Biden laughs while talking about mom who lost two sons to fentanyl.

Biden was talking about MTG blaming him and calling him the murderer of that poor woman's sons, not the mother. It is a another Neo-GOP false narrative for stupid people.
See post #79

There is no quote of MTG blaming biden for the death of the two sons

Biden is desperate to blunt the grieving mom’s strong emotional testimony because he is guilty as charged

And he’s using MTG as his fig leaf
trump had nothing to do with xiden laughing at this mother

Since Biden didn't laugh at the mother, no one did. Still, MTG foolishly blamed the president for murdering that poor woman's tragic loss. Turns out, MTG unwittingly blamed Trump, not Biden, for their death as they died while Trump was president.
Since Biden didn't laugh at the mother, no one did. Still, MTG foolishly blamed the president for murdering that poor woman's tragic loss. Turns out, MTG unwittingly blamed Trump, not Biden, for their death as they died while Trump was president.
You are avoiding the real issue which is biden’s weak border policy

Trump was not allowed to do anything about smuggling

Biden does not want to do anything
Then he blamed Trump.

This Guy is simply amazing, Has no empathy, and there is nothing he won’t try to blame on Trump.

Somehow he thought he knew that the particular pills that killed those kids came into the US before he took office.
That really doesn't matter because his policies and policies like them are responsible for our open borders.
Green never said biden was responsible
"Listen to this mother, who lost two children to fentanyl poisoning, tell the truth about both of her son’s murders because of the Biden administrations refusal to secure our border and stop the Cartel’s from murdering Americans everyday by Chinese fentanyl," she said.

She lied, politicized, and weaponized their deaths by publicly blaming their deaths that occured in 2020 on Biden's policy post 2021.
Not true

Green never said biden was responsible

She said “the government” was to blame

But both women were blasting biden specifically for allowing the fentanyl epidemic to continue and grow


Do you even know you're demented??

Yes, MTG blamed Biden for her sons' deaths...

"Listen to this mother, who lost two children to fentanyl poisoning, tell the truth about both of her son’s murders because of the Biden administrations refusal to secure our border and stop the Cartel’s from murdering Americans everyday by Chinese fentanyl." ~ MarjorieTaylorGreene

... do you ever feel stupid for the nonsense you post?
Typical teabaggers.

President Biden chuckled Wednesday night while knocking Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene for falsely blaming him for the 2020 deaths of two Michigan brothers — whose mother emotionally slammed the federal response to surging fentanyl deaths.

“I was the reason, she was very specific, I shouldn’t digress probably. I’ve read she was very specific recently saying that a mom, a poor mother who lost two kids to fentanyl, that I killed her sons. Well, the interesting thing: that fentanyl they took came during the last administration".

Biden wasn't a senator or president or anything.
Blaming a president, any president, for something a person does all by themselves is nuts.
MTG is a prime example.
Biden was involved in preventing Trump from closing the border....and he helped get Trump kicked out of office.
So yes, he has alot to do with killing those kids.
You see, there are consequences to open borders that aren't always readily apparent.
See post #79

There is no quote of MTG blaming biden for the death of the two sons

Biden is desperate to blunt the grieving mom’s strong emotional testimony because he is guilty as charged

And he’s using MTG as his fig leaf

Guilty as charged?? Biden is guilty of murdering her two sons??
"Listen to this mother, who lost two children to fentanyl poisoning, tell the truth about both of her son’s murders because of the Biden administrations refusal to secure our border and stop the Cartel’s from murdering Americans everyday by Chinese fentanyl," she said.

She lied, politicized, and weaponized their deaths by publicly blaming their deaths that occured in 2020 on Bidenpolicy post 2021.
Post the video of her saying that if it exists

You have a quote so there must be video to back it up

I have searched for it but have not seen it
"Listen to this mother, who lost two children to fentanyl poisoning, tell the truth about both of her son’s murders because of the Biden administrations refusal to secure our border and stop the Cartel’s from murdering Americans everyday by Chinese fentanyl," she said.

She lied, politicized, and weaponized their deaths by publicly blaming their deaths that occured in 2020 on Biden's policy post 2021.
So you're saying that Obama and Biden didn't support open borders or never called the wall immoral and racist?
Then he blamed Trump.

This Guy is simply amazing, Has no empathy, and there is nothing he won’t try to blame on Trump.

Let's see...
Purveyors of FAKE NEWS are too stupid to know who the president was in 2020.

Biden was involved in preventing Trump from closing the border....and he helped get Trump kicked out of office.
So yes, he has alot to do with killing those kids.
You see, there are consequences to open borders that aren't always readily apparent.


How did Biden prevent Trump from closing the border?

Do you even know you're demented??

Yes, MTG blamed Biden for her sons' deaths...

"Listen to this mother, who lost two children to fentanyl poisoning, tell the truth about both of her son’s murders because of the Biden administrations refusal to secure our border and stop the Cartel’s from murdering Americans everyday by Chinese fentanyl." ~ MarjorieTaylorGreene

... do you ever feel stupid for the nonsense you post?
Still no video?

Why not?

But lets assume MTG misspoke

Big deal

Biden is killing Americans now

Guilty of allowing more people to die every day because of his border policy

We're talking about MTG's absurd accusation that Biden is to blame for the death of that mother's two sons. Don't change the thread topic.
So you're saying that Obama and Biden didn't support open borders or never called the wall immoral and racist?
We have open borders in this country. As opposed to closed borders like East Berlin had. What you want to pretend is that we have no border or border enforcement under democrats' administrations, which is contrary to known reality.
We're talking about MTG's absurd accusation that Biden is to blame for the death of that mother's two sons. Don't change the thread topic.
I dont really care that MTG is alleged to have misspoke

Big deal

You obviously dont care that fentanyl from china via mexico is killing Americans every day
Still no video?

Why not?

But lets assume MTG misspoke

Big deal

Biden is killing Americans now

Holyfuckingshit. :cuckoo:

You're beyond clueless. :cuckoo:

There's no video because she tweeted it, ya moron. Why do you talk about shit you know nothing about?

I showed you what she said...

"Listen to this mother, who lost two children to fentanyl poisoning, tell the truth about both of her son’s murders because of the Biden administrations refusal to secure our border and stop the Cartel’s from murdering Americans everyday by Chinese fentanyl."

Instead of just admitting she's a retard for saying that, you double down on stupid.

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