Biden new accuser comes forward, 14 year old girl

Really sad, I hear there are 6 more complaints coming.
Who’s going to take his place?

Wow, if this is the best you can come up with, it's kind of sad.

Especially when your guy bragged ON TAPE about how he can grab women by the pussy and get away with it because he's a celebrity.
Deflect! Deflect! Deflect!

Are you put off by deflection?
I laugh at it. I'm making an ongoing notice that hardly anyone seems to be able to defend Biden without trying to deflect onto Trump. It's almost as if the marching orders went out through the fax machines, since y'all are doing it at the same time.
Yep. Virtually ALL of the liberal lunatics that post on threads will deflect, divert, or evade directly answering your question or post if they have nothing to counter it with. Just pitiful.

I never deflect. But you do, Mr. 147 IQ.
And just WHAT is YOUR I.Q. again, mentally stifled one? You SURE seem to be deflecting from giving me an answer to this question.

I have told you what my IQ is on more than one occasion. You must have forgotten.

You, however, have not discussed the reason why you didn’t have many friends as a child. Let’s have that conversation. I will make every effort to help you make progress.
I DON'T believe you EVER did, dim one. So please post it, RIGHT HERE, on this thread, IF you HAVE the balls to do so. I'm thinking you don't have ANY.........
So just like i said, you pathetic little liar. Literally had tot check one photo.
He-he, and YOU are an embarrassment to the state of Indiana. Please move to another state, preferably the south side of Chicago, in Illinois, where you'll be welcomed with open arms AND gunfire. Thanks!
Cute crybabying!

Tell us all again how you checked the original source of all of those we can laugh at you some more....
PLEASE go to Illinois, Shoo, dumbass................!

Really sad, I hear there are 6 more complaints coming.
Who’s going to take his place?
It's really NOT looking good for Joe. I guess he must've done more than just sniff her hair........

Nothing new for those running for office.
At least 17 women have accused Donald Trump of varying inappropriate behavior, including allegations of sexual harassment or sexual assault, all but one coming forward with their accusations before or during his bid for the White House.

A single source story, from a less than reputable site is at best questionable.

I have looked for story about this accusation from:

Associated Press.
United Press International

No such story is reported.

Find a better source.

Google search took .46 seconds

Just 22 more accusations, and he might start to peel off the votes of trump cultists. We know how you guys like your "winning!"

So now we have to keep score of how many sexual assault allegations are against each candidate? LOL

Hooboy I'll bet the left never foresaw this when they got behind the me-too movement...but then again since it's inception it seems to have been far more damaging to the left....could this story be about stones and glass houses maybe?

Joe is in serious trouble here not because of the new accuser but because there are so damn many pictures of him snuggling up to little girls and smelling their hair and so forth......nothing hurts like something that fits! I mean the guy just drips Letchery.

View attachment 330964
What’s abnormal about it?
So now we have to keep score of how many sexual assault allegations are against each candidate?
No, i just know how you cultists like your winning, and i was just noting how Biden can pass Trump after just 22 more allegations.

At this rate Biden will catch Trump in a couple of weeks.
Dang, watch out then...Biden in a landslide.... That will probably get him the religious nutsack vote...

Really sad, I hear there are 6 more complaints coming.
Who’s going to take his place?

What happened to Tara Reade? All of sudden Trumpsters went silent on Reade.

Is it because she can't get her story straight, and Biden told the Senate secretary to make public any accusation she might have made? In other words, Biden called her bluff and Trumpsters don't want to talk about Reade any more.

The truth is, Trumpsters are backing a loser, they know it, and they are desperate. The OP is a joke.
Why isn't this being held back until after the convention.

Anything to win huh?
trump stain is the epitome of the class of LOSERS.
what a fucking stain on our History. PUKE.
Donald Trump. The only total loser who just keeps WINNING.

Really makes schleps out of the feckless democrats! Can't beat a Loser!

