Biden Rips SCOTUS, Orders Federal Crack Down On Texas Over ‘Heartbeat’ Law


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
Biden likes to claim, as do others, that he's a Catholic. But this is a central tenet of the Faith, abortion is a no-no.

The ghouls love abortion at any stage.

Biden is a ghoul. I think Biden has a demon.

The White House is searching for legal avenues to crack down on Texas after legislation banning most abortions after six weeks went into effect on Wednesday.
President Joe Biden issued a statement on Thursday after the Supreme Court rejected a petition from abortion providers to stay the law. Biden slammed the court’s decision as an “unprecedented assault on a woman’s constitutional rights.”
Texas implemented what is known as a “heartbeat” bill on September 1, banning most abortions once cardiac activity can be detected in an unborn child, which is about six weeks into a pregnancy. While other states have passed similar legislation, Texas’ law is the first to be implemented and avoid a stay from a court.
“The Supreme Court’s ruling overnight is an unprecedented assault on a woman’s constitutional rights under Roe v. Wade, which has been the law of the land for almost fifty years,” Biden said in a statement. “While the Chief Justice was clear to stress that the action by the Supreme Court is not a final ruling on the future of Roe, the impact of last night’s decision will be immediate and requires an immediate response.”
“One reason I became the first president in history to create a Gender Policy Council was to be prepared to react to such assaults on women’s rights,” he continued. “Hence, I am directing that Council and the Office of the White House Counsel to launch a whole-of-government effort to respond to this decision, looking specifically to the Department of Health and Human Services and the Department of Justice to see what steps the Federal Government can take to ensure that women in Texas have access to safe and legal abortions as protected by Roe, and what legal tools we have to insulate women and providers from the impact of Texas’ bizarre scheme of outsourced enforcement to private parties.”
Didn't the Catholic Church already deny him communion? Pelosi claims to be a Catholic too.

To each their own. I consider myself Christian, I have a bit more leeway in my following.
Christians will never endorse abortion

It's not a priority for me personally. As I grow older I have become more conservative on the issue as my appreciation for the defense of life is more profound. I generally stay away from the issue though, it's simply too divisive for me and I have zero influence on the matter.

At the very least, potential mothers should be forced to watch a video of those who changed their mind on abortion. It shouldn't be treated as some sort of in and out of the hospital contraception.

Also, a child once forming is an entirely different matter than a very early decision. That's where I am on the issue today.
It's not a priority for me personally. As I grow older I have become more conservative on the issue as my appreciation for the defense of life is more profound. I generally stay away from the issue though, it's simply too divisive for me and I have zero influence on the matter.

At the very least, potential mothers should be forced to watch a video of those who changed their mind on abortion. It shouldn't be treated as some sort of in and out of the hospital contraception.

Also, a child once forming is an entirely different matter than a very early decision. That's where I am on the issue today.

Every life is precious.

An unborn child has done nothing to deserve death
Biden likes to claim, as do others, that he's a Catholic. But this is a central tenet of the Faith, abortion is a no-no.

The ghouls love abortion at any stage.

Biden is a ghoul. I think Biden has a demon.

The White House is searching for legal avenues to crack down on Texas after legislation banning most abortions after six weeks went into effect on Wednesday.
President Joe Biden issued a statement on Thursday after the Supreme Court rejected a petition from abortion providers to stay the law. Biden slammed the court’s decision as an “unprecedented assault on a woman’s constitutional rights.”
Texas implemented what is known as a “heartbeat” bill on September 1, banning most abortions once cardiac activity can be detected in an unborn child, which is about six weeks into a pregnancy. While other states have passed similar legislation, Texas’ law is the first to be implemented and avoid a stay from a court.
“The Supreme Court’s ruling overnight is an unprecedented assault on a woman’s constitutional rights under Roe v. Wade, which has been the law of the land for almost fifty years,” Biden said in a statement. “While the Chief Justice was clear to stress that the action by the Supreme Court is not a final ruling on the future of Roe, the impact of last night’s decision will be immediate and requires an immediate response.”
“One reason I became the first president in history to create a Gender Policy Council was to be prepared to react to such assaults on women’s rights,” he continued. “Hence, I am directing that Council and the Office of the White House Counsel to launch a whole-of-government effort to respond to this decision, looking specifically to the Department of Health and Human Services and the Department of Justice to see what steps the Federal Government can take to ensure that women in Texas have access to safe and legal abortions as protected by Roe, and what legal tools we have to insulate women and providers from the impact of Texas’ bizarre scheme of outsourced enforcement to private parties.”
Fuck this asshole.

