Biden said what Needed to be Said

Having those Marines stand behind him while he was giving his hate America speech is a disgrace to this country.
When I look at MAGA republicans I see a bunch of weak bitches that are always crying over something and can't even man up and admit Trump lost the election.

You people are not tough at all in anyway, you are all talk and you will lose any war very badly. What are you going to do, cry on me? Get your tears on me??
We're really scared of a bunch of weaklings that can't even man up and admit Trump lost.
You people burnt, looted, and beat people and called it “free speech”. That accomplished nothing except a retreat from urban investment.,
What good economy.

Trump had a fake economy with low GDP growth, only +2.13% in 2019 pathetic, massive deficits, that crashed when the FED tried to raise rates to a meager 1%.

Biden has lower unemployment than Trump.

Trump's economy was a joke and ran on FED stimulus and massive government deficit spending.

I liked Trump‘s economy better. Gasoline was very reasonable and inflation was low. Trump was reducing the number of illegal aliens from crossing the Mexican border. Kids were not being targeted with fentanyl that looks like candy.

Federal officials issue warning about potentially deadly rainbow fentanyl shaped like colorful candy

Biden is the worst President in my life time and I was born right after WWII.
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Watching the lowlights I heard "I give you my word as a biden"....

Which 22-year old cock-smoking intern thought it would be good idea to put THAT in the screed? It should be dragged thru the streets and shit on, and then banished to the new and improved IRS army.
Well, of course. That's why he has marines in the background. Why didn't he announce operations to remove Governors DeSantis, Youngkin and Abbott?
That comes later. First they need to sell you on how much better socialism will be once they get rid of those people.
Perhaps this call to arms was supposed to be used by antifa and blm for more riots. After all, this speech did give them permission.
I didn't see it, but it sounded ominous from the media reports. The type of speech GWB might give before ordering a strike on a terrorist cell.

The irony of this is that many who voted for Trump, also voted for Obama. 70+M Americans. Voters wanted change from both but only Trump kept his word.
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This speech tonight ended all partisanship. It’s a war now and any Republican wishing to save this country was put on notice. Siding with democrats is signing your own death warrant. Manchin just learned that. He passed their stupid inflation bill and two days later had all of his demands to do so fucked in the ass.

Democrats aren’t honest players and now you know they hate you. Their president said so.

You can’t work with people like that.
Great Job Joe !

The MAGA Republicans have disgraced themselves and still can't even admit Trump lost the election despite having no credible evidence at all.

I am really proud that Biden called out the disgraceful MAGA Republicans.
MAGA Republicans are a clear and present danger to Democracy, they think Trump can do whatever he wants and break any law he wants.

MAGA republicans are still too weak to man up and admit Trump lost the election, and it is a disgrace.

“The MAGA Republicans believe for them to succeed everyone else has to fail,” says Biden.

Of course Biden said what had to be said, Banker! His whole speech was a diversion designed to make people look at something else besides how his policies have put the economy in recession, our border in crisis, killed over a hundred thousand from drug overdoses and brought violent crime waves to our cities!

You give a speech like that to distract...and god knows...he needs the voters to not pay attention to how bad a President he's been!
Immaterial to whether or not the traitors of January 6 2021 broke the faith and assaulted the Congress of the United States and its Vice President while in session....
No they protested obvious fraud and wanted an investigation. Then they were framed by the FBI and the bullshit censorship started. Challenging an election is a right and no threat to democracy. The Congress shit on 74 million people that day.
No they protested obvious fraud and wanted an investigation.
Bull$hit. One does not erect gallows and call for the hanging of the Vice President if one is merely "protesting and wanted an investigation".

Your lie may fool some of your gullible bumper-sticker--brain compatriots but any sane person over ten years old knows this bull$hit for what it is.

Then they were framed by the FBI and the bullshit censorship started. Challenging an election is a right and no threat to democracy. The Congress shit on 74 million people that day.
More's the pity that you see it that way. The criminal law courts and the history books will say differently.
Joe Potatohead and his handlers are deranged.

They think they can start a civil war and the F-15 pilots will kill all us Conservatives and then the US can be turned into a Socialist shithole. A shithole with no right of free speech, no right of religion, no right to keep and bear arms and no right of due process. Just like all the other Socialist shitholes in the world.

I also think this viscous hate speech was a prelude to arresting Trump, which may very well be the Lexington Green of the next revolution.

Having those Marines stand behind was absolutely disgusting and for that alone he should be impeached. Shame on those Marines for allowing themselves to be used for political hate. That is not what they enlisted for. They took an oath to defend the Constitution against domestic enemies and there was a modern day Hitler trying to destroy the Constitution.
His attempt to co-opt "mainstream Republicans" into his TDS, was laughable.

Trump is the mainstream of the GOP as his comical leads over all other opponents in 2016 showed.

The attacks on Trump will only galvanize his supporters. It certainly won't make them say, "Maybe we should go with Cornyn. He works well with the Democrats, right?"

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