Biden said what Needed to be Said

Great Job Joe !

The MAGA Republicans have disgraced themselves and still can't even admit Trump lost the election despite having no credible evidence at all.

I am really proud that Biden called out the disgraceful MAGA Republicans.
MAGA Republicans are a clear and present danger to Democracy, they think Trump can do whatever he wants and break any law he wants.

MAGA republicans are still too weak to man up and admit Trump lost the election, and it is a disgrace.

“The MAGA Republicans believe for them to succeed everyone else has to fail,” says Biden.

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:Fascist projection.
Great Job Joe !

The MAGA Republicans have disgraced themselves and still can't even admit Trump lost the election despite having no credible evidence at all.

I am really proud that Biden called out the disgraceful MAGA Republicans.
MAGA Republicans are a clear and present danger to Democracy, they think Trump can do whatever he wants and break any law he wants.

MAGA republicans are still too weak to man up and admit Trump lost the election, and it is a disgrace.

“The MAGA Republicans believe for them to succeed everyone else has to fail,” says Biden.

Freedom is so Overrated...
Yeah Trump was a real threat, low gas prices, best economy, no new wars. a vaccine in record time. I guess all of that is a threat to Democrats.
Well yeah…makes them look inept…which they are.
How bad do you want this war?
When I look at MAGA republicans I see a bunch of weak bitches that are always crying over something and can't even man up and admit Trump lost the election.

You people are not tough at all in anyway, you are all talk and you will lose any war very badly. What are you going to do, cry on me? Get your tears on me??
We're really scared of a bunch of weaklings that can't even man up and admit Trump lost.
Nothing wrong with bitch-slapping un-American personality cultists who broke faith and violated the sacred American tradition of a peaceful transfer of power.

That's the problem with hypocrites. You never see a problem when it's your "side" doing the wrong.
The Crybaby Loser attacked our Democracy when it told him he was no longer wanted
Trump didn't attack anyone. Democrats have been attacking him since 2016, again, another case of using the Marxist tactic of calling others what you yourself are doing. I notice you didn't rebut what I said, because you can't. All you can do is once again, show your TDS.
Yeah Trump was a real threat, low gas prices, best economy, no new wars. a vaccine in record time. I guess all of that is a threat to Democrats.
What good economy.

Trump had a fake economy with low GDP growth, only +2.13% in 2019 pathetic, massive deficits, that crashed when the FED tried to raise rates to a meager 1%.

Biden has lower unemployment than Trump.

Trump's economy was a joke and ran on FED stimulus and massive government deficit spending.
Did he stutter like a retarded 3-year old with a mouth full of marbles? Any awkward 45-second drooling pauses? Any grunting like a diaper is being assaulted? :laughing0301:

That's always fun to laugh and point at.

I wish I could have watched it..... but I had to rearrange my sock drawer.
he Really is something 'special'
When I look at MAGA republicans I see a bunch of weak bitches that are always crying over something and can't even man up and admit Trump lost the election.

You people are not tough at all in anyway, you are all talk and you will lose any war very badly. What are you going to do, cry on me? Get your tears on me??
We're really scared of a bunch of weaklings that can't even man up and admit Trump lost.

Need a diaper change?
Great Job Joe !

The MAGA Republicans have disgraced themselves and still can't even admit Trump lost the election despite having no credible evidence at all.

I am really proud that Biden called out the disgraceful MAGA Republicans.
MAGA Republicans are a clear and present danger to Democracy, they think Trump can do whatever he wants and break any law he wants.

MAGA republicans are still too weak to man up and admit Trump lost the election, and it is a disgrace.

“The MAGA Republicans believe for them to succeed everyone else has to fail,” says Biden.

Such a marvy speech no Network covered.Only usual suspects
at CNN and MSNBC.Pretty much says it all.
I heard the last half of it.It was truly sad.It may be considered historic.
It was that Unique.As unamerican as it gets.At least Hitler believed
in what he spouted.No way could Joe.It was as laden with projection
as if watching a sick presentation of SNL.
When I look at MAGA republicans I see a bunch of weak bitches that are always crying over something and can't even man up and admit Trump lost the election.

You people are not tough at all in anyway, you are all talk and you will lose any war very badly. What are you going to do, cry on me? Get your tears on me??
We're really scared of a bunch of weaklings that can't even man up and admit Trump lost.
What is your problem with Make America Great Again? Oh yeah, you're an anti-American alt-lefty.
The one you’re hell bent on starting. You can’t claim certain people need to be eliminated and then act all surprised you got a really bad reaction.
Remember, these lefties always try to blame others for the bad shit they themselves promote.
When I look at MAGA republicans I see a bunch of weak bitches that are always crying over something and can't even man up and admit Trump lost the election.

You people are not tough at all in anyway, you are all talk and you will lose any war very badly. What are you going to do, cry on me? Get your tears on me??
We're really scared of a bunch of weaklings that can't even man up and admit Trump lost.
Wow, so that’s why you think you can get away with this. This is going to turn out really bad for you. It’s actually going to turn out bad for the world. But if this is what you want keep on going.

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