What is he winning at?

Dividing the Country? Yup, he is successful at that. djt spreads and promotes hatred.
Stock Market? The market has shown over and over that trump has no effect. -4.8 GDP.
Race Relations? Get real, trump has destroyed ALL relations with ALL races. His Base is NOT a race.
The FAKE media? All created and perpetuated by djt. djt is Fake.

I got more shit, you wanna hear it.
Vote BLUE no matter Who.
This thread is about JOE BIDEN the rapist, NOT Donald Trump. So shove your shit back into your backside and start another TDS rant thread if you want to cry about Trump some more.

Except that there is no evidence that Biden is a rapist, and much evidence that Donald Trump is a rapist. Two women have entered sworn affidavits in two separate court proceedings to the effect that Donald Trump beats and rapes women. You already have a President who is a rapist, and who has publically admitting to sexually assaulting women he finds attractive.

You cannot defend voting for Trump on the grounds that Biden has behaved inappropriately with women. The election of Dumb Donald has removed rape from the discussion.

What happened in those two separate court proceedings?

Really sad, I hear there are 6 more complaints coming.
Who’s going to take his place?
It's really NOT looking good for Joe. I guess he must've done more than just sniff her hair........

Nothing new for those running for office.
At least 17 women have accused Donald Trump of varying inappropriate behavior, including allegations of sexual harassment or sexual assault, all but one coming forward with their accusations before or during his bid for the White House.

A single source story, from a less than reputable site is at best questionable.

I have looked for story about this accusation from:

Associated Press.
United Press International

No such story is reported.

Find a better source.

Google search took .46 seconds

Just 22 more accusations, and he might start to peel off the votes of trump cultists. We know how you guys like your "winning!"
Not a Trump thread, Spudhead.
Biden has dedicated his life to changing the culture around violence against women. He authored the Violence Against Women Act. He firmly believes that women have a right to be heard...and heard respectfully

Such claims should also be diligently reviewed by an independent press. What is clear about this claim: it is untrue. This absolutely did not happen

Too bad the Violence Against Women Act has nothing to do with that.
AP is now reporting 2 more witnesses are corroborating Reade's account of sexual assault and sexual harassment. The Associated Press, ouch!

Really sad, I hear there are 6 more complaints coming.
Who’s going to take his place?
So we should not vote for Biden because he has been accused of sexual harassment but we should vote for Trump? Can someone walk me through the logic?

The lack of logic consists in the fact that out of a sense of party hatred towards Trump, we are urged to choose a person with a priori deformed morality as President of the country

Except that there is no evidence that Biden is a rapist, and much evidence that Donald Trump is a rapist.


SHEMP: I can't see! I can't see!
MOE: What's wrong?!
SHEMP: I got my eyes closed!

Two women have entered sworn affidavits in two separate court proceedings to the effect that Donald Trump beats and rapes women.
Women must be believed! They don't lie! Uh Oh. Uncle Milty is in trouble.

You already have a President who is a rapist, and who has publically admitting to sexually assaulting women he finds attractive.
It isn't rape if the women volunteered it and wanted it. Besides, Donald was just offering to give them 6 billion dollars and a penthouse in the sky!

You cannot defend voting for Trump on the grounds that Biden has behaved inappropriately with women. The election of Dumb Donald has removed rape from the discussion.
Not at all. Yours is a fallacious argument and you cannot use the actions, real or alleged, of another to vindicate or justify those of another. The matter now is Biden who wants the WH and whether he is worthy. He must face the charges and prove his innocence now. Besides, Trump doesn't go about grabbing and smelling women and little girls in plain public while insisting he's done nothing wrong.[/QUOTE]
AP is now reporting 2 more witnesses are corroborating Reade's account of sexual assault and sexual harassment. The Associated Press, ouch!
god,,,no one normal, approaches girls between 10-18ish,,and first question is,,"How Old Are You"? thats sick

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