Biden moves to cancel Trump nuclear cruise missile program


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
We now face two nuclear powers, Russia and China, with China dramatically increasing its nuclear forces.

So, what does the Traitor-In-Chief do?


This is who and what Biden, his affirmative action mediocrity USSecDefense, and the rest of them in that corrupt administration are.

Thankfully, Congress will not go along with the treasonous Biden and his crew of traitors.

The Biden administration has affirmed its intention to scrap a Trump-era nuclear cruise missile program as well as other parts of the Trump administration's nuclear weapons policy.
The federal government's Nuclear Posture Review, released on Thursday, changed several aspects of Trump's, mainly shifting U.S. nuclear capabilities to focus on strategic rather than tactical weapons. Perhaps the more significant change was the planned cancellation of the nuclear sea-launched cruise missile program, or SLCM-N, which had been a focus of the Trump administration. However, despite the administration's announcement, the changes are unlikely to be realized due to opposition from bipartisan lawmakers and the military, experts told the Washington Examiner.
Marshall Bilingslea, a former special presidential envoy for arms control at the State Department under the Trump administration and an Vandenberg Coalition advisory board member, spoke with the Washington Examiner about the effects Biden's plan may have.
First, Bilingslea stressed that Biden's NPR almost certainly won't be implemented, as the SLCM-N has bipartisan support in Congress and is seen as essential by the military. He believes that the neglect of U.S. tactical nuclear arms capabilities is a major mistake but that particularly the planned scrapping of the SLCM-N would spell disaster.
"Scrapping the nuclear tomahawk was a bad idea under Obama administration, and just as bad an idea with President Biden's efforts to kill its replacement capability," he said.
Russia has several thousand short-range tactical nuclear weapons, while the U.S. only has a few hundred — a number that would be further reduced if Biden's NPR were put in place. Bilingslea explained that the SLCM-N is conspired essential by military leaders because it serves as a very important filler in a gap in the U.S.'s tactical nuclear capabilities. The quick and easy-to-launch missile would send the signal to adversaries such as Russia or China that the U.S. could match tit for tat any use of nuclear weapons, even low-yield ones.
"For his entire political life, Biden has been a leading advocate for idealist goals of disarmament, arms control, and for resisting improvements to nuclear deterrence. Knowing that, it should tell us something about how real and pressing the nuclear threats are, that he wasn’t able to actually depart from US bipartisan policy on deterrence and the need to fully modernize our weapons. His NPR even made the case that the Chinese nuclear program is a serious and growing challenge. But Biden just couldn’t bring himself to back a weapon system that the last Administration determined is needed to help deter Russia from using nuclear weapons in a war of aggression," she said.
"And the fact that Biden still opposes it while Russia is threatening the very thing the last administration and military officials warned about, and after his own military advisers told him to keep it, shows his ideological inflexibility is just that strong. Thankfully, there is bipartisan opposition to Biden’s cut. So the military and the Congress have rebuked him, and I hope they’ll fund and get the system fielded in spite of him," Heinrichs added.

We now face two nuclear powers, Russia and China, with China dramatically increasing its nuclear forces.

So, what does the Traitor-In-Chief do?


This is who and what Biden, his affirmative action mediocrity USSecDefense, and the rest of them in that corrupt administration are.

Thankfully, Congress will not go along with the treasonous Biden and his crew of traitors.

The Biden administration has affirmed its intention to scrap a Trump-era nuclear cruise missile program as well as other parts of the Trump administration's nuclear weapons policy.
The federal government's Nuclear Posture Review, released on Thursday, changed several aspects of Trump's, mainly shifting U.S. nuclear capabilities to focus on strategic rather than tactical weapons. Perhaps the more significant change was the planned cancellation of the nuclear sea-launched cruise missile program, or SLCM-N, which had been a focus of the Trump administration. However, despite the administration's announcement, the changes are unlikely to be realized due to opposition from bipartisan lawmakers and the military, experts told the Washington Examiner.
Marshall Bilingslea, a former special presidential envoy for arms control at the State Department under the Trump administration and an Vandenberg Coalition advisory board member, spoke with the Washington Examiner about the effects Biden's plan may have.
First, Bilingslea stressed that Biden's NPR almost certainly won't be implemented, as the SLCM-N has bipartisan support in Congress and is seen as essential by the military. He believes that the neglect of U.S. tactical nuclear arms capabilities is a major mistake but that particularly the planned scrapping of the SLCM-N would spell disaster.
"Scrapping the nuclear tomahawk was a bad idea under Obama administration, and just as bad an idea with President Biden's efforts to kill its replacement capability," he said.
Russia has several thousand short-range tactical nuclear weapons, while the U.S. only has a few hundred — a number that would be further reduced if Biden's NPR were put in place. Bilingslea explained that the SLCM-N is conspired essential by military leaders because it serves as a very important filler in a gap in the U.S.'s tactical nuclear capabilities. The quick and easy-to-launch missile would send the signal to adversaries such as Russia or China that the U.S. could match tit for tat any use of nuclear weapons, even low-yield ones.
"For his entire political life, Biden has been a leading advocate for idealist goals of disarmament, arms control, and for resisting improvements to nuclear deterrence. Knowing that, it should tell us something about how real and pressing the nuclear threats are, that he wasn’t able to actually depart from US bipartisan policy on deterrence and the need to fully modernize our weapons. His NPR even made the case that the Chinese nuclear program is a serious and growing challenge. But Biden just couldn’t bring himself to back a weapon system that the last Administration determined is needed to help deter Russia from using nuclear weapons in a war of aggression," she said.
"And the fact that Biden still opposes it while Russia is threatening the very thing the last administration and military officials warned about, and after his own military advisers told him to keep it, shows his ideological inflexibility is just that strong. Thankfully, there is bipartisan opposition to Biden’s cut. So the military and the Congress have rebuked him, and I hope they’ll fund and get the system fielded in spite of him," Heinrichs added.

