Biden State Dept Rep Deletes Warning Afghan Women 'Stand To Lose Everything' As Taliban Takeover Imminent


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

Biden State Dept. official deletes tweet warning Afghan women 'stand to lose everything' as Taliban surges it because Biden doesn't want his administration officials to say anything every intelligent Americans knows to be true?

Women will be forced back into servitude, stripped of their right to an education, of making their own decisions, and freedoms. Every thing they have gained since the Taliban was ousted from power will be gone. It's back to full-length burkas and being chained to the kitchen stove...

...but Biden doesn't want you figuring this out...


No. Because youre whining and spoiling for a fight. Go handle your business and stop trying to get everyone else to help you.
Whining? Stating an obvious fact that just so happens to embarrass Democrats is not whining. What you're doing now is.

You should go fight the Taliban.
How does your post make sense when it is you and your party that constantly claim republicans hate woman and you and your demleftists masters are the ones who care and fight for their rights?
Shouldn’t it be you and your fellow demleftist supporters going to fights the taliban?
I don't think W's rationale for going into Afghan, and how we were going to get out, was ever laid out. And I blame Powell largely for that and Iraq, and the tens of thousands of maimed service men and women. Not to mention the civilians, although I suspect Saddam, the Shiaa militias and the Taliban would have racked up impressive figures. As Stalin said, one death is a tragedy, a million is just a statistic.

But I do think Obama was partially influenced to stay because of the plight of women. A fool's errand only the fool didn't pay the cost.
How does your post make sense when it is you and your party that constantly claim republicans hate woman and you and your demleftists masters are the ones who care and fight for their rights?
Shouldn’t it be you and your fellow demleftist supporters going to fights the taliban?
Shouldn't you notice the thread was started as bs ham handed effort to blame the dems for the Afghan pullout?
The Trumpistas used to complain we weren't the world's cops
Many options for a declining nation. Especially one where Christianity is being attacked and is diminished from decades ago. One of them is more people becoming Islamic in belief. Especially men. It would bypass a lot of red tape in this globalist world where Prog women are dominating and bringing Totalitarianism here. You see it in poverty areas growing.
It’s not like everyone doesn’t already know this but that’s politics and it comes from both sides. This is the perfect representation of how any administration responds when one of their decisions causes a shit storm.
Many options for a declining nation. Especially one where Christianity is being attacked and is diminished from decades ago. One of them is more people becoming Islamic in belief. Especially men. It would bypass a lot of red tape in this globalist world where Prog women are dominating and bringing Totalitarianism here. You see it in poverty areas growing.
Those "prog women" are really a problem. My wife makes weekends a trip through hell. I think I'll repuke her and see how that works out.
seriously, wtf does that have to do with the US in Afghan? LOL
Shouldn't you notice the thread was started as bs ham handed effort to blame the dems for the Afghan pullout?
I noticed exactly what the threads about its right there in the can’t figure it out?
It’s not like everyone doesn’t already know this but that’s politics and it comes from both sides. This is the perfect representation of how any administration responds when one of their decisions causes a shit storm.

Well, imo it really stems for our misguided mismanaged response to 9-11. I mean you can blame our involvement with Saudi Arabia that led to OBL's obsession with the US, or even Regan's arming the Afghanis (which I never understood, and why I thought his for policy was a clear and present danger for all 8 years). Or Obama's decision to stay.

But all in all, we abandoned our policy of only going in militarily when it was necessary for a vital econ or security reason, and once the decision was made to go, we were all in, with everything .... our society and every weapon was on the table.

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