Biden poised to declare Climate Emergency?

The greatest emergency is the debt levels of the U.S. It seems all media and the so-called experts have their marching orders though so they won't ever raise it.

China most likely takes Taiwan within a few years it is the legacy Xi wants. Is the West prepared for WWIII if America is a fraction of the economic global juggernaught it was even just 30 years ago?
I know but Biden is starting to take control on it after Trump's debacle..


In fairness to Biden he is taking less time than Obama, mind you Bush Jr left Obama in a worst hole...

Thanks for making a case to Vote Biden...
Government around the world have trashed the world economy with such events like their response to Covid and their war on fossil fuels.

It is a manufactured crisis that is designed for people to embrace changes these governments and world corporations want economically.

And guess what, that is never a good thing for the average person.

Its conditioning the masses. Most will easily take a mark sometime in the not too distant future.
Its conditioning the masses. Most will easily take a mark sometime in the not too distant future.
Those that don't will be labeled fruitcakes, like they were with Covid and conspiracy theorists that dates back about 2000 years to Saint John who wrote Revelation who said, "I told you so"

And yea, I'm telling everyone here, if they mandate a mark in the right hand or forehead, mean, when they do, don't take it.
“Some of the models suggest to Dr [Wieslav] Maslowski that there is a 75% chance that the entire north polar ice cap during some of the summer months could be completely ice-free within the next five to seven years.”

...Perhaps Mr Gore had felt the need to gild the lily to buttress resolve. But his speech was roundly criticised by members of the climate science community. "This is an exaggeration that opens the science up to criticism from sceptics," Professor Jim Overland, a leading oceanographer at the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration said.
"You really don't need to exaggerate the changes in the Arctic."
Others said that, even if quoted correctly, Dr Maslowski's six-year projection for near-ice-free conditions is at the extreme end of the scale. Most climate scientists agree that a 20 to 30-year timescale is more likely for the near-disappearance of sea ice.

Frankly the North Pole is a frozen over sea. The Northern Ice Cap is in Greenland.
“Some of the models suggest to Dr [Wieslav] Maslowski that there is a 75% chance that the entire north polar ice cap during some of the summer months could be completely ice-free within the next five to seven years.”

Frankly the North Pole is a frozen over sea. The Northern Ice Cap is in Greenland.
Massaged models = GIGO FOREVER
And yea, I'm telling everyone here, if they mandate a mark in the right hand or forehead, mean, when they do, don't take it.
Brit's were going to make that move after the pandemic. Decided it wouldn't flush too well.
Brit's were going to make that move after the pandemic. Decided it wouldn't flush too well.
I don't think it was a big enough crisis to sell the mark

My guess it will revolve around an economic collapse of some sort, presumably from outside terrorism which will prompt them to use the mark as a way to identify and track people to keep society "safe" from future events.
Democrats are milking global warming for all it's worth
As they do every crisis, real or imagined.

That is why I think they are manufacturing a coming economic crisis. Either that, or they are complete retards based on their fiscal policy. They use the global warming cult to justify flushing trillions down the drain, literally.

Then again, maybe it's both.
As they do every crisis, real or imagined.

That is why I think they are manufacturing a coming economic crisis. Either that, or they are complete retards based on their fiscal policy. They use the global warming cult to justify flushing trillions down the drain, literally.

Then again, maybe it's both.

It's funny watching them try to explain away a horrendous economy

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