Biden said what Needed to be Said

When I look at MAGA republicans I see a bunch of weak bitches that are always crying over something and can't even man up and admit Trump lost the election.

You people are not tough at all in anyway, you are all talk and you will lose any war very badly. What are you going to do, cry on me? Get your tears on me??
We're really scared of a bunch of weaklings that can't even man up and admit Trump lost.
Ouch! Your diseased gash has to be throbbing after that effort.

That is some awesome internet toughness.
Trump didn't attack anyone. Democrats have been attacking him since 2016, again, another case of using the Marxist tactic of calling others what you yourself are doing. I notice you didn't rebut what I said, because you can't. All you can do is once again, show your TDS.

The Crybaby Loser created a lie to cover up the fact that he lost BIGLY

People died because of his lie
After decades of right wingers claiming liberals hate America, and are actively trying to destroy our country, on a regular basis, it silly for you to whine about dividing the country now, don't you think?

I'd feel bad about that if it wasn't true.
Old Joe was right to call-out the Orange A$$hole and his minions.

After Rump gets his a$$ kicked... either in the criminal law courts or the 2024 election... Pubs will finally figure-out that they need to dump the idiot.

At that point, REAL Republicans can begin to take-back the Grand Old Party from the trailer trash to which it is presently enthralled...
Great Job Joe !

The MAGA Republicans have disgraced themselves and still can't even admit Trump lost the election despite having no credible evidence at all.

I am really proud that Biden called out the disgraceful MAGA Republicans.
MAGA Republicans are a clear and present danger to Democracy, they think Trump can do whatever he wants and break any law he wants.

MAGA republicans are still too weak to man up and admit Trump lost the election, and it is a disgrace.

“The MAGA Republicans believe for them to succeed everyone else has to fail,” says Biden.

You're joking right?
Biden is a p o s.......tonight's divisive , dishonest, and disingenuous rambling proves it once again...... and most people on the left see right through him.
After Democrats stole the 2020 election? Fuck outta here.
Now the True Test begins.To watch as how the MSM and cable
outlets { CNN and MSNBC } stick around to defend this most
despicable of any Speech given by an Elected Potus.
Jeh Johnson tried at MSNBC. I bet he wish he dint.
That's the problem with hypocrites. You never see a problem when it's your "side" doing the wrong.
Immaterial with respect to whether or not the Insurrectionists of January 6, 2021 and the Inciter-in-Chief turned traitor on that day...
yea because she was rioting at the Capitol, and deserved to die.
Yeah, but a drug addled idiot didn’t. Which the left turned into riots across the nation, sent a cop to prison for life for doing nothing.

But this one earned it right? A former military person with a family of productive Americans.

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