Biden laughs while talking about mom who lost two sons to fentanyl.

We have open borders in this country. As opposed to closed borders like East Berlin had. What you want to pretend is that we have no border or border enforcement under democrats' administrations, which is contrary to known reality.
What we have in this country is a policy that Biden put in place that encourages jumpers to converge on our borders.
All they have to do is get here and they're granted blanket immunity.
I dont really care that MTG is alleged to have misspoke

Big deal

You obviously dont care that fentanyl from china via mexico is killing Americans every day

Again, what should Biden do to keep Fentanyl out?
Post the video of her saying that if it exists

You have a quote so there must be video to back it up

I have searched for it but have not seen it
It is obvious that quote is what President Biden was referring too, even in the tiny clip the OP offered.
Holyfuckingshit. :cuckoo:

You're beyond clueless. :cuckoo:

There's no video because she tweeted it, ya moron. Why do you talk about shit you know nothing about?

I showed you what she said...

"Listen to this mother, who lost two children to fentanyl poisoning, tell the truth about both of her son’s murders because of the Biden administrations refusal to secure our border and stop the Cartel’s from murdering Americans everyday by Chinese fentanyl."

Instead of just admitting she's a retard for saying that, you double down on stupid.
I’m not on Twitter

If you have a link then post it

But even if she misspoke biden is doing far, far worse
Again, what should Biden do to keep Fentanyl out?
Stop the migrant invasion from mexico

Apprehend everyone at the border and return them to mexico the same day

Build the wall

And instead of hiring 87,000 IRS agents add more border patrol instead

And thats just for starters
I’m not on Twitter

If you have a link then post it

But even if she misspoke biden is doing far, far worse

Fuck off, I don't fetch for idiots like you who have no clue what they're talking about.

Regardless, this thread is about MTF's moronic claim that Biden is responsible for the deaths of 2 guys who died while Trump was president. If you want to talk about something else, go start a thread about it.
Fuck off, I don't fetch for idiots like you who have no clue what they're talking about.

Regardless, this thread is about MTF's moronic claim that Biden is responsible for the deaths of 2 guys who died while Trump was president. If you want to talk about something else, go start a thread about it.
I understand why biden apologists want to focus on MTG instead of the old fool in the white house who is allowing so much deadly drugs into the country

The blinders you are wearing are perfectly understandable
So you're saying that Obama and Biden didn't support open borders or never called the wall immoral and racist?

No, and let me be clear, I'm saying President Biden didn't mock and laugh at that mother's pain of losing her two boys to the war on Americans who use non government approved recreational substances. That was a slanderous lie made up by the liars party, the RNC, in the original tweet the OP posted.
No, and let me be clear, I'm saying President Biden didn't mock and laugh at that mother's pain of losing her two boys to the war on Americans who use non government approved recreational substances. That was a slanderous lie made up by the liars party, the RNC, in the original tweet the OP posted.
Well he did chuckle. Seems Biden doesn't have much empathy, especially when it comes to white people or non-blacks.
And we all have to admit that if it weren't for Democrats we wouldn't have to worry about drug cartels flooding our borders with Chinese Fentanyl.
That's bullshit. The illicit use of fentanyl was first noticed in 2011. It did increase during Trump's presidency, but that was a period of time when states were decriminalizing marijuana. The Mexican government had also decriminalized pretty much all drugs as well, the the cartels started ramping up their production of fentanyl.

President Trump knew of the problem, and began construction of a border wall to stop the flow of drugs and illegals. Of course, you idiots blocked him every step of the way with lawsuits and legislators constantly trying to halt the funding of the wall.
Lord give me strength...

Want someone/something to blame?

Blame Nelson Rockefeller and Richard Nixon and their War on Drugs

Blame them for the fentanyl and the violence in the streets.

1960s heroine was a problem...for old people.
It wasn't generally used by young people and young addicts were rare.
Then came the War On Drugs which happened to exclude kids under 18 from the draconian punishments
Drug related deaths at the time were relatively rare
But the big dealers being smart recognized they could use kids as street level dealers with little risk
But who do kids know?
That's right, other kids. So the customers and dealers went from people in their 30s and 40s to kids in high school and below.
But these young dealers didn't understand or care about respecting locations and customers and the bodies started dropping.
Violence which was rare in the drug trade became to go to reaction to any perceived threat or disrespect.
In the 2000s there was a big heroin upswing that coincided with the US war inn Afghanistan.
So the DEA cracked down, local LE cracked down and the supply dried up.
As dealers and fiends always do, they found an alternative. Fentanyl.
A drug generally used for surgery.
Unfortunately there is no safe level of this drug that can be used outside a surgical setting.
So the crackdown on heroin was extended to other opioids especially prescription opioids.
To the point where people living in extreme pain could not get prescribed medications.
And with little heroin to be had, sales of fentanyl increased along with deaths.

The point is, folks, when you do the same thing for 50 years and that thing has consistently produced failure, DO SOMETHING ELSE!

Fentanyl is not the drug of choice for any addict.
But what if heroin were decriminalized?
What if physicians could legitimately prescribe pain medications without fear of going to prison?
What if an addict could go to a doctor and pick up a heroin prescription and to a pharmacy to pick it up?

Yeah, sounds crazy. But maybe less crazy than doin what we're doing now.
I understand why biden apologists want to focus on MTG instead of the old fool in the white house who is allowing so much deadly drugs into the country

The blinders you are wearing are perfectly understandable

Again, this thread is about Biden laughing at MTG's massive ignorance. Again, if that's not what you want to discuss, post elsewhere.
Well he did chuckle. Seems Biden doesn't have much empathy, especially when it comes to white people or non-blacks.
And we all have to admit that if it weren't for Democrats we wouldn't have to worry about drug cartels flooding our borders with Chinese Fentanyl.

While he shouldn't have chuckled because he should have known rightards would misconstrue his chuckle, he still didn't chuckle at that poor woman's misfortunes.
Even in this, you have no idea what you're talking about. Most of the Fentanyl smuggled in across the southern border is smuggled in by U.S. citizens...

CATO is for open borders

So they are going to spin the issue in their favor

If we need more border agents at the legal checkpoints lets do that

How much would it help if biden hired 87,000 new border agents instead of IRS agents?

But no one knows how much fentanyl is smuggled across the deserts undetected

It could be considerable and will surely grow if we have better apprehension at the border checkpoints
Again, this thread is about Biden laughing at MTG's massive ignorance. Again, if that's not what you want to discuss, post elsewhere.
None of which would be necessary if biden were doing his job

The testimony of the mother was powerful and cant be erased by chuckling at MTG
CATO is for open borders

So they are going to spin the issue in their favor

If we need more border agents at the legal checkpoints lets do that

How much would it help if biden hired 87,000 new border agents instead of IRS agents?

But no one knows how much fentanyl is smuggled across the deserts undetected

It could be considerable and will surely grow if we have better apprehension at the border checkpoints

Oh? Your evidence CATO is for open borders is...?
None of which would be necessary if biden were doing his job

The testimony of the mother was powerful and cant be erased by chuckling at MTG

Nope, that poor woman's sons would still be dead even if Biden was able to keep Fentanyl out.
Well he did chuckle. Seems Biden doesn't have much empathy,
Well it's hard to get the proper context from any 14 sec clip. He obviously chuckled at the accusation that his policy was somehow to blame for deaths that occured prior to him taking office. \None of that was directed at the mother, whom Joe can obviously empathise with not only because he lost a son but also because he has a son with a substance abuse problem as well.

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