Biden said what Needed to be Said

Joe Potatohead and his handlers are deranged.

They think they can start a civil war and the F-15 pilots will kill all us Conservatives and then the US can be turned into a Socialist shithole. A shithole with no right of free speech, no right of religion, no right to keep and bear arms and no right of due process. Just like all the other Socialist shitholes in the world.

I also think this viscous hate speech was a prelude to arresting Trump, which may very well be the Lexington Green of the next revolution.

Having those Marines stand behind was absolutely disgusting and for that alone he should be impeached. Shame on those Marines for allowing themselves to be used for political hate. That is not what they enlisted for. They took an oath to defend the Constitution against domestic enemies and there was a modern day Hitler trying to destroy the Constitution.

I'm thinking Joseph Goebbels! All that set needed were a bunch of swastikas and it would have looked like a Hitler rally circa 1935!
Oh was a great speech by the demented Führer

Great Job Joe !

The MAGA Republicans have disgraced themselves and still can't even admit Trump lost the election despite having no credible evidence at all.

I am really proud that Biden called out the disgraceful MAGA Republicans.
MAGA Republicans are a clear and present danger to Democracy, they think Trump can do whatever he wants and break any law he wants.

MAGA republicans are still too weak to man up and admit Trump lost the election, and it is a disgrace.

“The MAGA Republicans believe for them to succeed everyone else has to fail,” says Biden.

Yes he did say exactly what needed to be said.....

....In order to demonstrate to all Muricans how angry, mean, unhinged, despotic, and ugly the neo-fascist left running the nation into the ground is.

Thank you, Josef Stolen....You've told us all we need to know.
I'm thinking Joseph Goebbels! All that set needed were a bunch of swastikas and it would have looked like a Hitler rally circa 1935!
Biden is literally mirroring how the Schutzstaffel started out with intelligence officers that became ministers of propaganda.
Which is as cringe worthy as Biden claiming to be a law and order president with police officers behind him.
I'd love to know who those cops were! My guess is they had to look far and wide to find the three or four police officers who stood behind Joe to make it look like the Police don't LOATH him!
I'd love to know who those cops were! My guess is they had to look far and wide to find the three or four police officers who stood behind Joe to make it look like the Police don't LOATH him!
His new IRS agents. *LOL*
I'd love to know who those cops were! My guess is they had to look far and wide to find the three or four police officers who stood behind Joe to make it look like the Police don't LOATH him!
Do you think they're real officers or just strippers hired for Joe's hypersexualized daughter Ashley?
You continue to be confused Moon Bat.

There is overwhelming proof that the Democrats stole the election.

The fact that in several Democrat controlled swing districts the counting stopped when Trump was ahead and resumed hours later when thousand of magical ballots for Potatohead appeared. The fact that Republican observers were prevented from seeing the counts in several key districts. the fact of tens of thousands of unverified mail and harvested ballots with no connection to existing voters.

The Democrats stole the 2020 election and that is a fact. The filthy ass cowardly government rushed to certify the election without an audit because they feared the Negroes and ANTIFA would burn down more of the country than they already had.

Potatohead is not a legitimate President and he is leading to another Civil War with his vile hate speech and you Moon Bats better get control of him before it is too late. You will not like the outcome if there is a real war.
Biden described THIS guy to a T
I'd like to know whose idea that backdrop and the soldiers in the background was.
that was a very bad idea...but i see what they were doing.
God, you're a dumb ass!
Agreed. Trying to get through your Neanderthal skulls is, indeed, a fool's errand.
The "gallows" thing AGAIN? Seriously? For about the fiftieth time...that was a mock gallows that wasn't big enough or sturdy enough to hang Anthony Fauci let alone a guy Mike Pence's size!
It's not the sturdiness of the gallows, Orange Minion... it's the thought behind it, and what would have happened to him had your mob penetrated further.
You come here with THAT nonsense and then accuse other people of being gullible?
Your inability to get past the metaphors is not my cross to bear.
When I look at MAGA republicans I see a bunch of weak bitches that are always crying over something and can't even man up and admit Trump lost the election.

You people are not tough at all in anyway, you are all talk and you will lose any war very badly. What are you going to do, cry on me? Get your tears on me??
We're really scared of a bunch of weaklings that can't even man up and admit Trump lost.

So, now you claim January 6th was all talk? Pardon the convicted then, bub and release the imprisoned.
Ironic from those who admire Nuremberg Rallies.

better nuremberg trials and rallies for those who did this to us rather than the alternative. I don't really think you comprehend what the nuremburg trials were , do you?

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