Biden, running on how terrible the last years have been. See Joe run. Run, Joe, run

You are not patriotic conservatives, only progressive statist facists who want to take over power and punish your enemies and steal the peoples' monies.

No, JakeAss that's what I'd enjoy doing to you!

That's what progressive fascists, like you and Vigi and the mussolinis say, when you are being stopped from oppressing the nation. Not too worry; you won't get too, regardless of who wins.


Her body language is speaking VOLUMES. He is creeping her out, wants him to stop touching her, wants him to get the hell out of her space and out of her face. Joe is too dumb to pick up on it ... at all.
He's a democrat. They simply cannot fathom that they could ever be received by anything less than overwhelming approval.
The truth is that the far right reactionaries will never have national influence in our lifetimes.
Yet that is precisely the hysterical fear that the democrat nominee is going to instill in the low information voters.
You are not patriotic conservatives, only progressive statist facists who want to take over power and punish your enemies and steal the peoples' monies.

nice..."progressive statist fascists"...a lot of trigger words jumbled together that mean.....absolutely nothing.
the marxism is strong...
That's what progressive fascists, like you and Vigi and the mussolinis say, when you are being stopped from oppressing the nation. Not too worry; you won't get too, regardless of who wins.

Jake from media Matters, you neglected to address the point that Obama is using the NSA and IRA against his "enemies"
I think all presidents do that to one end or another. I know that Bush has done it as well, Nixon, and Johnson. That has to stop. If your people are elected, it will only increase.
"I am hot. I am mad, I am angry," Biden roared as he bemoaned the way workers have been "clobbered" in recent years, and vowed to fight to ensure a share for the middle class of the profits the rich have enjoyed from rising productivity."

Biden hears Labor Day cheers: 'Run, Joe, run' -

The guy has to be the biggest fucking moron in DC including Obama.

The mindless zombies and non-living that constitute the majority of the Dem votes are solidly behind him

"The middle class has been buried these past 4 years" -- Biden Oct 2012

Yeah, Joe! Those guys in the White House are doing an awful's time for change!

Yup. Hope and change. Isn't it just peachy??
The truth is that the far right reactionaries will never have national influence in our lifetimes.
Yet that is precisely the hysterical fear that the democrat nominee is going to instill in the low information voters.
They are already in hysteria. They know Trump will abandon when opportune to do so. Kasich deals with the far right very gingerly. The far right knows that the Cruz and Perry et al gang have not a chance of nomination much less election.
The truth is that the far right reactionaries will never have national influence in our lifetimes.
Yet that is precisely the hysterical fear that the democrat nominee is going to instill in the low information voters.
They are already in hysteria. They know Trump will abandon when opportune to do so. Kasich deals with the far right very gingerly. The far right knows that the Cruz and Perry et al gang have not a chance of nomination much less election.
Yes, I agree that democrats are hysterical.
The truth is that the far right reactionaries will never have national influence in our lifetimes.
Yet that is precisely the hysterical fear that the democrat nominee is going to instill in the low information voters.
They are already in hysteria. They know Trump will abandon when opportune to do so. Kasich deals with the far right very gingerly. The far right knows that the Cruz and Perry et al gang have not a chance of nomination much less election.
Yes, I agree that democrats are hysterical.

Well who can blame them when they have Hilbat?? I mean really. She's got so much baggage right now she can't even get in the damned door.

Hope Biden does run at least it will give Dems someone they can feel safe voting for. Not some old bat that no one likes.
I agree with that, Claudette. HRC is the left's equivalent of the far right reactionary freak show.

Kasich and Rubio against a Biden and Warren would be a real election with real results.
Crazy Joe forgets he's part of the problem of the last seven years. The man is just really dense and creepy
How exactly did Biden contribute to the disaster bush left Obama? Obama has been dealing with it well despite republicans literally saying they won't let him do anything and fighting every tiny thing he tries to do.

What was Barack Obama's plan to fix the economy that he was unable to push through despite having super majorities in the House and Senate, David?

Has he even HAD an economic plan to fix the US economy since Larry Summers left for the safety of academia? If so, I'd love to hear what that is?

I'll bet you can't tell me who Barack Obama's economic advisers are right now. You know WHY you don't know their names? Because nobody has heard a peep out of this White House on economics other than vague calls for "infra-structure" spending whenever someone pointedly asks what they are doing! This administration has basically given up even trying to fix the economy over the past four years. They're going to leave that to whoever is in the Oval Office next.
Crazy Joe forgets he's part of the problem of the last seven years. The man is just really dense and creepy
How exactly did Biden contribute to the disaster bush left Obama? Obama has been dealing with it well despite republicans literally saying they won't let him do anything and fighting every tiny thing he tries to do.

What was Barack Obama's plan to fix the economy that he was unable to push through despite having super majorities in the House and Senate, David?

Has he even HAD an economic plan to fix the US economy since Larry Summers left for the safety of academia? If so, I'd love to hear what that is?

I'll bet you can't tell me who Barack Obama's economic advisers are right now. You know WHY you don't know their names? Because nobody has heard a peep out of this White House on economics other than vague calls for "infra-structure" spending whenever someone pointedly asks what they are doing! This administration has basically given up even trying to fix the economy over the past four years. They're going to leave that to whoever is in the Oval Office next.
And, of course, when the Republican takes office in January, suddenly the dismal recovery will no longer be because "Bush made it so bad". It will suddenly be his/her total responsibility, just like Obama never even happened.
How can Biden possibly run when he's been part and parcel of one of the most ineffective, scandal ridden administrations in the history of the nation? The Obama White House has given us a combination of Nixon like cover-ups and Carter like ineptitude. Why would any logical person want a continuation of that? Especially with an idiot like Biden at the helm?
Obama never had a plan to fix the economy. He was to busy foisting his ACA around the necks of the American Taxpayer.

Any recovery the economy has had has had absolutely nothing to do with that POS in the White House or that pack of boomb in his administration.
Oldstyle, I know this will shock you: Obama is not running. His admin, though not good, was not the pit fall of government malfeasance of the Bush junta.
How can Biden possibly run when he's been part and parcel of one of the most ineffective, scandal ridden administrations in the history of the nation? The Obama White House has given us a combination of Nixon like cover-ups and Carter like ineptitude. Why would any logical person want a continuation of that? Especially with an idiot like Biden at the helm?

That's easy. Some Dems would vote for Jack the Ripper for POTUS as long as he's a Dem.

As long as Biden is a Dem then Dems will vote for him and won't give three shits about his ineptitude.

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