Biden said what Needed to be Said

Joe Biden is certified fucking crazy. A danger to this country.
But there musta been a coordinated message to all the virile
Biden players.Including the weaponized Agencies.So watch in the
coming days and weeks.For True blue false flags.
Joe Biden is a perambulating pile of the foulest garbage. He is responsible for an almost incalculable amount of suffering and death. His partnership with the drug cartels has led to the deaths of thousands of Americans and has caused the abuse and deaths of thousands of illegal immigrants. His partnership with the Taliban has destroyed twenty years of work and cast those people in Afghanistan back into a worse cesspool than brought the USA there in the first place. Worse for them now as a generation of girls grew up thinking they'd have a good and free life and Joe snatched it away from them. Ukraine has been rewarded to the tune of a trillion dollars for their investment in Hunter. And China... well their investment has been good for them too. New battery technology and a wink and a nod to let them know Tawain is theirs for the taking. Russia is getting their money's worth for their millions to Hunter too. Pushing those oil prices to the stratosphere enriched Putin beyond his wildest dreams. He doesn't need the oligarchs to stay in power now and has been able to kill them at will. Yeah...great job Joe. :rolleyes:
just wondering, when do you start your sentence for the disgraceful Jan 6 riots?

Did you cry like a weakling at sentencing like the other pathetic Trumpers?
Great Job Joe !

The MAGA Republicans have disgraced themselves and still can't even admit Trump lost the election despite having no credible evidence at all.

I am really proud that Biden called out the disgraceful MAGA Republicans.
MAGA Republicans are a clear and present danger to Democracy, they think Trump can do whatever he wants and break any law he wants.

MAGA republicans are still too weak to man up and admit Trump lost the election, and it is a disgrace.

“The MAGA Republicans believe for them to succeed everyone else has to fail,” says Biden.

JOe does seem to be getting desperate
You continue to be confused Moon Bat.

There is overwhelming proof that the Democrats stole the election.

The fact that in several Democrat controlled swing districts the counting stopped when Trump was ahead and resumed hours later when thousand of magical ballots for Potatohead appeared. The fact that Republican observers were prevented from seeing the counts in several key districts. the fact of tens of thousands of unverified mail and harvested ballots with no connection to existing voters.

The Democrats stole the 2020 election and that is a fact. The filthy ass cowardly government rushed to certify the election without an audit because they feared the Negroes and ANTIFA would burn down more of the country than they already had.

Potatohead is not a legitimate President and he is leading to another Civil War with his vile hate speech and you Moon Bats better get control of him before it is too late. You will not like the outcome if there is a real war.
yet you have absolutely no proof of this at all in anyway and AG Barr, Dept of Homeland security, all GOP election officials, Ivanka Trump, and all the courts have said there was no fraud at all.

Repeating "there was fraud" is bot evidence, you don't seem to understand that simple fact. Deal with it
When I look at MAGA republicans I see a bunch of weak bitches that are always crying over something and can't even man up and admit Trump lost the election.

You people are not tough at all in anyway, you are all talk and you will lose any war very badly. What are you going to do, cry on me? Get your tears on me??
We're really scared of a bunch of weaklings that can't even man up and admit Trump lost.
quick dude, old Joe needs a fresh depends....kiss his wrinkled old ass while you are down there
just wondering, when do you start your sentence for the disgraceful Jan 6 riots?

Did you cry like a weakling at sentencing like the other pathetic Trumpers?
This is a current event. The current president is roiling up more hate and division. You should condemn the president’s speech.
Bull$hit. One does not erect gallows and call for the hanging of the Vice President if one is merely "protesting and wanted an investigation".

Your lie may fool some of your gullible bumper-sticker--brain compatriots but any sane person over ten years old knows this bull$hit for what it is.

More's the pity that you see it that way. The criminal law courts and the history books will say differently.
God, you're a dumb ass! The "gallows" thing AGAIN? Seriously? For about the fiftieth time...that was a mock gallows that wasn't big enough or sturdy enough to hang Anthony Fauci let alone a guy Mike Pence's size!

You come here with THAT nonsense and then accuse other people of being gullible?
just wondering, when do you start your sentence for the disgraceful Jan 6 riots?

Did you cry like a weakling at sentencing like the other pathetic Trumpers?
But...but..but.. January 6th... Your drivel is getting really old. When the events on January 6th cause as much misery and death as Joe Biden has, I'll worry about it. Until then, I'll spend my time making sure that people realize that the piece of filth that is Joe Biden is responsible for crushing misery worldwide in order to pay back those that paid to play.
“MAGA forces are determined to take this country backwards,” the president said. “Backwards to an America where there is no right to choose, no right to privacy, no right to contraception, no right to marry who you love.”

“For a long time, we’ve reassured ourselves that American democracy is guaranteed. But it is not,” Mr Biden said. “We have to defend it. Protect it. Stand up for it. Each and every one of us.”

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