Biden Pushes Homosexual Marriage as a Binding Human Right

MAGA Macho Man

Diamond Member
Apr 19, 2022
The Lord has a different opinion. I'm old enough to remember when the United States of America was admired and not pushing the Globohomopedo Agenda. How far we've fallen under Obama and now the Usurper.

W and Big Mike AGREE

George W. Bush On His Friendship with Michelle Obama - ‘We Just Took To ...
It was funny in the 1990s Bill Clinton tried to get the radical TRANS crowd to accept "gay unions" instead of marriages.

The LBTGQxyz's went batshit as expected....

I can live with "gay unions" but the word marriage has a meaning, and it does not mean homO and Michael Robinson with two fake kids that Faux "News" never noticed are fake...
If adult Homos and Lesbians want to marry - let them be, who cares? it ain't a religious sanctioned marriage anyway.

If my daughter should turn out to become a Lesbian - then obviously mine and my wife's education/raising methods failed miserably.
If my daughter should inform me that a teacher or teachers told her that being lesbian is great and normal - I will take her out from that school. - and handle that teacher my way

If my daughter is 18 or above - well then it's too late anyway, since she has her own rights and decisions to make.

Biden's UN attempt isn't about Homo marriage as such - but to get a political leverage (for Lefty&libs) towards countries who oppose such a law presently. e.g. China. Russia, etc. etc. ...
The Lord has a different opinion. I'm old enough to remember when the United States of America was admired and not pushing the Globohomopedo Agenda. How far we've fallen under Obama and now the Usurper.

Fallen since Obama? Jeez. Let's tell this person that the Bill of Rights was enacted in 1988....
If adult Homos and Lesbians want to marry - let them be, who cares?

I have a big problem with this trend of changing the definition of words. If we are to understand each other, words must have meanings, and the word MARRIAGE has a meaning, and it ain't about Big Mike and homO.

Bill Clinton's proposal was rational - unions.

The TRANS MOB is not.

Words like "conservative" have 200 different meanings to 200 different people in America, and THAT is a problem. We need words where everyone defines the word the same, otherwise we are not speaking the same language.

So, no, when the left or anyone else wants to CHANGE THE DEFINITION of a WORD, I say FUCK OFF AND DEAL WITH IT
I have a big problem with this trend of changing the definition of words. If we are to understand each other, words must have meanings, and the word MARRIAGE has a meaning, and it ain't about Big Mike and homO.

Bill Clinton's proposal was rational - unions.

The TRANS MOB is not.

Words like "conservative" have 200 different meanings to 200 different people in America, and THAT is a problem. We need words where everyone defines the word the same, otherwise we are not speaking the same language.

So, no, when the left or anyone else wants to CHANGE THE DEFINITION of a WORD, I say FUCK OFF AND DEAL WITH IT
In Germany the term marriage - applies towards a government sanctioned/documented union of two people - and is termed a state sanctioned marriage
The same term marriage - also applies towards a sanctioned union of two people conducted in a church - and is termed a church sanctioned marriage

The term marriage - married as such remains the same. And I think that also applies to e.g. the USA.

The term you are maybe referring to is called wedding.
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If my daughter should turn out to become a Lesbian - then obviously mine and my wife's education/raising methods failed miserably


It means you trusted someone with your kid when you kid was very young who raped your kid and initialized your kid as homo.

It had nothing to do with you other than you trusted someone to care for your kids you should not have.

Keep homos away from kids.
The Lord has a different opinion. I'm old enough to remember when the United States of America was admired and not pushing the Globohomopedo Agenda. How far we've fallen under Obama and now the Usurper.

Whose Lord? There are many...
It means you trusted someone with your kid when you kid was very young who raped your kid and initialized your kid as homo.
Come on - rape has nothing to do with a homo or lesbian vulture/predator eying for my daughter or son. These heavily disturbed people do not rape - but manipulate uneducated or disturbed kids.

Rape is punishable by law - no matter who and what
A homo/lesbian eying or making advances onto my daughter/son - unfortunately is not punishable by law.

But as for manipulation that is where the personal education - given by the parents kicks in. - to prevent one's own kids from getting manipulated.
If a distorted/disturbed parental home situation comes in - then those kids/children are prone to become distorted/disturbed themselves. And Homo/lesbians have a natural instinct towards identifying such kids/people.

And again: Biden's UN attempt isn't about Homo marriage as such - but to get a political leverage (for Lefty&libs controlled countries) towards countries who oppose such a law presently. e.g. China. Russia, etc. etc. ...
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Come on - rape has nothing to do with a homo or lesbian vulture/predator eying for my daughter or son. These heavily disturbed people do not rape - but manipulate uneducated or disturbed kids.

