Biden new accuser comes forward, 14 year old girl

Really sad, I hear there are 6 more complaints coming.
Who’s going to take his place?

What happened to Tara Reade? All of sudden Trumpsters went silent on Reade.

Is it because she can't get her story straight, and Biden told the Senate secretary to make public any accusation she might have made? In other words, Biden called her bluff and Trumpsters don't want to talk about Reade any more.

The truth is, Trumpsters are backing a loser, they know it, and they are desperate. The OP is a joke.
You are in error. No one who supports Trump or is a republican wants Biden to drop out. We all want democrats forced to keep him. It's mainstream Democrats that see Biden struggling with dementia. He needed his wife to make a speech for him while he stood silently by blinking like a semaphore. Do you think republicans want that to step aside? No. Never.
OK. I have figured out what is going on here.

This woman is being paid by George Soros and Bill Gates to make up this story. The plan is devious.

Joe has so many accusations coming that the Illuminati is trying to poison the well with this fake that nobody believes the real accusations.

Those sneaky Dems!
OK. I have figured out what is going on here.

This woman is being paid by George Soros and Bill Gates to make up this story. The plan is devious.

Joe has so many accusations coming that the Illuminati is trying to poison the well with this fake that nobody believes the real accusations.

Those sneaky Dems!
Why don’t you relax, trump is your president, if he sucks he will be voted out.. take a chill pill pal.

Really sad, I hear there are 6 more complaints coming.
Who’s going to take his place?

Yea, really sad.
trump ivanka.jpg
You RWI's are reaching hard.



And the Republican candidate (22 accusers)
Not a Trump thread, Booboob.
You and your ilk want to destroy Biden in any way possible. If you talk about Biden's possible sexual misdeeds, then
we can certainly ask why only Biden and not the grifter in the White House. After all, Trump is the one who is pushing this theory.
After Joe Biden was accused of sexually harassing a 14-year-old girl at a political dinner in 2008, the event’s organizer reportedly spoke out to say that the former vice president was never at the event in question.


The new allegation surfaced after the woman, Eva Murray, told Law & Crimethat Biden made a crude remark to her at the First State Gridiron Dinner & Show in Delaware in 2008. Murray said she attended the event with her aunt, Republican Senate candidate Christine O’Donnell, who at the time was launching what was seen as a long-shot campaign against Biden.

It turns out Biden had undergone surgery the week before and was in fact still recovering.

In other Cons, it did not happen. Your so-called encounter is so much smoke and mirrors.
Why isn't this being held back until after the convention.

Anything to win huh?
trump stain is the epitome of the class of LOSERS.
what a fucking stain on our History. PUKE.
Donald Trump. The only total loser who just keeps WINNING.

Really makes schleps out of the feckless democrats! Can't beat a Loser!

What is he winning at?

Dividing the Country? Yup, he is successful at that. djt spreads and promotes hatred.
Stock Market? The market has shown over and over that trump has no effect. -4.8 GDP.
Race Relations? Get real, trump has destroyed ALL relations with ALL races. His Base is NOT a race.
The FAKE media? All created and perpetuated by djt. djt is Fake.

I got more shit, you wanna hear it.
Vote BLUE no matter Who.
This thread is about JOE BIDEN the rapist, NOT Donald Trump. So shove your shit back into your backside and start another TDS rant thread if you want to cry about Trump some more.

Except that there is no evidence that Biden is a rapist, and much evidence that Donald Trump is a rapist. Two women have entered sworn affidavits in two separate court proceedings to the effect that Donald Trump beats and rapes women. You already have a President who is a rapist, and who has publically admitting to sexually assaulting women he finds attractive.

You cannot defend voting for Trump on the grounds that Biden has behaved inappropriately with women. The election of Dumb Donald has removed rape from the discussion.
And another hypocrite who doesn’t remember that that bogus rape charge against Trump was THROWN OUT OF COURT you dipshit. This little thing called NO EVIDENCE. So show where Trump was convicted of rape or be shown for the TDS suffering liar you are. No evidence on Biden. Hahahaha! Ignore everything in front your face, it’s all you’re good for.

Really sad, I hear there are 6 more complaints coming.
Who’s going to take his place?
She's 26, not 14.
Learn to read. She was 14 when Pervy Joe molested her.
Debunked Story about Biden and 14 year old girl debunked by ABC News
Excuse me if I don't trust what someone said on the twitter machine, Sport. :abgg2q.jpg:

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