money.

Stopping people from simply walking over the border isn't helpful?

Not to him, because he's not in the states they're walking into, therefore he thinks the rest of the nation has no obligation to enforce federal laws in those areas.

I'm betting he thinks those of us on the border should have to contribute tax money to his concerns wherever he is, though.
I'm not sure Joe Dufus ever "knew" anything. That presupposed that he had a coherent thought and I am not sure that is possible.

He is a dumb mutherfvcker. His Chinese buddies helped him steal the election so they would have their man in the White House but the truth is that he is dumber than door knob.
Its amazing to watch Biden and his cronies rant about un vaccinated people when they are allowing thousands of unvaccinated people to enter the nation...Dems must be very stupid people....
Like I said, me too. Because if she becomes president, she's gonna be a significant, whiney disaster.

I think Joe will be healthy through his term, just fine

You must have a really low bar.

She is getting a lot of OJT,

Mostly in cackling.
Is is done cackling, all the brainwashed GOP base knows about her that is factual. Sexist twats lol.

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