Biden spending $50 million per year to store border wall material ready to install.

I guess you don’t even read your own links, FuckBoi.

That poll says that Republicans have the exact same disapproval numbers as the b Democrats.

Of course a lot of the disapproval stems from the line is that right wing media is telling them about Biden‘s handling of the situation.

In the meantime, Greg Abbott is making it easier for gun runners arm, the cartels.
So? It proved you are just a lying sack of KKKanadian dogshit.............................AGAIN!
it's true you dembots represent the minority of's why the vast majority of the nation, over 70 percent, think we are headed in the wrong direction....this is why your demafascist leadership is doing all it can to maintain power...inclduing prosecuting political rivals
Yawn... misrepresenting my post, providing statistics without verification, ad hominem, straw man.

Tell Vlad I said hello.
But you're proud of the criminal Biden? People like you are destroying this country.

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