Biden regime knew about impending attack the day before the suicide bombing at Kabul airport

marvin martian

Diamond Member
Sep 29, 2020
Of course.

Biden, Harris, Milley, Austin, Blinken, and all the cult members need to go. Now.

The Washington establishment outlet Politico claimed on Monday to have obtained classified documents stating that senior Pentagon leaders discussed plans for a “mass casualty event” at a video meeting the day before nearly 200 died in a Kabul suicide attack.

The outlet described the document as a transcript of high-level military meetings. Politico claimed Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin instructed top leaders in over a dozen departments to prepare for such an event in a meeting on Wednesday, citing the documents. It also quoted Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley claiming to have “significant” information about a “complex attack” by a terrorist organization.

Commanders reportedly identified the Abbey Gate – where the suicide bombing occurred and Americans were gathering – to be the “highest risk.”

“I don’t believe people get the incredible amount of risk on the ground,” Politico quoted Austin as saying.

Politico did not publish the document itself but claimed to have verified its authenticity through an anonymous defense official. The Pentagon itself has neither confirmed nor denied the report at press time.

The classified notes allegedly said that a separate call occurred where Americans were making plans to close Abbey gate on Thursday, but chose to keep it open to help British allies speed up their withdrawal. The British based their evacuations out of the Baron Hotel.

At least one, though some reports claimed multiple, suicide bombings occurred at the Hamid Karzai International Airport in Kabul on Thursday, killing over 180 people, including 13 U.S. service members, and injuring dozens. Abbey gate was still open, and Americans were still processing evacuees at the gate when the attack occurred.

Pentagon prepared for ‘mass casualty’ attack at Kabul Airport hours before explosion​

Detailed notes of three classified calls provided to POLITICO show top Pentagon officials knew of imminent threat, but struggled to close Abbey Gate.
What's more...

CNN gained access to and interviewed an ''ISIS-K'' commander, and protected his identity and location, two weeks before the group killed nearly 200 people.

Nothing fishy about that either, I suppose?

A very interesting interview and info. I didn’t realize the extent of
hypocrisy going on with these stringent believers of Sharia, especially with IS-K, considered the most vicious group of these jihadist militants (IS-K has killed children targeting schools and pregnant women as intentional targets not accidents reportedly). IS-K releasing condemnation of the Taliban for meeting with women reporters while their own leaders do (as with this interview) that exact thing.

What a horrendous outcome of Biden’s fiasco with hundreds of US citizens reportedly still in Kabul who couldn’t get out, as well as thousands of Afghans who worked for US sources and many independent journalists unable to get out. It could have gone very differently under Trump.
Most folks know I am not partisan.

I have had a few argument with the liberal folks on this board over this Afghan debacle as they fall on their sword to defend this feckless President, and it just shows how they lack all critical thought, and REFUSE to see the emperor has no damn clothes.

When Bush was president, or Trump was President, or hell, even Obama, we all knew who was calling the shots. If someone screwed up, heads rolled, and folks got replaced. And conservatives on this site have been saying since day one that Biden is a puppet that only reads scripts and does what he is told, and the whole government is now a sham. . . and of course, they are right.

The nation is shameful now. . .

The left LOATHES hearing this, some of them are dumb enough to deny it.

Why can't Biden fire anyone for this debacle? Because the folks that put him in the position he is in, are actually the one calling the shots. :auiqs.jpg:


No one is going to answer for this. If this had been any other administration. . . Clinton, Bush, Obama, Trump, what the hell ever, SOMEONE would be losing a job, and the press would be attacking that someone.

As NC pointed out. . . something is really off. Especially the Politico piece. If never even mentioned the fact that the Americans fired into the crowd of civilians, and a lot of that death is attributed to American forces. . . why?

We know that the intel services, from the investigative reporting of Seymour Hersch, that ISIS in the middle east, was armed and supported by Turkey, S. Arbia, the U.S. and Israel.
The whole Benghazi bullshit was caused by OUR BULLSHIT attempts run weapons to terrorists. So it is not inconceivable that these idiots would get our sevice men killed in an intel op.

There have been reports that the Taliban was trying to decapitate the leadership of ISIS as those 5000 were freed, as the US did not distinguish between the two. . . and even in that Politico article, you see them whining about lack of cooperation. . . gee, I wonder why? The Taliban won't cooperate with us as we seed their nation with terrorists? Ya think?

Why should we not believe that the U.S. had a part in making this terrorism go down? :dunno:

Terrorism, Terrorism, Terrorism. Got to beat that drum. I can't tell you how many times folks have called the Taliban terrorists on this forum. No perception at all, complete children to propaganda.

If the Taliban is out shooting dead terrorists in the streets. . . guess how that is reported in the western media? And who is funding, arming and supporting those Wahhabists and Salafists?
Holy shit. Blood is all over Biden's hands.

Just like Bush knew Bin Ladin was going to attack by plane, and ignored it....the left was all over that narrative....they had better apply the same standards here.
Holy shit. Blood is all over Biden's hands.

Just like Bush knew Bin Ladin was going to attack by plane, and ignored it....the left was all over that narrative....they had better apply the same standards here.

Haha! I wish. Biden's cultists on this forum are still claiming he did a fantastic job in Afghanistan.
A very interesting interview and info. I didn’t realize the extent of
hypocrisy going on with these stringent believers of Sharia, especially with IS-K, considered the most vicious group of these jihadist militants (IS-K has killed children targeting schools and pregnant women as intentional targets not accidents reportedly). IS-K releasing condemnation of the Taliban for meeting with women reporters while their own leaders do (as with this interview) that exact thing.

What a horrendous outcome of Biden’s fiasco with hundreds of US citizens reportedly still in Kabul who couldn’t get out, as well as thousands of Afghans who worked for US sources and many independent journalists unable to get out. It could have gone very differently under Trump.
There are two points of view on this.

You can believe the western ruling elites, that this is indeed true. Those who have made such a mess of the world, and threaten to put your life into a police state as we speak. . .

Or? You can believe tens of millions of good people, that their religion had been corrupted. Listen to your heart, and to the creator. . . would he do this?

Luke 11:17​

Haha! I wish. Biden's cultists on this forum are still claiming he did a fantastic job in Afghanistan.

YOu have got to be doggystyling me.

What would they consider a bad job?

The hilarity of it is if you take all the same circumstances and just change the name from BIDEN to those same FUCKNUTS would be blasting the way Afghanistan was handled.

Like Blasey Ford is a hero to the left.....but Tara Reade speaks up ABOUT JOE BIDEN FINGER RAPING HER and is ignored. :auiqs.jpg:

The communists care about MONEY AND POWER. Period. Everything is politics. There is no consistent standard. It is whatever gives them the most money and power.

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