Biden/Obama in 2020

As the Twenty-Second Amendment is written, there is nothing to stop a former two-term President from serving again as President, if he achieved that office by any other means than being directly elected to it. The scenario described in the OP could indeed legitimately happen—Biden (or any other candidate) could choose Obama as his running mate, Obama could be thus elected vice President, and then service again as President if the President with whom he ran died or was otherwise removed from office. Obama could also be elected or assigned to other positions within the line of succession, and then rise to the Presidency if all those ahead of him in that line were removed.

It's all possible, and legal, albeit extremely unlikely.

On a related note, there has been one President of this country who was never elected to either the position of President nor Vice-President. I am wondering who else here on this forum knows which President that was, and how he became President.

Gerald Ford. He tripped and fell into the office.
Easy to think that Biden is sufficiently stupid to allow The Democrat Party to paint a bullseye on his back. Yeah, no stretch there at all.

And, yes, a Biden/Obama pairing could win. So long as the election is minimum 148.5 years from now....Obama having poisoned the "black president" well for 150 years from when he was ousted.
the office of vice president is not worth a bucket of warm piss.

however, Biden's career overall qualifies him for the job!
Why do you call them the A-team when they've already proven to be the C- team at best? Are you suggesting they'd be better if the POTUS was white?
Why do you call them the A-team when they've already proven to be the C- team at best? Are you suggesting they'd be better if the POTUS was white?

Really? Who did they "prove" that to?

Could Joe Biden pick Barack Obama as his running mate? Yes. But.

The answer seems straightforward. But it is less straightforward than it appears.

Michael Dorf is a professor of constitutional law at Cornell University. In 2000, he argued that an Al Gore-Bill Clinton ticket could withstand legal scrutiny. And when we spoke by phone on Thursday, he said that he stood by that argument.

The rough outline of his argument is this: The 22nd Amendment doesn't say you can't be president for more than two terms. It says you can't be elected president twice. If a Biden-Obama ticket won (which we'll get to), and tragedy were to befall Joe Biden, Barack Obama could become president, according to the letter of the law (which we'll also get to), since he wasn't elected to the position. As such, Obama is not constitutionally ineligible to serve as president.

So, in short: Yes, Joe Biden can name Barack Obama as his running mate. It's even conceivable that, if they won, they could argue their case before Congress to be seated as president and vice president.

More: Could Joe Biden pick Barack Obama as his running mate? Yes. But.

This sounds like a great idea to me! It's sinking in! The A-Team! What do you think?

I think you are butt hurt, go get a therapy dog :290968001256257790-final::290968001256257790-final:

Could Joe Biden pick Barack Obama as his running mate? Yes. But.

The answer seems straightforward. But it is less straightforward than it appears.

Michael Dorf is a professor of constitutional law at Cornell University. In 2000, he argued that an Al Gore-Bill Clinton ticket could withstand legal scrutiny. And when we spoke by phone on Thursday, he said that he stood by that argument.

The rough outline of his argument is this: The 22nd Amendment doesn't say you can't be president for more than two terms. It says you can't be elected president twice. If a Biden-Obama ticket won (which we'll get to), and tragedy were to befall Joe Biden, Barack Obama could become president, according to the letter of the law (which we'll also get to), since he wasn't elected to the position. As such, Obama is not constitutionally ineligible to serve as president.

So, in short: Yes, Joe Biden can name Barack Obama as his running mate. It's even conceivable that, if they won, they could argue their case before Congress to be seated as president and vice president.

More: Could Joe Biden pick Barack Obama as his running mate? Yes. But.

This sounds like a great idea to me! It's sinking in! The A-Team! What do you think?

“What you just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it.”
Sure. We've all been waiting for your permission. Thank you.

Saying please has nothing to do with giving you permission ... And you haven't been waiting for my permission anyway.
Typical Progressive ... Just lies ... And you suck ... :thup:


Could Joe Biden pick Barack Obama as his running mate? Yes. But.

The answer seems straightforward. But it is less straightforward than it appears.

Michael Dorf is a professor of constitutional law at Cornell University. In 2000, he argued that an Al Gore-Bill Clinton ticket could withstand legal scrutiny. And when we spoke by phone on Thursday, he said that he stood by that argument.

