Biden Regime: You Must Agree With The Majority, Otherwise You Are An Extremist

Are you operating under the delusion that you right-wingers are going use privately-held weapons to rebel against the lawful authority of the United States?
Tell us why you’re so worked up about grabbing guns.

You’re worried.

Don’t give us the public safety bullshit. You Leftards just released over a hundred thousand violent felons from prison early.
Tell us why you’re so worked up about grabbing guns.
I'm not... I hold a FOID card myself...
You’re worried.
Nope. Disgusted and sick from all of the dead school children time-and-again-and-again.k
Don’t give us the public safety bullshit.
Ah, but it IS a matter of Public Safety... but I favor allowing a wide variety of weapons, including semi-automatic ones.

I merely favor keeping the licensing and registration and vetting and approvals and revocations on the Federal level rather than the State.

You Leftards just released over a hundred thousand violent felons from prison early.
Nope. Not me. Not something I favor. For all I care they could have packed 'em all up and shipped 'em to a remote Pacific Island... or Saudi Arabia.
I'm not... I hold a FOID card myself...

Nope. Disgusted and sick from all of the dead school children time-and-again-and-again.k

Ah, but it IS a matter of Public Safety... but I favor allowing a wide variety of weapons, including semi-automatic ones.

I merely favor keeping the licensing and registration and vetting and approvals and revocations on the Federal level rather than the State.

Nope. Not me. Not something I favor. For all I care they could have packed 'em all up and shipped 'em to a remote Pacific Island... or Saudi Arabia.
Name one elected Democrat against more gun laws. One.

Yeah. Your so worried about school kids you Democrats release over a hundred thousand violent felons from prison early.
Except that he and his cabal of neo-fascist goons aren't anywhere near the majority.
Why they had the most prolific voter fraud organization in America. Joe is certainly proud of his steal! Ask him!
I'm not... I hold a FOID card myself...

Nope. Disgusted and sick from all of the dead school children time-and-again-and-again.k

Ah, but it IS a matter of Public Safety... but I favor allowing a wide variety of weapons, including semi-automatic ones.

I merely favor keeping the licensing and registration and vetting and approvals and revocations on the Federal level rather than the State.

Nope. Not me. Not something I favor. For all I care they could have packed 'em all up and shipped 'em to a remote Pacific Island... or Saudi Arabia.
What’s your solution to school shootings?
Don’t you ever get tired of showing what a useless idiot moron you are?

Biden Friday: "I don't consider any Trump supporter a threat to the country."

Biden Thursday night: "Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our Republic."

Keep ‘em guessing, then there’s a knock on the door and…, it’s Dark Brandon! :muahaha::dev3:

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