Biden said what Needed to be Said

Nothing has been proven.

The word of the lying MSM is not proof.

The word of the lying FBI is not proof.

Your word is not proof either.
Just admit there is nothing that would convince you that trump is wrong about anything. It's what your cult expects from you.
He was attempting to, but his tiny hands and weak, bloated body were no match for...pretty much anyone.
That's not what your lying slut said. He was going through 1 inch bullet proof Lexan to commandeer the presidential limo.

We all heard it straight from her cock holster.

BTW, my condolences on the cheney bitch getting fired after putting together that little stunt. It was almost so believable. :laughing0301: :laughing0301:
Nothing has been proven.

The word of the lying MSM is not proof.

The word of the lying FBI is not proof.

Your word is not proof either.
To acknowledge proof, you must be able to look at situation from All AVAIABLE information. Not just say that anything that does not agree with your groups view point is fake or a lie.
That's not what your lying slut said. He was going through 1 inch bullet proof Lexan to commandeer the presidential limo.

We all heard it straight from her cock holster.

BTW, my condolences on the cheney bitch getting fired after putting together that little stunt. It was almost so believable. :laughing0301: :laughing0301:
Are you triggered? How badly? There are conflict-free forums here that could serve as your safe space if you need comfort. Westwall will even stop by and give you a reach-around.
Glad to see our President dancing around the issue and directly address the threat that Trump poses to America

He finally
Named Names

And he violated the law in the process. That was a purely political speech and his using the military as props for his little tin horn dictator speech was a clear violation of the Hatch Act. And what was also clear is he is trying to incite violence. Makes one wonder what his handlers are really up to.

Are you triggered? How badly? There are conflict-free forums here that could serve as your safe space if you need comfort. Westwall will even stop by and give you a reach-around.
I accept your surrender. You're not really cut out for conflict. You're more of an 'eat the corn out of your master's shit' type drone.

It was fun.
soon, all of this will burn (figuratively), and the world will be turned upside down on it's ass...but not yet!
When I look at MAGA republicans I see a bunch of weak bitches that are always crying over something and can't even man up and admit Trump lost the election.

You people are not tough at all in anyway, you are all talk and you will lose any war very badly. What are you going to do, cry on me? Get your tears on me??
We're really scared of a bunch of weaklings that can't even man up and admit Trump lost.

Spoken by a fat fuck bank teller who doesn't have a clue about economics.
Joe is unfit to save anyone's soul. I shudder to think who his god is.

Lying Joe Biden is unfit to save the ‘soul of the nation’

As a person that sold his soul to Trump, you're not really qualified to comment on this issue.

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