The rough outline of his argument is this: The 22nd Amendment doesn't say you can't be president for more than two terms. It says you can't be elected president twice. If a Biden-Obama ticket won (which we'll get to), and tragedy were to befall Joe Biden, Barack Obama could become president, according to the letter of the law (which we'll also get to), since he wasn't elected to the position. As such, Obama is not constitutionally ineligible to serve as president.

So, in short: Yes, Joe Biden can name Barack Obama as his running mate. It's even conceivable that, if they won, they could argue their case before Congress to be seated as president and vice president.

More: Could Joe Biden pick Barack Obama as his running mate? Yes. But.

This sounds like a great idea to me! It's sinking in! The A-Team! What do you think?
joe biden is to old.....let him stay in the pasture....geezus cant you democrats pick some new blood out of all the democrats in the country?..
This sounds like a great idea to me! It's sinking in! The A-Team! What do you think?

I think you're an idiot and this is about the dumbest proposal I've heard yet for 2020. First of all, Obama can't be VP because he is not eligible to be the president again. Second, even if he could, why the hell would he want to play second fiddle after spending eight years as leader of the free world?

Are you guys that worried about defeating Trump you need to rehash an ex-president to put on the ticket?

Could Joe Biden pick Barack Obama as his running mate? Yes. But.

The answer seems straightforward. But it is less straightforward than it appears.

Michael Dorf is a professor of constitutional law at Cornell University. In 2000, he argued that an Al Gore-Bill Clinton ticket could withstand legal scrutiny. And when we spoke by phone on Thursday, he said that he stood by that argument.

The rough outline of his argument is this: The 22nd Amendment doesn't say you can't be president for more than two terms. It says you can't be elected president twice. If a Biden-Obama ticket won (which we'll get to), and tragedy were to befall Joe Biden, Barack Obama could become president, according to the letter of the law (which we'll also get to), since he wasn't elected to the position. As such, Obama is not constitutionally ineligible to serve as president.

So, in short: Yes, Joe Biden can name Barack Obama as his running mate. It's even conceivable that, if they won, they could argue their case before Congress to be seated as president and vice president.

More: Could Joe Biden pick Barack Obama as his running mate? Yes. But.

This sounds like a great idea to me! It's sinking in! The A-Team! What do you think?
Ah, to dream! Bigly and covfefe.
Screenshot 2018-03-10 at 6.33.29 PM.png

Could Joe Biden pick Barack Obama as his running mate? Yes. But.

The answer seems straightforward. But it is less straightforward than it appears.

Michael Dorf is a professor of constitutional law at Cornell University. In 2000, he argued that an Al Gore-Bill Clinton ticket could withstand legal scrutiny. And when we spoke by phone on Thursday, he said that he stood by that argument.

The rough outline of his argument is this: The 22nd Amendment doesn't say you can't be president for more than two terms. It says you can't be elected president twice. If a Biden-Obama ticket won (which we'll get to), and tragedy were to befall Joe Biden, Barack Obama could become president, according to the letter of the law (which we'll also get to), since he wasn't elected to the position. As such, Obama is not constitutionally ineligible to serve as president.

So, in short: Yes, Joe Biden can name Barack Obama as his running mate. It's even conceivable that, if they won, they could argue their case before Congress to be seated as president and vice president.

More: Could Joe Biden pick Barack Obama as his running mate? Yes. But.

This sounds like a great idea to me! It's sinking in! The A-Team! What do you think?
Ah, to dream! Bigly and covfefe.View attachment 181932

Yep, Evangelicals must be so proud of how low they have set the bar for Christianity in America. How can they ever redeem themselves?
Do you know what else he does not do? He does not control who likes him or doesn't.

You're right. Farrakhan and Duke both chose to like him because they approve of the things he embodies. Nothing forced either of them to make that choice.
Are you really stupid enough to believe that?

They both praised Trump. What more do you need?
Obama got his start in politics with Bill Ayers, went to Reverend Wrights church, and was mentored by a communist. What else do you need?

But Obama------But Obama----------But Obama--------When you are stuck, you can always say But Obama, and run for the hills.
I did not run from anything. I think you are stone cold stupid to compare Trump to any hater like Farrakhan

Could Joe Biden pick Barack Obama as his running mate? Yes. But.

The answer seems straightforward. But it is less straightforward than it appears.

Michael Dorf is a professor of constitutional law at Cornell University. In 2000, he argued that an Al Gore-Bill Clinton ticket could withstand legal scrutiny. And when we spoke by phone on Thursday, he said that he stood by that argument.