Xi's man Quid Pro is following orders from his Emperor.

Biden moves to cancel Trump nuclear cruise missile program​

Any time anything moves in Joe Biden's body it can't be a good thing, front or back.

This could only be an order from China... if this doesn't wake up the FBI and the swamp to the fact that Joe is compromised nothing will...
Gotta cancel those cruise missiles to pay for all those student loans, Ukraine aid, and busing and housing for illegals. But don't expect any agency in DC to do anything about it. Joe has a chinese agent at his side every moment of the day to assure his loyalty to the party.

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We now face two nuclear powers, Russia and China, with China dramatically increasing its nuclear forces.

So, what does the Traitor-In-Chief do?


This is who and what Biden, his affirmative action mediocrity USSecDefense, and the rest of them in that corrupt administration are.

Thankfully, Congress will not go along with the treasonous Biden and his crew of traitors.

The Biden administration has affirmed its intention to scrap a Trump-era nuclear cruise missile program as well as other parts of the Trump administration's nuclear weapons policy.
The federal government's Nuclear Posture Review, released on Thursday, changed several aspects of Trump's, mainly shifting U.S. nuclear capabilities to focus on strategic rather than tactical weapons. Perhaps the more significant change was the planned cancellation of the nuclear sea-launched cruise missile program, or SLCM-N, which had been a focus of the Trump administration. However, despite the administration's announcement, the changes are unlikely to be realized due to opposition from bipartisan lawmakers and the military, experts told the Washington Examiner.
Marshall Bilingslea, a former special presidential envoy for arms control at the State Department under the Trump administration and an Vandenberg Coalition advisory board member, spoke with the Washington Examiner about the effects Biden's plan may have.
First, Bilingslea stressed that Biden's NPR almost certainly won't be implemented, as the SLCM-N has bipartisan support in Congress and is seen as essential by the military. He believes that the neglect of U.S. tactical nuclear arms capabilities is a major mistake but that particularly the planned scrapping of the SLCM-N would spell disaster.
"Scrapping the nuclear tomahawk was a bad idea under Obama administration, and just as bad an idea with President Biden's efforts to kill its replacement capability," he said.
Russia has several thousand short-range tactical nuclear weapons, while the U.S. only has a few hundred — a number that would be further reduced if Biden's NPR were put in place. Bilingslea explained that the SLCM-N is conspired essential by military leaders because it serves as a very important filler in a gap in the U.S.'s tactical nuclear capabilities. The quick and easy-to-launch missile would send the signal to adversaries such as Russia or China that the U.S. could match tit for tat any use of nuclear weapons, even low-yield ones.
"For his entire political life, Biden has been a leading advocate for idealist goals of disarmament, arms control, and for resisting improvements to nuclear deterrence. Knowing that, it should tell us something about how real and pressing the nuclear threats are, that he wasn’t able to actually depart from US bipartisan policy on deterrence and the need to fully modernize our weapons. His NPR even made the case that the Chinese nuclear program is a serious and growing challenge. But Biden just couldn’t bring himself to back a weapon system that the last Administration determined is needed to help deter Russia from using nuclear weapons in a war of aggression," she said.
"And the fact that Biden still opposes it while Russia is threatening the very thing the last administration and military officials warned about, and after his own military advisers told him to keep it, shows his ideological inflexibility is just that strong. Thankfully, there is bipartisan opposition to Biden’s cut. So the military and the Congress have rebuked him, and I hope they’ll fund and get the system fielded in spite of him," Heinrichs added.

Don't forget about Iran and Rocket Man.

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