Biden laughs while talking about mom who lost two sons to fentanyl.

That you don't know Biden is finishing the wall speaks volumes.
How many miles have been built under his watch?

I heard he played some lip-service to it but I've not heard of any being built.

What's True:

President Joe Biden, who promised during his campaign not to build "another foot of wall," signed an executive order pausing funding for border wall construction. Then, in early April 2021, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said previously approved congressional actions set aside funding for "some components of the wall" and "limited construction" that was either in process or set to happen in the future. However ...

What's False:

The Biden administration had not reversed its opposition to the border wall, which had been a hallmark of former U.S. President Donald Trump's presidency.

What's Undetermined
It is unclear which congressional actions, specifically, allocated the above-mentioned funding, and whether the "limited construction" includes extending the barrier or simply making updates to the existing structure.

Is Biden Admin Restarting Border Wall Construction?

So, just more deflection from a know-nothing. So predictable.
So she was okay with Greene weaponizing them and their deaths in a lie about President Biden but it was despicable for him laugh at Greene for the obvious lie. Poor woman. Her grief is being weaponizes by the Neo-GOP to further another false narrative in their effort to destroy America as we know it.
How many miles have been built under his watch?

I heard he played some lip-service to it but I've not heard of any being built.

What's True:

President Joe Biden, who promised during his campaign not to build "another foot of wall," signed an executive order pausing funding for border wall construction. Then, in early April 2021, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said previously approved congressional actions set aside funding for "some components of the wall" and "limited construction" that was either in process or set to happen in the future. However ...

What's False:

The Biden administration had not reversed its opposition to the border wall, which had been a hallmark of former U.S. President Donald Trump's presidency.

What's Undetermined
It is unclear which congressional actions, specifically, allocated the above-mentioned funding, and whether the "limited construction" includes extending the barrier or simply making updates to the existing structure.

Is Biden Admin Restarting Border Wall Construction?

So, just more deflection from a know-nothing. So predictable.


You're relying on a 2 year old article? Seriously??

So she was okay with Greene weaponizing them and their deaths in a lie about President Biden but it was despicable for him laugh at Greene for the obvious lie. Poor woman. Her grief is being weaponizes by the Neo-GOP to further another false narrative in their effort to destroy America as we know it.
Wrong again Nancy.
Since Biden didn't laugh at the mother, no one did. Still, MTG foolishly blamed the president for murdering that poor woman's tragic loss. Turns out, MTG unwittingly blamed Trump, not Biden, for their death as they died while Trump was president.
no she didn’t blame xiden for their deaths, but she and the mother blamed Xiden for making the situation worse...which he has, since he is the cartel President
Not only did Greenie bring the kids up but she also lied about the kids deaths.

Doesn't get more cynical than blaming Biden for laughing at the lie the Neo-GOP's trying to perpetuate.
she did? what was the lie?
no she didn’t blame xiden for their deaths, but she and the mother blamed Xiden for making the situation worse...which he has, since he is the cartel President

she did? what was the lie?
'Listen to this mother, who lost two children to fentanyl poisoning, tell the truth about both of her sons' murders because of the Biden administration's refusal to secure our border and stop the Cartels from murdering Americans everyday by Chinese fentanyl,' Greene tweeted.

because of the Biden administration's refusal to secure our border

because of the Biden administration's

They died under Trump's watch. Any accusation against the Trump for not securing the border? Did MTG blame the
Trumpybear for the murdering of American under his watch?
'Listen to this mother, who lost two children to fentanyl poisoning, tell the truth about both of her sons' murders because of the Biden administration's refusal to secure our border and stop the Cartels from murdering Americans everyday by Chinese fentanyl,' Greene tweeted.

because of the Biden administration's refusal to secure our border

because of the Biden administration's

They died under Trump's watch. Any accusation against the Trump for not securing the border? Did MTG blame the
Trumpybear for the murdering of American under his watch?
yes because Xiden has made things worse, and refused to secure the bordere cartels are murdering Americans the mother's sons were murdered
yes because Xiden has made things worse, and refused to secure the bordere cartels are murdering Americans the mother's sons were murdered
That is a different debate. Biden chuckled at MTG's lie trying to tie their deaths to his policy.
Lord give me strength...

Want someone/something to blame?

Blame Nelson Rockefeller and Richard Nixon and their War on Drugs

Blame them for the fentanyl and the violence in the streets.

1960s heroine was a problem...for old people.
It wasn't generally used by young people and young addicts were rare.
Then came the War On Drugs which happened to exclude kids under 18 from the draconian punishments
Drug related deaths at the time were relatively rare
But the big dealers being smart recognized they could use kids as street level dealers with little risk
But who do kids know?
That's right, other kids. So the customers and dealers went from people in their 30s and 40s to kids in high school and below.
But these young dealers didn't understand or care about respecting locations and customers and the bodies started dropping.
Violence which was rare in the drug trade became to go to reaction to any perceived threat or disrespect.
In the 2000s there was a big heroin upswing that coincided with the US war inn Afghanistan.
So the DEA cracked down, local LE cracked down and the supply dried up.
As dealers and fiends always do, they found an alternative. Fentanyl.
A drug generally used for surgery.
Unfortunately there is no safe level of this drug that can be used outside a surgical setting.
So the crackdown on heroin was extended to other opioids especially prescription opioids.
To the point where people living in extreme pain could not get prescribed medications.
And with little heroin to be had, sales of fentanyl increased along with deaths.

The point is, folks, when you do the same thing for 50 years and that thing has consistently produced failure, DO SOMETHING ELSE!

Fentanyl is not the drug of choice for any addict.
But what if heroin were decriminalized?
What if physicians could legitimately prescribe pain medications without fear of going to prison?
What if an addict could go to a doctor and pick up a heroin prescription and to a pharmacy to pick it up?

Yeah, sounds crazy. But maybe less crazy than doin what we're doing now.

Mexico ended their war on drugs in 2009. That means possession of small amounts of drugs like cocaine, marijuana, heroin, methamphetamine and LSD would no longer lead to criminal prosecution.

So did that stop the drug cartels? No, they are more powerful today than they were in 2009. There are also more drug-retalet murders and kidnappings in Mexico, than there were in 2009. Plus the cartels have branched out into massively increasing their fentanyl production, human trafficking, and increased gang activity in the US. It's pollyannish to believe that if we would just decriminalize everything, the bad guys would just go away and leave us alone.
Biden's justification.

These boys died when Trump was in office. Therefore, I can collapse the border and oversee the illegal importation of fentanyl by the ton.

That's just how Democrats roll.
Mexico ended their war on drugs in 2009. That means possession of small amounts of drugs like cocaine, marijuana, heroin, methamphetamine and LSD would no longer lead to criminal prosecution.

So did that stop the drug cartels? No, they are more powerful today than they were in 2009. There are also more drug-retalet murders and kidnappings in Mexico, than there were in 2009. Plus the cartels have branched out into massively increasing their fentanyl production, human trafficking, and increased gang activity in the US. It's pollyannish to believe that if we would just decriminalize everything, the bad guys would just go away and leave us alone.

Those cartels are selling drugs here, not in Mexico

So thanks for supporting the thesis

Those cartels are selling drugs here, not in Mexico

So thanks for supporting the thesis

Of course they're selling them in Mexico too, silly. Where do you think those Mexican users get their drugs? From the US?

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