Biden reportedly mulling sending tank-destroying kamikaze drones to Ukraine

Driving Russia further into China's camp strikes you as a good thing?
its a, myth , why´d China side with a NY size economy ?

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In other words ---- considering and analyzing the alternatives, the consequences, the effectiveness, the result, of contemplated deployment of any weapon system.

Seems, to my narrow view of our world, to be a mature and responsible course of action.

I'm OK, with mulling/considering/planning the actions that America takes against any nuclear armed opponent.

Russia.....ain't Saddam. Or Gadaffi, or ISIS, or Syria.

Is Putin stable?
Is he rationale?
Does he have 5,900 nuclear weapons?
I think if he were stable, he would have never made such a big mistake. Ukraine was no threat to him. This was purely imperialistic.
"Mulling" is the perfect word to describe Biden's pace, clarity, and decisiveness.
Putin should take some advise from Biden. Biden isn't invading a foreign country like Putin is. I'm good with Biden's pace.
"I think if he were stable, he would have never made such a big mistake."
“Mulling” sounds slow, ponderous, and indecisive.
"Mulling" sounds like 'deliberate' to me.

Still, as the poster BWK ominously suggests......stability is a thing.

Personally, I'm sorta kinda leaning towards 'deliberate' when we have metrics like this:

  • Russia's Nuclear Arsenal = 6,255
  • America's Nuclear Arsenal = 5,550

Yeah, steady as she goes. Hold the course. Be vigilant and deliberate.
Seems not unappealing, to me and my avatar.

Your Mileage May Vary
Considering that even a not yet existent threat to conventional armament being used to slaughter civilians was enough to trigger a nuclear threat from Putin...

I would say it is now perfectly ethical and moral to assassinate him.
its a, myth , why´d China side with a NY size economy ?
Because China and much of the rest of the world are tired of becoming victims of US dollar sanctions.

Thwarting the anti-dollar coalition should be Washington's top national priority

"The United States is currently waging economic warfare against one tenth of the world's countries with cumulative population of nearly 2 billion people and combined gross domestic product (GDP) of more than $15 trillion."
Poopeypants extent of "mulling" is which Gerber strained vegetable he will have next.

What's there to mull? You either want to help Ukraine fight or you don't.

what to mull is how much to help
Ukraine's Military's ability to use drones has proven to be a game changer. 🇺🇦 Drones have changed warfare forever. the tank use to be the ideal weapon carrier. But now with these drones those tanks might as well be a heavy coffin and also attacking the oil depot in the Golden Horde will hurt their supply of fuel for their tanks especially when it is near the border between the Golden Horde and Ukraine.

The future looks bad for Putin!

As Moscow’s forces bog down in Ukraine, many young Russians of draft age are increasingly jittery about the prospect of being sent into combat. Making those fears particularly acute is an annual spring conscription that begins Friday and aims to round up 134,500 men for a one-year tour of military duty.

The KIA numbers for Russian troops is like nailing jello to the wall.
Of course, in war casualties numbers are alway suspect.
One side will downplay theirs while boosting the enemy's.

I've seen numbers supplied by one Ukranian report or another that range from 16,000 to Lahkota's graphic with 17,700 dead Russians.

I wish the U.S.Military would chime in with some vetting of their own.

Interestingly, while I was trying to corroborate Lakhota's number I saw this bit of reporting from The Sun and the Wall Street Journal, where it seems Russia's Pravda briefly (before it was suddenly removed) reported that near 10,000 of their troops are KIA.

From The Sun:
"But in an extraordinary move, Komsomolskaya Pravda reported that according to the Russian defence ministry 9,861 Russian soldiers have died in Ukraine and 16,153 injured. The report was quickly taken down though several screenshots were taken including by the Wall Street Journal."

10,000 dead in 5 weeks ain't bean-bag!
Biden knows what he should do but he'll fuck around until it's too late to help.

President Biden is considering giving Ukraine so-called “kamikaze drones” that can demolish tanks from up to 25 miles away as part of more than $1 billion in military aid,

many experts call "kamikaze drones” the game changer in Ukrainian - Muscovite war, terrible news for Putin´s LONGGGGG unprotected columns
100. Big whoop. If he sent 5000, that might make an impact. But he won't do that because he wants Putin to win.
Well, that begs the question.....'What should he do?'
He should send them everything they need to kick Putin's ass. Killer drones as the OP says. Anti aircraft missiles. Stingers. Hell even give them some that can raise hell on Russia. This Putin asshole won't stop until someone stops him.
He should send them everything they need to kick Putin's ass. Killer drones as the OP says. Anti aircraft missiles. Stingers. Hell even give them some that can raise hell on Russia. This Putin asshole won't stop until someone stops him.

He's sending them a lot now. So are other NATO partners.
Stingers? check
Javelins? check

"some that can raise hell in Russia"? .......... Ummm, you may wanna think that one through poster Wamose. Russia ain't nuclear-free Libya, or Iraq. They have over 5,900 nuclear weapons.

Trust me....that is a distinction with a clear difference.
The U.S. doesn't want, nobody wants.....the desperate Ukrainians to be lobbing high-impact ground to ground missiles hundreds of miles into Russia.

I don't really need to explain why.
Everybody is bright and aware here.
They will know why.
I'm talking more about intercepting supply lines on the Russian side. This Putin asshole is bombing hospitals and civilian shelters. The only thing different between him and Hitler are the concentration camps. It's time to arm the Ukraine freedom fighters to the maximum.

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