The rough outline of his argument is this: The 22nd Amendment doesn't say you can't be president for more than two terms. It says you can't be elected president twice. If a Biden-Obama ticket won (which we'll get to), and tragedy were to befall Joe Biden, Barack Obama could become president, according to the letter of the law (which we'll also get to), since he wasn't elected to the position. As such, Obama is not constitutionally ineligible to serve as president.

So, in short: Yes, Joe Biden can name Barack Obama as his running mate. It's even conceivable that, if they won, they could argue their case before Congress to be seated as president and vice president.

More: Could Joe Biden pick Barack Obama as his running mate? Yes. But.

This sounds like a great idea to me! It's sinking in! The A-Team! What do you think?
Ah, to dream! Bigly and covfefe.View attachment 181932

Yep, Evangelicals must be so proud of how low they have set the bar for Christianity in America. How can they ever redeem themselves?
That is their problem, not yours.

Could Joe Biden pick Barack Obama as his running mate? Yes. But.

The answer seems straightforward. But it is less straightforward than it appears.

Michael Dorf is a professor of constitutional law at Cornell University. In 2000, he argued that an Al Gore-Bill Clinton ticket could withstand legal scrutiny. And when we spoke by phone on Thursday, he said that he stood by that argument.

The rough outline of his argument is this: The 22nd Amendment doesn't say you can't be president for more than two terms. It says you can't be elected president twice. If a Biden-Obama ticket won (which we'll get to), and tragedy were to befall Joe Biden, Barack Obama could become president, according to the letter of the law (which we'll also get to), since he wasn't elected to the position. As such, Obama is not constitutionally ineligible to serve as president.

So, in short: Yes, Joe Biden can name Barack Obama as his running mate. It's even conceivable that, if they won, they could argue their case before Congress to be seated as president and vice president.

More: Could Joe Biden pick Barack Obama as his running mate? Yes. But.

This sounds like a great idea to me! It's sinking in! The A-Team! What do you think?
Ah, to dream! Bigly and covfefe.View attachment 181932

Yep, Evangelicals must be so proud of how low they have set the bar for Christianity in America. How can they ever redeem themselves?
That is their problem, not yours.

Nope, it's also my problem as long as they are involved in elections, legislating, and governing. Most Atheists have higher morals.
You're right. Farrakhan and Duke both chose to like him because they approve of the things he embodies. Nothing forced either of them to make that choice.
Are you really stupid enough to believe that?

They both praised Trump. What more do you need?
Obama got his start in politics with Bill Ayers, went to Reverend Wrights church, and was mentored by a communist. What else do you need?

But Obama------But Obama----------But Obama--------When you are stuck, you can always say But Obama, and run for the hills.
I did not run from anything. I think you are stone cold stupid to compare Trump to any hater like Farrakhan

I didn't tell Farrakhan to endorse Trump. He did that on his own.

Could Joe Biden pick Barack Obama as his running mate? Yes. But.

The answer seems straightforward. But it is less straightforward than it appears.

Michael Dorf is a professor of constitutional law at Cornell University. In 2000, he argued that an Al Gore-Bill Clinton ticket could withstand legal scrutiny. And when we spoke by phone on Thursday, he said that he stood by that argument.

The rough outline of his argument is this: The 22nd Amendment doesn't say you can't be president for more than two terms. It says you can't be elected president twice. If a Biden-Obama ticket won (which we'll get to), and tragedy were to befall Joe Biden, Barack Obama could become president, according to the letter of the law (which we'll also get to), since he wasn't elected to the position. As such, Obama is not constitutionally ineligible to serve as president.

So, in short: Yes, Joe Biden can name Barack Obama as his running mate. It's even conceivable that, if they won, they could argue their case before Congress to be seated as president and vice president.

More: Could Joe Biden pick Barack Obama as his running mate? Yes. But.

This sounds like a great idea to me! It's sinking in! The A-Team! What do you think?
Ah, to dream! Bigly and covfefe.View attachment 181932

Yep, Evangelicals must be so proud of how low they have set the bar for Christianity in America. How can they ever redeem themselves?
That is their problem, not yours.

Nope, it's also my problem as long as they are involved in elections, legislating, and governing. Most Atheists have higher morals.
How would you know? I have not valued one of your assessments, and I am not going to start now.

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