Biden promises to cure cancer.

Good find Thinker101......Joe said today that China is a threat....but yesterday he said they were not....Only an idiot would vote for him.....
Biden's oldest son Beau died of cancer. It is natural that he would put a emphasis on cancer. You people will find something to criticize.
Good find Thinker101......Joe said today that China is a threat....but yesterday he said they were not....Only an idiot would vote for him.....
id rather he cure violent hemmorhoids,,,,,these rhoids are tearing the ass out of me !!!!
Biden's oldest son Beau died of cancer. It is natural that he would put a emphasis on cancer. You people will find something to criticize.

Dude! Did you read the quote? He said I promise you if I'm elected president, you're going to see the single most important thing that changes America, we're gonna cure cancer," declared Biden.

Now if I thought he could do it, I’d vote for him and hope he wins. The point is he’s making a promise he clearly has no idea if he can fulfill. It’s political pandering pure and simple, and creepy Joe is a master at it. That’s why he’s leading in the polls.
Good find Thinker101......Joe said today that China is a threat....but yesterday he said they were not....Only an idiot would vote for him.....
Biden needs to promise to turn every ugly woman into a hot and white 27 female,,then he might be Trump
You know, it's pretty silly that people get their sandpaper panties in a bunch over a fairly boring, even if less than eloquently phrased, comment. Seems like Biden is simply saying that he would want to go all out on cancer research to find a cure. Some of you morons are up in arms about an alleged lie.

The funny thing is, there is a far more relevant, intellectual, and mature avenue to attack Biden for what he's said here. But those who need their ball sacks tickled will always pick up the feather duster before you bother picking up a book.

That is nothing. Bernie can cure the common cold and Warren can cure Aids.

Who can cure Ebola?
You know, it's pretty silly that people get their sandpaper panties in a bunch over a fairly boring, even if less than eloquently phrased, comment. Seems like Biden is simply saying that he would want to go all out on cancer research to find a cure. Some of you morons are up in arms about an alleged lie.

The funny thing is, there is a far more relevant, intellectual, and mature avenue to attack Biden for what he's said here. But those who need their ball sacks tickled will always pick up the feather duster before you bother picking up a book.
Lee is showing tits, and you are a porn star.

Since when was this intellectual?
I wonder what Sargeant DeeBlasio will promise? get a divorce and marry a regular white chick?
I hate liars! grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

^You need to stop lying Trumpster.

in March 2016, Trump told The Washington Post that he could get rid of the debt “fairly quickly.” When pressed, he said, “Well, I would say over a period of eight years.”

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