Biden said what Needed to be Said

Just admit there is nothing that would convince you that trump is wrong about anything. It's what your cult expects from you.

Found a crime yet?

Didn't think so....

But you just go ahead and vent your hatred, you're free to do that, this is a free country.
And he violated the law in the process. That was a purely political speech and his using the military as props for his little tin horn dictator speech was a clear violation of the Hatch Act. And what was also clear is he is trying to incite violence. Makes one wonder what his handlers are really up to.

I think they just made it pretty damn clear what they're really up to.
So much for the unity speech.
For far too long right wing radicals have been getting away with criminality, displaying neo-nazi fervor supported by trump, attempting to steal elections, and after failing to do so, ordered by trump to march to the capitol and attack democracy. BRAVO!!! for President Biden, it was time for Americans to stand up for democracy and rule of law...

I've never had any girlfriend or wife that has had an abortion, can Trump say the same?


I guess that proves that you're an idiot!
are you stupid? Bill Clinton, jack kennedy, Ted Kennedy, Kennedy murderers SKakel, 2nd genration kennedy William Kennedy Smith, rapist , HOW do you dare speak these words? LOLOL

Do you have any link that says President Trump was associated with killing one of his own? Joe Biden has a grandchild they ignore..don't acknowledge, no birthday presents, no stocking at christmas.
you really are blind aren't you. hypocrite.
Harry Truman's famous line fits perfectly for Pres Biden's speech on MAGA: “I never did give them hell. I just told the truth, and they thought it was hell.”
um...what did i just hear on the radio news?? Joseph Stolen's aides say this was not a political speech.

Well. I guess they been finding out all day that this was a very bad no good idea.

and this is what i pray for....starting just lately. I pray for humiliation for the enemy of America..our own domestic enemy..the democrats.
And he violated the law in the process. That was a purely political speech and his using the military as props for his little tin horn dictator speech was a clear violation of the Hatch Act. And what was also clear is he is trying to incite violence. Makes one wonder what his handlers are really up to.

President Biden very effectively divided retardicans, the radical right wing section will secede and the gop will be rendered obsolete...

Great Job Joe !

The MAGA Republicans have disgraced themselves and still can't even admit Trump lost the election despite having no credible evidence at all.

I am really proud that Biden called out the disgraceful MAGA Republicans.
MAGA Republicans are a clear and present danger to Democracy, they think Trump can do whatever he wants and break any law he wants.

MAGA republicans are still too weak to man up and admit Trump lost the election, and it is a disgrace.

“The MAGA Republicans believe for them to succeed everyone else has to fail,” says Biden.

OK, so you hate MAGA Republicans to the point you want a one party system in our country. I get that part. My question is what do you do with your opponents? Kick them out of the country? Kill them? Maybe we should have them start wearing the Star of David to identify themselves and not let them vote.

This is the point, sick fuck. I get you and Joe Biden don't want to live in a country with anyone in it who disagrees with you. But how do you pull that off? This one has lots of people who disagree with you. Shudder
And he violated the law in the process. That was a purely political speech and his using the military as props for his little tin horn dictator speech was a clear violation of the Hatch Act. And what was also clear is he is trying to incite violence. Makes one wonder what his handlers are really up to.

Our President named a threat to our Democracy
That s not politics, that is reality

Incite violence?
Is questing MAGA a inciting violence ?

Is that more of the violence in the streets you threaten if you are held accountable for your actions?
what a lie lahkota. The right does not side with hitler. It's the left. You've adopted their tactics...their speech, their visuals.


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