Biden stated he will tell us of his support to pack the court before the election.

We don’t have to “tear it down”

We can just defund it like Republicans do with legislation they don’t like.
Just stop repairing breaches, reassign border patrol agents.

Then you do a study that shows the wall is ineffective and tear it down

The studies have already been done. Barriers work in every place they've been used, including here in the US where they exist. That's what Democrats are really afraid of. If they actually thought walls wouldn't do any good, they'd welcome us erecting walls to show the public Republicans were wrong, and rub our noses in it for decades to come.

I know you're a Democrat, but if you can be honest with yourself just once, you'd admit that the Democrats want to flood this country with poor third world people to get more power. Their main goal is to make you a minority ASAP so Republicans have no chance at ever getting leadership in government again. When that happens, it will begin the end of the Great Experiment. We will quickly slip into Socialism, and then Communism not far down the road. It will be over, and it will happen with support from people like yourself.
Tear down the Fucking Trump Wall of Hate
Yes, a commission is his decision. Interpret that any way you'd like and get over it. It is sad that Joe lost your vote over this.

He didn't say he'd make a decision on any stupid commission. He said he'd make a decision on whether he'd pack the courts or not.

The BIPARTISAN Commission was his decision

Ray is flailing so hard on this stupid theme he's gonna go under - Titanic-style. :)
Biden does not want to commit one way or the other.

He prefers not to pack the court, but wants to keep the option open so that Republicans behave
Know what's funny. You pick one dumb thing you wanted Biden to say in order to lose half his voters. You obsess over one semi-weasely "out" by Joe - And yet you are entirely unconcerned with the 22,000+ documented lies and broken promises foisted by your Orange Overlord. Sad man, just sad.

Lying is not a problem. Show me one President who never lied. The problem is what they lie about. Trump saying we had the greatest economy in the world doesn't hurt anybody. Telling people you will give them affordable healthcare and save them $2,500 a year and it turns out the exact opposite hurting tens of millions is another.

The goal of the Democrat party is to make whites a minority. Why? Because of statistics. Every other group outside of whites vote Democrat, and some strongly Democrat. The way to secure total unchallenged power is to get rid of the white people; not in a genocidal way, but in a political way.

Why do you think they have sanctuary cities, sanctuary states, fought against Kate's law that would have imprisoned felons for five years that returned to this country after deportation, closed down our government for the longest time in history to stop a wall, warn businesses in their cities or states when ICE is going there to do workplace raids, disallow their police from contacting ICE when they have an illegal criminal in their custody, give them drivers licenses? Of course they want those people here, and bring in more in the future. Why do you think that is, because Democrat politicians are such good people?
Know what's funny. You pick one dumb thing you wanted Biden to say in order to lose half his voters. You obsess over one semi-weasely "out" by Joe - And yet you are entirely unconcerned with the 22,000+ documented lies and broken promises foisted by your Orange Overlord. Sad man, just sad.

Lying is not a problem. Show me one President who never lied. The problem is what they lie about. Trump saying we had the greatest economy in the world doesn't hurt anybody. Telling people you will give them affordable healthcare and save them $2,500 a year and it turns out the exact opposite hurting tens of millions is another.

The goal of the Democrat party is to make whites a minority. Why? Because of statistics. Every other group outside of whites vote Democrat, and some strongly Democrat. The way to secure total unchallenged power is to get rid of the white people; not in a genocidal way, but in a political way.

Why do you think they have sanctuary cities, sanctuary states, fought against Kate's law that would have imprisoned felons for five years that returned to this country after deportation, closed down our government for the longest time in history to stop a wall, warn businesses in their cities or states when ICE is going there to do workplace raids, disallow their police from contacting ICE when they have an illegal criminal in their custody, give them drivers licenses? Of course they want those people here, and bring in more in the future. Why do you think that is, because Democrat politicians are such good people?

Hmmm, I believe I have identified your problem. Extreme demographic anxiety!
Not sure if you'll still be around in 25 years. But it's coming whether you like it or not Archie.
He said he would appoint a bipartisan commission to evaluate our entire judicial system and make recommendations.

He would then decide what has to be done.
"I know if I answer this honestly it could have really hurt my chances, so I will put it in committee like the bureaucrat I am, and blame it on them no matter what happens."
Know what's funny. You pick one dumb thing you wanted Biden to say in order to lose half his voters. You obsess over one semi-weasely "out" by Joe - And yet you are entirely unconcerned with the 22,000+ documented lies and broken promises foisted by your Orange Overlord. Sad man, just sad.

Lying is not a problem. Show me one President who never lied. The problem is what they lie about. Trump saying we had the greatest economy in the world doesn't hurt anybody. Telling people you will give them affordable healthcare and save them $2,500 a year and it turns out the exact opposite hurting tens of millions is another.

The goal of the Democrat party is to make whites a minority. Why? Because of statistics. Every other group outside of whites vote Democrat, and some strongly Democrat. The way to secure total unchallenged power is to get rid of the white people; not in a genocidal way, but in a political way.

Why do you think they have sanctuary cities, sanctuary states, fought against Kate's law that would have imprisoned felons for five years that returned to this country after deportation, closed down our government for the longest time in history to stop a wall, warn businesses in their cities or states when ICE is going there to do workplace raids, disallow their police from contacting ICE when they have an illegal criminal in their custody, give them drivers licenses? Of course they want those people here, and bring in more in the future. Why do you think that is, because Democrat politicians are such good people?

Hmmm, I believe I have identified your problem. Extreme demographic anxiety!
Not sure if you'll still be around in 25 years. But it's coming whether you like it or not Archie.

Perhaps, but the Democrats want to put that plan on steroids, and there are enough dumb white people who don't see it or are simply ignoring it, and support a party that is against them.

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