Biden, running on how terrible the last years have been. See Joe run. Run, Joe, run

Crazy Joe forgets he's part of the problem of the last seven years. The man is just really dense and creepy
How exactly did Biden contribute to the disaster bush left Obama? Obama has been dealing with it well despite republicans literally saying they won't let him do anything and fighting every tiny thing he tries to do.

What was Barack Obama's plan to fix the economy that he was unable to push through despite having super majorities in the House and Senate, David?

Has he even HAD an economic plan to fix the US economy since Larry Summers left for the safety of academia? If so, I'd love to hear what that is?

I'll bet you can't tell me who Barack Obama's economic advisers are right now. You know WHY you don't know their names? Because nobody has heard a peep out of this White House on economics other than vague calls for "infra-structure" spending whenever someone pointedly asks what they are doing! This administration has basically given up even trying to fix the economy over the past four years. They're going to leave that to whoever is in the Oval Office next.
And, of course, when the Republican takes office in January, suddenly the dismal recovery will no longer be because "Bush made it so bad". It will suddenly be his/her total responsibility, just like Obama never even happened.

Let's be honest here...when it came to the economy...Barack Obama never did "happen"! He's led the worst recovery from a recession in modern economic history.
Oldstyle, I know this will shock you: Obama is not running. His admin, though not good, was not the pit fall of government malfeasance of the Bush junta.

I'm quite aware of that. What's pathetic is that people like you would vote for him again (if you were given the opportunity) even though you admit that his administration was "not good"!
Crazy Joe forgets he's part of the problem of the last seven years. The man is just really dense and creepy
How exactly did Biden contribute to the disaster bush left Obama? Obama has been dealing with it well despite republicans literally saying they won't let him do anything and fighting every tiny thing he tries to do.

What was Barack Obama's plan to fix the economy that he was unable to push through despite having super majorities in the House and Senate, David?

Has he even HAD an economic plan to fix the US economy since Larry Summers left for the safety of academia? If so, I'd love to hear what that is?

I'll bet you can't tell me who Barack Obama's economic advisers are right now. You know WHY you don't know their names? Because nobody has heard a peep out of this White House on economics other than vague calls for "infra-structure" spending whenever someone pointedly asks what they are doing! This administration has basically given up even trying to fix the economy over the past four years. They're going to leave that to whoever is in the Oval Office next.

The Moron thinks it's funny he blew $700Billion
If you knew Obama was better than Bush, why did you not offer candidates better than Obama? As much as I don't like the left, I distrust the far right even more. The left is incompetent, the far right will pull the country into shambles.
Crazy Joe forgets he's part of the problem of the last seven years. The man is just really dense and creepy
How exactly did Biden contribute to the disaster bush left Obama? Obama has been dealing with it well despite republicans literally saying they won't let him do anything and fighting every tiny thing he tries to do.

What was Barack Obama's plan to fix the economy that he was unable to push through despite having super majorities in the House and Senate, David?

Has he even HAD an economic plan to fix the US economy since Larry Summers left for the safety of academia? If so, I'd love to hear what that is?

I'll bet you can't tell me who Barack Obama's economic advisers are right now. You know WHY you don't know their names? Because nobody has heard a peep out of this White House on economics other than vague calls for "infra-structure" spending whenever someone pointedly asks what they are doing! This administration has basically given up even trying to fix the economy over the past four years. They're going to leave that to whoever is in the Oval Office next.
And, of course, when the Republican takes office in January, suddenly the dismal recovery will no longer be because "Bush made it so bad". It will suddenly be his/her total responsibility, just like Obama never even happened.

Let's be honest here...when it came to the economy...Barack Obama never did "happen"! He's led the worst recovery from a recession in modern economic history.
This is true in that improving the economy was not the top priority. Ramming obamadon'tcare through and punishing the successful was more important.
If you knew Obama was better than Bush, why did you not offer candidates better than Obama? As much as I don't like the left, I distrust the far right even more. The left is incompetent, the far right will pull the country into shambles.

Seriously? If you were interviewing candidates for the job of CEO of your company and looked at the qualifications of one Barry Obama and one Mitt Romney it wouldn't even be a contest. One had vast experience with rescuing troubled companies and large organizations, had experience with budgets, worked well across the aisle and had a squeaky clean personal life. The other had no executive experience at all, didn't work well with others at all, had zero experience with budgets, hadn't been a standout at his jobs and had some problems with drugs in his past.

