Biden stated he will tell us of his support to pack the court before the election.

Ray From Cleveland

Diamond Member
Aug 16, 2015
I've seen Creepy Joe say this a couple of times. When asked, he said he will give us an answer to the packing court question before the election. Well, it's now three days before the election, and maybe I haven't read the right news sources, but so far, Biden never committed to packing the court or not packing the court.

So when is he going to make this commitment, Monday night at 11:59 pm after all the mail in ballots come in and nobody is paying attention to the news?
Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden announced on Thursday that he would create a bipartisan commission to study the Supreme Court and federal judiciary because the system is “getting out of whack.” Biden expressed (as he has previously) his reservations about expanding the Supreme Court, but he did not rule it out.

So it's the same stance he's always had. He's going to pack the court, but knows by telling people the truth, it would cost him the election. If he wins, he can't be called a liar. He just wants to rule against the will of the people who elected him.
He said he would appoint a bipartisan commission to evaluate our entire judicial system and make recommendations.

He would then decide what has to be done.

In other words, still not tell us until after the election. He lied. He's not telling us before the election. The man is lying and he's not even in office yet. This is who you're voting for?
He said he would appoint a bipartisan commission to evaluate our entire judicial system and make recommendations.

He would then decide what has to be done.

In other words, still not tell us until after the election. He lied. He's not telling us before the election. The man is lying and he's not even in office yet. This is who you're voting for?

He says he opposes it but is willing to listen.
What else do you need to hear?

He wants to broaden the scope on how appointments are made and look at how partisan it has become.

Now, why can’t we see Trumps healthcare plan before the election?
Face it Republicans

If you fear Court Packing, Biden is the best Democratic President you could have.

Any other would pack it in a heartbeat
Republicans want to pin Biden down as definitely he will pack the court or definitely won’t.

Biden isn’t falling for it.
He is saying......We’ll see

Which means, he will see where Republicans and the Court goes from here.

If the McConnell Court acts like the previous Roberts court and rules conservatively but not extreme conservative, I think Biden will leave it alone.

If the McConnell Court becomes a rubber stamp of a Conservative wish list and cancels Obamacare, repeals Roe v Wade and impacts the 2020 election results

I expect it would be packed
He says he opposes it but is willing to listen.
What else do you need to hear?

He wants to broaden the scope on how appointments are made and look at how partisan it has become.

Now, why can’t we see Trumps healthcare plan before the election?

No, he's lying. He's going to pack the court but he can't say it because a majority of Americans are against court packing. What else do we need to hear? Yes or no. It's a very simple question asked of him and Whorris, and both refused to answer it; they still are. Joe lied and freedom will die.

The commies will do anything to get or maintain power even if they have to lie, cheat or kill to get it. They'll destroy the country just to get power, which is obvious with their open border stance.
Face it Republicans

If you fear Court Packing, Biden is the best Democratic President you could have.

Any other would pack it in a heartbeat

Trump didn't even mention packing the court when the Republicans led the House and Senate. Neither did GW. Republicans have something Democrats never had. Dignity and honor.
Face it Republicans

If you fear Court Packing, Biden is the best Democratic President you could have.

Any other would pack it in a heartbeat

Trump didn't even mention packing the court when the Republicans led the House and Senate. Neither did GW. Republicans have something Democrats never had. Dignity and honor.

He didn’t need to
He had already stolen a seat from Obama
The American people underestimate the treachery of the Democratic party elite ruling class. And they despise working class Democrats as much as they despise the right.
He says he opposes it but is willing to listen.
What else do you need to hear?

He wants to broaden the scope on how appointments are made and look at how partisan it has become.

Now, why can’t we see Trumps healthcare plan before the election?

No, he's lying. He's going to pack the court but he can't say it because a majority of Americans are against court packing. What else do we need to hear? Yes or no. It's a very simple question asked of him and Whorris, and both refused to answer it; they still are. Joe lied and freedom will die.

The commies will do anything to get or maintain power even if they have to lie, cheat or kill to get it. They'll destroy the country just to get power, which is obvious with their open border stance.

Biden is Republicans best friend right now
He is the only one standing in the way of packing the court

Unless Republicans give him a reason to
He didn’t need to
He had already stolen a seat from Obama

He didn't steal anything. There is no way the Republicans would have voted for his nomination anyway. Like always with you leftists, smoke and mirrors.

A seat was held vacant for him for over a year
Call it what you wish

Mitch made it clear on the night Scalia died......Obama would not be allowed to fill the seat

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