He's a liar (lawyer) and still does not understand how this works.
It's real simple.

If you're a leftist sociopath who believes murdering babies is OK, take your malignant ass to commiefornia and kill your babies.

You fucking libturds hate it here, we hate having you here, so jump in your fucking priuses and get the fuck out.

One thing this has done is cause the lefties here to show how gleeful they are to kill unborn babies. All while telling conservatives how evil and immoral they are. Total lack of self awareness on the left. Not that it’s a surprise....
Biden likes to claim, as do others, that he's a Catholic. But this is a central tenet of the Faith, abortion is a no-no.

The ghouls love abortion at any stage.

Biden is a ghoul. I think Biden has a demon.

The White House is searching for legal avenues to crack down on Texas after legislation banning most abortions after six weeks went into effect on Wednesday.
President Joe Biden issued a statement on Thursday after the Supreme Court rejected a petition from abortion providers to stay the law. Biden slammed the court’s decision as an “unprecedented assault on a woman’s constitutional rights.”
Texas implemented what is known as a “heartbeat” bill on September 1, banning most abortions once cardiac activity can be detected in an unborn child, which is about six weeks into a pregnancy. While other states have passed similar legislation, Texas’ law is the first to be implemented and avoid a stay from a court.
“The Supreme Court’s ruling overnight is an unprecedented assault on a woman’s constitutional rights under Roe v. Wade, which has been the law of the land for almost fifty years,” Biden said in a statement. “While the Chief Justice was clear to stress that the action by the Supreme Court is not a final ruling on the future of Roe, the impact of last night’s decision will be immediate and requires an immediate response.”
“One reason I became the first president in history to create a Gender Policy Council was to be prepared to react to such assaults on women’s rights,” he continued. “Hence, I am directing that Council and the Office of the White House Counsel to launch a whole-of-government effort to respond to this decision, looking specifically to the Department of Health and Human Services and the Department of Justice to see what steps the Federal Government can take to ensure that women in Texas have access to safe and legal abortions as protected by Roe, and what legal tools we have to insulate women and providers from the impact of Texas’ bizarre scheme of outsourced enforcement to private parties.”

Well I hate to break it to whatever is left of Joe Biden's brain, but when the Court reverses itself, THAT becomes the "law of the land"
AOC says that the Pyschocrats should pack the court with far left extremist.
Is that cheating?
excalibur Well now we see what REALLY gets Joe's Depends all in a bunch. He doesn't give a hoot about our Southern border under attack or making the Taliban the most powerful Terrorist army the world has ever seen. Or leaving Americans and loyal Afghan interpreters as hostages and the walking dead. Pffffft that was 4 or 5 days ago c'mon man!

BUT OMG make a law that you can't kill a baby with a heartbeat and all of a sudden brain dead Joe comes to life! If only he cared about America as much as he does about killing babies.
Biden likes to claim, as do others, that he's a Catholic. But this is a central tenet of the Faith, abortion is a no-no.

The ghouls love abortion at any stage.

Biden is a ghoul. I think Biden has a demon.

