Biden presiding over fastest economic recovery in US one notices

No, he's an incompetent. I don't think he's demented, especially, but he's not getting better and he is a BAD president. How can you say this awful economy is RECOVERING?? The Big Lie Is You, I guess.
The lowest e=unemployment rate in over 50 years. Sooner or later, your lies are gonna catch up to you.
The lowest e=unemployment rate in over 50 years. Sooner or later, your lies are gonna catch up to you.
A. I don't believe a word of it. B. Nobody can find employees: Biden threw out of joint the entire economy. Nobody will work now. Gee, who would have thought something unexpected might happen?
He is a trained attorney...not a former reality tv host. He knows how to govern and when the supply side issue is solved, inflation will subside and the Biden approval rating will recover.

The repub party has plans to sabotage the economy. They really want the US to fail. They are even siding with Putin as he threatens to invade Ukraine. The Putin thugs are even on this board, praising Russia and arguing that Russian has a right o invade Ukraine.

WOW. I think the rubber band holding your head together snapped. Even if he knew how to govern, and he has never proven he does, his dementia is so far along he has no idea what he is doing now. The only one who would have actual reason to appreciate him in office would be Jimmy Carter because Jimmy will no longer be thought of as the worst president in history.

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