*Biden Sent The Goons To Mar-Largo*

That's simply not true. Senators and congressmen on certain committees are given security clearance....the intelligence committees, the foreign affairs committees, etc.... the gang of 8 also have clearance....
However they cannot declassify them which means they should not have been anywhere in Biden possession especially so recklessly as Biden did, not to mention the documents from when he was a Senator, he had no authority to have those either.
Why do you believe anything that Trump's people are telling you???? Use your head for more than a hat rack and stop believing people who have consistently lied to you for years.
I have given you proof, you just can't accept that your god, Pedo Joe did something wrong, and lied about it, which is surprising since he lies continuosly, you look at your party and it' officials as gods.
That's nice.
Don't forget that there will always be another Marxist asshole that thinks he's MORE Marxist than you when you'll receive the TROTSKY ICE AXE to the head.
Good luck, idiot! 🪓
What a surprise. Nazi retard puts up an axe emoji! Not! You retards are really quick with violence, aren't you?

Cowardly retards. Quick with threats but start whining the minute someone calls them out. :itsok:
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'B...b...but Trump'

Your surrender is accepted. You are now dismissed.
Retard. Who else am I going to talk about on a thread to do with the supposed "raid" on Mar-a-Lago?

You're not very bright, are you? :itsok:
Retard. Who else am I going to talk about on a thread to do with the supposed "raid" on Mar-a-Lago?

You're not very bright, are you? :itsok:

The thread is about Biden knowing about, ordering, then lying about the raid.

Just like Biden, you are tryibg to distract from you crusty, compromised criminal traitor Joe Biden.
I have given you proof, you just can't accept that your god, Pedo Joe did something wrong, and lied about it, which is surprising since he lies continuosly, you look at your party and it' officials as gods.
You clearly didn’t actually read the story. The “proof” is a rehashing and hyping of information we already knew that in no way contradicts anything that has been stated by the Biden administration.
The thread is about Biden knowing about, ordering, then lying about the raid.

Just like Biden, you are tryibg to distract from you crusty, compromised criminal traitor Joe Biden.
:itsok: There...there, retard. Let it all out. Feel better, now?
:itsok: There...there, retard. Let it all out. Feel better, now?

I'm not a snowflake ruled by emotion like you. The only thing I am letting out is FACT.

Your attempted distraction from fact is FAIL...

...but please, carry on with your tantrum. It's amusing.
Why do you believe anything that Trump's people are telling you???? Use your head for more than a hat rack and stop believing people who have consistently lied to you for years.
How can you not see the forest for the trees, Biden knew the story about him having documents was going to break, and tried to muddy the waters.
Yeah, YOU DID when Trump DEFEATED your queen Hillary.
You've become a demented avenger subverted demoralized zombie Marxist asshole ever since.

Queen Hillary???? Politicians don’t rule the electorate, they serve them. Civil servants.

Trump seems to think being President put him above you and the law.

How can you not see the forest for the trees, Biden knew the story about him having documents was going to break, and tried to muddy the waters.

So what????

Does that make anything Trump did legal?
Once again, NARA calls out their bullshit.


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