Rape is punishable by law - no matter who and what
A homo/lesbian eying or making advances onto my daughter/son - unfortunately is not punishable by law.

But as for manipulation that is where the personal education - given by the parents kicks in. - to prevent one's own kids from getting manipulated.
If a distorted/disturbed parental home situation comes in - then those kids/children are prone to become distorted/disturbed themselves. And Homo/lesbians have a natural instinct towards identifying such kids/people.

And again: Biden's UN attempt isn't about Homo marriage as such - but to get a political leverage (for Lefty&libs controlled countries) towards countries who oppose such a law presently. e.g. China. Russia, etc. etc. ...
leave poor queers alone.....their dream is quite simple ...bust up in some dudes hairy rectum or at least steal some nice lady's fashionable luggage
The Lord has a different opinion. I'm old enough to remember when the United States of America was admired and not pushing the Globohomopedo Agenda. How far we've fallen under Obama and now the Usurper.

Stupid Joe Biden has left his law school studies far behind. Marriage is not a right, but a privelige. I know this because couples need a marriage license from the state they marry in and the state can refuse such a license in certain cases.,

Here are California's marriage requirements:

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The Lord has a different opinion. I'm old enough to remember when the United States of America was admired and not pushing the Globohomopedo Agenda. How far we've fallen under Obama and now the Usurper.

I really see nothing wrong with it. Your seeing a lot more of it in the workplace and it being very socially acceptable at work. At a Methodist church I go to with my wife the minister is gay and his wife is another man. I have worked at many of jobs where some of my co-workers or bosses are gay or lesbian. My wife says at the restaurant she works at there are many gays/ lesbians working there. Her store manager is a lesbian and married to another woman. Many workplaces now make it grounds for termination if you don't accept co-workers that are gay in the workplace. My wife and I work at regions that are very liberal. Many of my wife's co-workers also openly use recreational pot and so does her store manager.

People need to let go of closed minded conservatism and embrace liberalism...
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I really see nothing wrong with it. Your seeing a lot more of it in the workplace and it being very socially acceptable at work. At a Methodist church I go to with my wife the minister is gay and his wife is another man. I have worked at many of jobs where some of my co-workers or bosses are gay or lesbian. My wife says at the restaurant she works at there are many gays/ lesbians working there. Her store manager is a lesbian and married to another woman. Many workplaces now make it grounds for termination if you don't accept co-workers that are gay in the workplace. My wife and I work at regions that are very liberal. Many of my wife's co-workers also openly use recreational pot and so does her store manager.

People need to let go of closed minded conservatism and embrace liberalism...
Recreational pot? THC, the active ingredient in that crap, produces permanent changes in the brain and nervous system. It can lead to depression and psychotic episodes. The smoke is more damaging to the heart and lungs than tobbacco. Long term use is a death sentence.

History tells us that widespread homosexual activity leads to a decline in societies that permitted it. It brought about the end of the Greek and Roman empires. That is why many societies in the ancient world banned it. Some Moslem countries give it a death sentence.
I really see nothing wrong with it. Your seeing a lot more of it in the workplace and it being very socially acceptable at work. At a Methodist church I go to with my wife the minister is gay and his wife is another man. I have worked at many of jobs where some of my co-workers or bosses are gay or lesbian. My wife says at the restaurant she works at there are many gays/ lesbians working there. Her store manager is a lesbian and married to another woman. Many workplaces now make it grounds for termination if you don't accept co-workers that are gay in the workplace. My wife and I work at regions that are very liberal. Many of my wife's co-workers also openly use recreational pot and so does her store manager.

People need to let go of closed minded conservatism and embrace liberalism...
This is not about conservatism and liberalism. It is the weakening of traditional marriages with men and women who have their flaws already. It is proven that the traditional marriage way is the optimum way to rear children at the cheapest price to get from one generation to the next. We jettisoned that. And one by product is the huge number of single parents. We live in the new way and the problems are worse than any in American history. The old way unfortunately had divorces although far less and women who would not and could not get married.
Recreational pot? THC, the active ingredient in that crap, produces permanent changes in the brain and nervous system. It can lead to depression and psychotic episodes. The smoke is more damaging to the heart and lungs than tobbacco. Long term use is a death sentence.

History tells us that widespread homosexual activity leads to a decline in societies that permitted it. It brought about the end of the Greek and Roman empires. That is why many societies in the ancient world banned it. Some Moslem countries give it a death sentence.
Which history course or book did you read that taught you homosexuality is what brought down Greek and Roman empires?


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