Biden or Trump ?

If the use of the army were to be played out appropriately, that is, for example, in such a way that Ukraine's allied troops would be tasked with pushing the Russian troops beyond the borders of Ukraine and stopping there, i.e. a defensive fight and only removing of the Russian troops, then World War III would not threaten. You just have to decide to use the army.
Retard. What the fuck do you think Biden's strategy is?

Help Ukraine push Russia beyond the borders of Ukraine. And, how is he doing that? By providing weapons/money/ strategic intelligence etc.

All this without endangering our troops. But, you want Biden to throw all of that out and commit our troops to battle thereby provoking a WWIII?

You don't need to keep proving you are a retard. We got it the first time.
Help Ukraine push Russia beyond the borders of Ukraine. And, how is he doing that? By providing weapons/money/ strategic intelligence etc.

All this without endangering our troops. But, you want Biden to throw all of that out and commit our troops to battle thereby provoking a WWIII?
It looks like you are retarded because you don't understand the simplest, most elementary issues.
So, as I said, sending troops will not cause World War III, the idea that it will cause a war is symptom of retardation.
Moreover, Biden's aid to Ukraine is ridiculous. Instead of providing real weapons, he provides nonsense.
LOL "A better character"? Do you want a president who will plunge the world into WWIII?

Despite your moniker, you are a retard. Thanks for playing. Now, go play in traffic.
Biden already has us on the edge of that I know you're not talking about him
It looks like you are retarded because you don't understand the simplest, most elementary issues.
So, as I said, sending troops will not cause World War III, the idea that it will cause a war is symptom of retardation.
Moreover, Biden's aid to Ukraine is ridiculous. Instead of providing real weapons, he provides nonsense.
Why should we give anything to that Beggar King and his bombed out country? Have you seen how Americans are struggling now?
As I said, Biden should send troops to Ukraine and organize a defensive war, that is, pushing Russian troops beyond the borders of Ukraine, and that's all.

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