Biden said what Needed to be Said

This speech tonight ended all partisanship. It’s a war now and any Republican wishing to save this country was put on notice. Siding with democrats is signing your own death warrant. Manchin just learned that. He passed their stupid inflation bill and two days later had all of his demands to do so fucked in the ass.

Democrats aren’t honest players and now you know they hate you. Their president said so.

You can’t work with people like that.
“Ended all partisanship?” Not at all. That was the most divisive and shameful address by a US president in our history. All it did was ensure that partisanship gets even more toxic. I think his continual attempts to widen the divide will anger many more people than it inspires.
Great Job Joe !

The MAGA Republicans have disgraced themselves and still can't even admit Trump lost the election despite having no credible evidence at all.

I am really proud that Biden called out the disgraceful MAGA Republicans.
MAGA Republicans are a clear and present danger to Democracy, they think Trump can do whatever he wants and break any law he wants.

MAGA republicans are still too weak to man up and admit Trump lost the election, and it is a disgrace.

“The MAGA Republicans believe for them to succeed everyone else has to fail,” says Biden.

Okay but I even heard NPR questioning whether or not it was appropriate to have the sitting president out spewing flame thrower rhetoric in an election year as opposed to letting proxies do it. Poor Joe must plan on not getting anything done after January 2, 2023.
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Bull$hit. One does not erect gallows and call for the hanging of the Vice President if one is merely "protesting and wanted an investigation".

Your lie may fool some of your gullible bumper-sticker--brain compatriots but any sane person over ten years old knows this bull$hit for what it is.

More's the pity that you see it that way. The criminal law courts and the history books will say differently.
Yeah, they were building that gallows for a year. State of the art. You are a drama queen and will never accept the truth.
Indeed. But we overthrew him through righteous revolt. Why don't you tell us more about YOUR plans to do something similar?
If such chaos comes, it will come from Blue cities and the anti-American scum that uses BLM and Antifa as their shock troops. I'm convinced that when Trump announces his run for '24 and your media finally has to admit he cannot be legally stopped from running AND that he might well win again, it will be YOUR TEAM that sets things off, not Trump supporters.

They've literally tried EVERYTHING to stop him and have failed miserably. They'll only have a couple of options left. They can set the nation on fire by going into the streets to make the country ungovernable or they can resort to assassination. EITHER OF THOSE ENDS BADLY FOR US ALL.
Great Job Joe !

The MAGA Republicans have disgraced themselves and still can't even admit Trump lost the election despite having no credible evidence at all.

I am really proud that Biden called out the disgraceful MAGA Republicans.
MAGA Republicans are a clear and present danger to Democracy, they think Trump can do whatever he wants and break any law he wants.

MAGA republicans are still too weak to man up and admit Trump lost the election, and it is a disgrace.

“The MAGA Republicans believe for them to succeed everyone else has to fail,” says Biden.

He just demonized 74 million people.

How unifying.
Of course Biden said what had to be said, Banker! His whole speech was a diversion designed to make people look at something else besides how his policies have put the economy in recession, our border in crisis, killed over a hundred thousand from drug overdoses and brought violent crime waves to our cities!

You give a speech like that to distract...and god knows...he needs the voters to not pay attention to how bad a President he's been!

That is the one common theme Americans will take away, "who is in power TODAY?!" No American believes that the challenges they and their nation face today have anything to do with Trump.
Yes, Repubs are burning the nation down.
We Conservatives are not the ones that are destroying the nation.

We are not the ones trashing the Bill of Rights.

We are not the ones threatening to kill Americans with nuclear weapons and F-15s.

We are not the ones that stole the 2020 election.

We are not the ones allowing an invasion of our country.

We are not the ones that attempted a coup against a sitting President with false accusations.

We are not the ones using the filthy FBI and other government agencies to destroy Liberty.

We are not the ones destroying the economic well being with massive inflation and recession.

We are not the ones getting up in front of the nation giving Hitler like hate speeches.

The fucking Democrats are and their deranged front man Joe Poatohead are doing all those things and more.
We Conservatives are not the ones that are destroying the nation.

We are not the ones trashing the Bill of Rights.

We are not the ones threatening to kill Americans with nuclear weapons and F-15s.

We are not the ones that stole the 2020 election.

We are not the ones allowing an invasion of our country.

We are not the ones that attempted a coup against a sitting President with false accusations.

We are not the ones using the filthy FBI and other government agencies to destroy Liberty.

We are not the ones destroying the economic well being with massive inflation and recession.

We are not the ones getting up in front of the nation giving Hitler like hate speeches.

The fucking Democrats are and their deranged front man Joe Poatohead are doing all those things and more.
yea the GOP tried to steal the election and failed.
The will of the people was heard and they voted for Biden.

Trump should not have stolen those top sercet documents and put them in his basement. Then he should have given them back when they asked him for them, instead he lied and tried to say he didn't have them. That's a crime and Trump will be charged.

Your just mad because bush was a total failure who started 2 failed wars and blew up the economy, then Trump failed at covid had a weak low growth economy, and then lost the election fair and square and couldn't admit he lost so he incited a riot at the Capitol.

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