Biden said what Needed to be Said

yet you have absolutely no proof of this at all in anyway and AG Barr, Dept of Homeland security, all GOP election officials, Ivanka Trump, and all the courts have said there was no fraud at all.

John Gotti said there was no fraud too.

You're so gullible you probably believed him too.

Repeating "there was fraud" is bot evidence, you don't seem to understand that simple fact. Deal with it
You can not prove Biden won the election.

That's a problem for you.

And for all of America
“MAGA forces are determined to take this country backwards,” the president said. “Backwards to an America where there is no right to choose, no right to privacy, no right to contraception, no right to marry who you love.”

“For a long time, we’ve reassured ourselves that American democracy is guaranteed. But it is not,” Mr Biden said. “We have to defend it. Protect it. Stand up for it. Each and every one of us.”

Biden is a senile lying fucktard.

He's a disgrace to every one of you leftists.

You should be thoroughly ashamed of yourselves for letting his silly ass channel Hitler.

And you scumbags are TOTAL FUCKING MORONS if you think the rest of the world didn't notice it
Still repeating the big lie even now, after it has been proven to be bullshit so thoroughly.
Nothing has been proven.

The word of the lying MSM is not proof.

The word of the lying FBI is not proof.

Your word is not proof either.
Biden is a senile lying fucktard.

He's a disgrace to every one of you leftists.

You should be thoroughly ashamed of yourselves for letting his silly ass channel Hitler.

And you scumbags are TOTAL FUCKING MORONS if you think the rest of the world didn't notice it
You quote a post which does not "channel Hitler" to claim that's what's happening?
Nothing has been proven.

The word of the lying MSM is not proof.

The word of the lying FBI is not proof.

Your word is not proof either.
Apparently the "proof" resides in your fever dreams
You quote a post which does not "channel Hitler" to claim that's what's happening?
South Korea builds big ticket items for Americans when they were an agrarian society at the same time the Great Society was initiated by LBJ. Where are the African big-ticket items at and much more than that the African American items at that level. The Village and 2000 B.C. is the reality. And you know it. And everyone suffers because of hate accusations.
So Gotti did??

WTF are you babbling about/..
Another leftie rocket scientist.

(rolls eyes)

Y'know, outside of spewing talking points, most of you clowns are actually pretty stupid.

Disconnect you from the hive and you ain't got much.
Another leftie rocket scientist.

(rolls eyes)

Y'know, outside of spewing talking points, most of you clowns are actually pretty stupid.

Disconnect you from the hive and you ain't got much.
So you were just babbling?

Great Job Joe !

The MAGA Republicans have disgraced themselves and still can't even admit Trump lost the election despite having no credible evidence at all.

I am really proud that Biden called out the disgraceful MAGA Republicans.
MAGA Republicans are a clear and present danger to Democracy, they think Trump can do whatever he wants and break any law he wants.

MAGA republicans are still too weak to man up and admit Trump lost the election, and it is a disgrace.

“The MAGA Republicans believe for them to succeed everyone else has to fail,” says Biden.

Could you please say "Maga Republicans" one more time.

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