Biden Set To Unveil More Than $2 Trillion In Tax Hikes In Budget

No, we need to do BOTH. Why are you against paying for the things you "benefitted" from?

The people of Kentucky should be against paying higher taxes to pay for their new bridge? Really?


You are confused Moon Bat.

We do not need to increase taxes one damn bit.

Our filthy ass Federal Government spends more money than the GDP of all but three other countries on earth. Then a similar amount is spent by the States and Locals.

We need to stop spending so much damn money for government instead of raising taxes.

Like I said, you stupid Moon Bats have no concept of fiscal responsibility.
.................ukraine. Yeah, how's that turning out.

Poorly, which is why I have consistently been against it.

100 billion in with russia advancing. But we're winning hearts and stuff.

No thanks, I'll pass on having my taxes raised so our worthless govt can wage endless wars. NO THANKS.

I said raise taxes to address the debt. I clearly condemned using those taxes for useless wars.

You are confused Moon Bat.

We do not need to increase taxes one damn bit.

Our filthy ass Federal Government spends more money than the GDP of all but three other countries on earth. Then a similar amount is spent by the States and Locals.

We need to stop spending so much damn money for government instead of raising taxes.

Like I said, you stupid Moon Bats have no concept of fiscal responsibility.

Your rants do nothing to address the $31 trillion in debt. Why shouldn't people in Kentucky pay for their new bridge?
Wow! Is this an admission the US government is manipulating our behavior?

Thank you! Exactly!

How can anyone who calls themself a conservative be okay with this?
The government is cashing in on our bad behaviors.
Poorly, which is why I have consistently been against it.

I said raise taxes to address the debt. I clearly condemned using those taxes for useless wars.

I clearly condemn the worthless wars and our worthless domestic social engineering policies. No, I don't want any part of higher taxes. Let the govt do without and live within their means. Dont want any of their utopian feel good programs. Nope.
I clearly condemn the worthless wars and our worthless domestic social engineering policies. No, I don't want any part of higher taxes. Let the govt do without and live within their means. Dont want any of their utopian feel good programs. Nope.

Kentucky is getting a nice new bridge thanks to McConnell. Why is it they shouldn't be willing to pay for it?
Kentucky is getting a nice new bridge thanks to McConnell. Why is it they shouldn't be willing to pay for it?

Ky and ohio are part of that. Upgrades to highway construction and bridges, I don't have any problems with that. Interstates are essential for economics.

We need to eliminate tax expenditures. They add up to $1.4 trillion EVERY YEAR.

People whine about food stamps and welfare, yet completely ignore the $1.4 trillion of annual wealth redistribution UP the food chain.
”I’m a broke bottom feeder with no tax expenditures, I need more free shit….lets end tax expenditures.”
”I’m a broke bottom feeder with no tax expenditures, I need more free shit….lets end tax expenditures.”
I'm upper middle class, dipshit. I take advantage of all the tax expenditures I can get.

However, I am more than willing to give them up if it means lower tax rates for EVERYONE.

We have a country where people earning identical incomes are paying radically differing amounts of taxes, depending on how they meet the behaviors the federal government and the special interests want from them.

You cannot possibly be a conservative if you support this massive government interference in the markets.
I'm upper middle class, dipshit. I take advantage of all the tax expenditures I can get.

However, I am more than willing to give them up if it means lower tax rates for EVERYONE.

We have a country where people earning identical incomes are paying radically differing amounts of taxes, depending on how they meet the behaviors the federal government and the special interests want from them.

You cannot possibly be a conservative if you support this massive government interference in the markets.
Needs clarification.
I'm upper middle class, dipshit. I take advantage of all the tax expenditures I can get.

However, I am more than willing to give them up if it means lower tax rates for EVERYONE.

We have a country where people earning identical incomes are paying radically differing amounts of taxes, depending on how they meet the behaviors the federal government and the special interests want from them.

You cannot possibly be a conservative if you support this massive government interference in the markets.

You are aware that society increases behavior that is encouraged and decreases behaviors that are penalized, yes?
As a people we have a vested interest in increasing some behaviors and discouraging others.
For the benefit of society.
That's just a fact.
Imagine if a tie manufacturer partnered with a restaurant in a scheme to sell more ties.

The restaurant charges you $7.00 for a cheeseburger if you don't have a tie. It charges you $5.00 if you do have a tie.

Everyone is paying more for cheeseburgers to offset the discount people with ties get.

That is the system of taxation we have today, folks.

For example, mortgage brokers, banks, and the real estate industry all are working in conjunction with the government to keep the mortgage interest deduction alive.

As a result, tax rates on everyone have to be higher to offset that deduction, and home prices are up to 27 percent higher than they would be without the MID.

And you rubes think YOU are winning. BWA-HA-HA-HA!

"For the benefit of society." Oh my god, how incredibly ignorant.
Imagine a world where someone earning $75,000 a year pays the exact same amount of tax as their neighbor who earns $75,000 a year.

We do not live in that world. If we did, our tax rates would be MUCH lower.

We live in a world where special interests are working hand in glove with the government to rob you blind. And you don't even know it.

I would bet over 90 percent of people can't tell you how much they paid in income tax last year. But they sure do remember how much their refund was!

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