And you complain about the "far right", Jake...when the truth is...the GOP keeps nominating moderates! In reality it's you Democrats that keep pushing things to the left with your nominees! Barack Obama had one of the most liberal voting records in the US Senate. John McCain was so moderate that John Kerry entertained the idea of asking him to be his Vice Presidential running mate and Mitt Romney was a moderate Governor from Massachusetts, probably the most liberal State in the nation. Give that mantra a rest,'s laughably untrue!
That's the problem, Oldstyle, you think in a corporate management mode. A President has to be so much more than that, because the business of the government is not business but We the People.
That's the problem, Oldstyle, you think in a corporate management mode. A President has to be so much more than that, because the business of the government is not business but We the People.

Which is why Mitt Romney would have been a perfect fit for the Presidency at that moment! He had been a Governor of a liberal State despite being a Republican. He wasn't just a "businessman" he was also a political LEADER!

You can SAY that the government isn't a business...but so many of the same traits that make a good CEO also translate into being a good Governor or President. My point is that Barack Obama had NONE of those good CEO traits! His time as President is a cautionary tale because it shows what happens when you elect someone with no management skills and then expect them to manage the country.
And I would argue that for Barack Obama being President has very often not been about "We the People" because he pushes so many things that the majority of Americans want nothing to do with! For's been...I have the ability to ram this through one way or another and I don't care what "We the People" say...I know what's best for them!
If you knew Obama was better than Bush, why did you not offer candidates better than Obama? As much as I don't like the left, I distrust the far right even more. The left is incompetent, the far right will pull the country into shambles. sayeth Media Matters
I have met Mitt, I like him, but he is "too business" for my likes. Having said that, Biden is union now, union forever. If the party is split at the Convention, I would go for Mitt and pray he would take Kasich as his VP.
I have met Mitt, I like him, but he is "too business" for my likes. Having said that, Biden is union now, union forever. If the party is split at the Convention, I would go for Mitt and pray he would take Kasich as his VP.

Mitt? Who? Are you in the WayBack Machine, Professor?
I have met Mitt, I like him, but he is "too business" for my likes. Having said that, Biden is union now, union forever. If the party is split at the Convention, I would go for Mitt and pray he would take Kasich as his VP.

Mitt? Who? Are you in the WayBack Machine, Professor?
Go take a nap, old man :lol:, then wake up refreshed and read it again. I said if the Convetion is split, I would go for a Mitt draft if Kasich can't be chosen.
I have met Mitt, I like him, but he is "too business" for my likes. Having said that, Biden is union now, union forever. If the party is split at the Convention, I would go for Mitt and pray he would take Kasich as his VP.

Mitt? Who? Are you in the WayBack Machine, Professor?
Go take a nap, old man :lol:, then wake up refreshed and read it again. I said if the Convetion is split, I would go for a Mitt draft if Kasich can't be chosen.


Check your watch, Sparky it hasn't been 2012 for a while now


I'd go for Reagan or Coolidge

Kasich would be an excellent choice for President. As I said before...we need someone with executive experience. He has it. Someone like Hillary Clinton really doesn't. The only entity she's ever been in charge of is the State Department and that wasn't exactly successful. Just saying...
Crazy Joe forgets he's part of the problem of the last seven years. The man is just really dense and creepy
How exactly did Biden contribute to the disaster bush left Obama? Obama has been dealing with it well despite republicans literally saying they won't let him do anything and fighting every tiny thing he tries to do.
Bidens been too busy fondling women & young girls to be bothered with doing his job.
I don't think Biden is going to run. I really don't think he or his family have the emotional strength to go through with it. He is torn in making this decision (I was watching him on something the other day) and he genuinely seems as if he hasn't made the decision quite yet. He seemed sad ... you could see it in his eyes, his demeanor, his body language.

what's he going to run on?

how bad things have been for the last 8 years?

It's Uncle Joe we're talking about, R. Of course he's going to run on how bad things have been for the past eight years! lol
I don't think Biden is going to run. I really don't think he or his family have the emotional strength to go through with it. He is torn in making this decision (I was watching him on something the other day) and he genuinely seems as if he hasn't made the decision quite yet. He seemed sad ... you could see it in his eyes, his demeanor, his body language.

what's he going to run on?

how bad things have been for the last 8 years?

It's Uncle Joe we're talking about, R. Of course he's going to run on how bad things have been for the past eight years! lol

"the middle class has been buried these past 4 years" -- Biden Oct 2012
You know what fellas, I am a conservative, and I laugh at "Uncle Joe, moving kinda slow at the junction" too. But here is the deal..........................I know when I ask you this, you are gonna SCREAM like hell, but here is the question----------------> Pick the republican candidate of your choice, any of them. Now, lets move the clock up to the day after the election. You wake up and find that it was a razor thin margin, but the DEMOCRAT won. Who do YOU want sitting in the Oval Office? Hillary, Sanders, or Biden? Gotta pick one, because if the Democrat wins, it will undoubtedly be one of them.

There is no need to answer the question publicly, but it certainly something to think about.

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