The White House is searching for legal avenues to crack down on Texas after legislation banning most abortions after six weeks went into effect on Wednesday.
President Joe Biden issued a statement on Thursday after the Supreme Court rejected a petition from abortion providers to stay the law. Biden slammed the court’s decision as an “unprecedented assault on a woman’s constitutional rights.”
Texas implemented what is known as a “heartbeat” bill on September 1, banning most abortions once cardiac activity can be detected in an unborn child, which is about six weeks into a pregnancy. While other states have passed similar legislation, Texas’ law is the first to be implemented and avoid a stay from a court.
“The Supreme Court’s ruling overnight is an unprecedented assault on a woman’s constitutional rights under Roe v. Wade, which has been the law of the land for almost fifty years,” Biden said in a statement. “While the Chief Justice was clear to stress that the action by the Supreme Court is not a final ruling on the future of Roe, the impact of last night’s decision will be immediate and requires an immediate response.”
“One reason I became the first president in history to create a Gender Policy Council was to be prepared to react to such assaults on women’s rights,” he continued. “Hence, I am directing that Council and the Office of the White House Counsel to launch a whole-of-government effort to respond to this decision, looking specifically to the Department of Health and Human Services and the Department of Justice to see what steps the Federal Government can take to ensure that women in Texas have access to safe and legal abortions as protected by Roe, and what legal tools we have to insulate women and providers from the impact of Texas’ bizarre scheme of outsourced enforcement to private parties.”
The Founding Father's didn't outlaw abortion until the quickening and that is the heartbeat of the fetus. So, all this parading of so called morals did nothing because abortion is still legal in Texass and the tyrant governor has not risen above the liberty of females to control their own body...
Biden likes to claim, as do others, that he's a Catholic. But this is a central tenet of the Faith, abortion is a no-no.

The ghouls love abortion at any stage.

Biden is a ghoul. I think Biden has a demon.

The White House is searching for legal avenues to crack down on Texas after legislation banning most abortions after six weeks went into effect on Wednesday.
President Joe Biden issued a statement on Thursday after the Supreme Court rejected a petition from abortion providers to stay the law. Biden slammed the court’s decision as an “unprecedented assault on a woman’s constitutional rights.”
Texas implemented what is known as a “heartbeat” bill on September 1, banning most abortions once cardiac activity can be detected in an unborn child, which is about six weeks into a pregnancy. While other states have passed similar legislation, Texas’ law is the first to be implemented and avoid a stay from a court.
“The Supreme Court’s ruling overnight is an unprecedented assault on a woman’s constitutional rights under Roe v. Wade, which has been the law of the land for almost fifty years,” Biden said in a statement. “While the Chief Justice was clear to stress that the action by the Supreme Court is not a final ruling on the future of Roe, the impact of last night’s decision will be immediate and requires an immediate response.”
“One reason I became the first president in history to create a Gender Policy Council was to be prepared to react to such assaults on women’s rights,” he continued. “Hence, I am directing that Council and the Office of the White House Counsel to launch a whole-of-government effort to respond to this decision, looking specifically to the Department of Health and Human Services and the Department of Justice to see what steps the Federal Government can take to ensure that women in Texas have access to safe and legal abortions as protected by Roe, and what legal tools we have to insulate women and providers from the impact of Texas’ bizarre scheme of outsourced enforcement to private parties.”
He's right. Its illegal what the white men are doing. They do not believe in civil rights, guns and no vaxxers are ok, and non vaxxers don't even wear a mask.

The anti vaxxers shouldn't go to the hospital either.
Biden likes to claim, as do others, that he's a Catholic. But this is a central tenet of the Faith, abortion is a no-no.

The ghouls love abortion at any stage.

Biden is a ghoul. I think Biden has a demon.

Except most Catholics support a woman's right to choose, despite what the Pope says.

The most recent survey of U.S. Catholics performed by Pew Research Center found 56% of U.S. Catholics believe abortion should be legal in all or most cases. Additionally, 68% said Roe should not be overturned — which 70% of U.S. adults also agree with.

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