Biden stated he will tell us of his support to pack the court before the election.

Joe Biden is playing this very smartly. He is giving the courts the ropew to hang themselves. There is sufficient evidence to support packing the court with the courts threatening to overrule state courts. If the courts attempt to overturn the election by throwing out votes then that will be the clincher.

He still lied about it. He said he'd give us an answer before the election. Well?????

If votes are illegal, they need to be thrown out.

What is illegal? Do they become illegal because the post office delivers them several days late? A illegal vorte is one that the person attempts to deceive by using someone else's name. Voters should ensure that everyone has a right to vote and that vote is counted. Republicans have done the opposite. They closed numerous polling places in Texas which were in minority districts. You have corrupt judges who are interfering in state matters. Federalo judges invalidated segregation laws but works with Republicans to discourage or throw legal votes out.
You mean compromise?

There is nothing to compromise. When a Democrat President is in charge, he gets to pick the nominee. When a Republican President is in charge, he too gets to pick the nominee. When ether party have the White House and Senate, the opposing party just loses. There is nothing to compromise about.

Obama tried to compromise by nominating a moderate. Republicans have shown they will do anything to get power. If Democrats take the White House and Congress they should be just as ruthless.
Joe Biden is playing this very smartly. He is giving the courts the ropew to hang themselves. There is sufficient evidence to support packing the court with the courts threatening to overrule state courts. If the courts attempt to overturn the election by throwing out votes then that will be the clincher.

He still lied about it. He said he'd give us an answer before the election. Well?????

If votes are illegal, they need to be thrown out.

He has never said he would have a answer before the election. He said he would clarify his position. He has stated he will appoint a commission.
Packing the court is also a option if Democrats win Congress and the White House. Republicans have shown there are no limits in their quest for power. All bets are off.

Who did they ever show that?

Yes, it is their option, an option most Americans are against. If Biden does that, he lost the election for Whorris and possibly lose the House (if they still have it) and never get near the Senate for a good number of years. The USSC has been 9 justices for nearly 150 years. If the House decides to add to the court, it will show their true colors of being cheats and liars.

Actually Mike Lee has given a reason for expanding the courts. I wonder what Americans think about judges conspiring with Republicans to suppress the vote and throw out legal votes. That is more than enough reason to expand the courts.
I've seen Creepy Joe say this a couple of times. When asked, he said he will give us an answer to the packing court question before the election. Well, it's now three days before the election, and maybe I haven't read the right news sources, but so far, Biden never committed to packing the court or not packing the court.

So when is he going to make this commitment, Monday night at 11:59 pm after all the mail in ballots come in and nobody is paying attention to the news?

Joe Biden is playing this very smartly. He is giving the courts the ropew to hang themselves. There is sufficient evidence to support packing the court with the courts threatening to overrule state courts. If the courts attempt to overturn the election by throwing out votes then that will be the clincher.

So he lied, thank you for admitting it.

He didn't lie. He never made a committment. He said he would clarify his position but not to take a position.
Yes, a commission is his decision. Interpret that any way you'd like and get over it. It is sad that Joe lost your vote over this.

He didn't say he'd make a decision on any stupid commission. He said he'd make a decision on whether he'd pack the courts or not.

The BIPARTISAN Commission was his decision

It doesn't change the fact that he lied to the American people.

Like releasing his taxes or his healthcare plan?
Like releasing his taxes or his healthcare plan?

Yes, just like that. The difference is most people could care less about his taxes, and Trump's pledge was to repeal and replace Commie Care. It was never repealed, but he managed to water it down quite a bit. I'm sure to your glee, I signed up for a plan recently. The phones were so quiet I could barely understand the ACA worker. The phones kept breaking up and I got disconnected twice. I hope we never run into a government healthcare system because it would only get worse. But at least the last time I called, I actually got an American who spoke fluent English.
He didn't lie. He never made a committment. He said he would clarify his position but not to take a position.

He said he would tell us his decision before the election. I posted the NBC link so you can't complain about the source either. If you watched the last debate, you'd know what he said.
Actually Mike Lee has given a reason for expanding the courts. I wonder what Americans think about judges conspiring with Republicans to suppress the vote and throw out legal votes. That is more than enough reason to expand the courts.

No, there is only one reason to expand the courts, and that is Democrats have no dignity. If they don't have power, find a way to cheat to get or maintain the power.
Obama tried to compromise by nominating a moderate. Republicans have shown they will do anything to get power. If Democrats take the White House and Congress they should be just as ruthless.

The only reason DumBama nominated a moderate is because he had to get it through a Republican led House. If it was a Democrat led House, he would have nominated the most commie judge he could get his hands on.
What is illegal? Do they become illegal because the post office delivers them several days late? A illegal vorte is one that the person attempts to deceive by using someone else's name. Voters should ensure that everyone has a right to vote and that vote is counted. Republicans have done the opposite. They closed numerous polling places in Texas which were in minority districts. You have corrupt judges who are interfering in state matters. Federalo judges invalidated segregation laws but works with Republicans to discourage or throw legal votes out.

A judge looks at election law and decides if the votes complied with the statute. That's all they do, just like they did in the Gore/ Bush race.

Republicans have no ability to close polling places in Democrat areas. That's decided by the county, not the state.
That is his position
We’ll see

Depends on a lot of factors

That's not a position, that's kicking the can down the road. He said he would let us know before the election and he hasn't. It doesn't matter how he phrased it, he's still not telling us if he's going to do it before all the votes are in.
America did not care that Mitch McConnell kept a seat vacant for over a year......They will not care if seats are added

Most American’s could not even tell you how many judges there are or name one.

Maybe not, but people who care about our country and vote sure do, and that applies to the Independents. When Harry Weed changed the rules to get an Obama nomination through, we on the right warned you it's going to come back to bite you on the ass, and what happened? You lost leadership of the Senate, and that's not nearly as radical of a change as adding court seats to cheat the people's choice.
I've seen Creepy Joe say this a couple of times. When asked, he said he will give us an answer to the packing court question before the election. Well, it's now three days before the election, and maybe I haven't read the right news sources, but so far, Biden never committed to packing the court or not packing the court.

So when is he going to make this commitment, Monday night at 11:59 pm after all the mail in ballots come in and nobody is paying attention to the news?

Joe Biden is playing this very smartly. He is giving the courts the ropew to hang themselves. There is sufficient evidence to support packing the court with the courts threatening to overrule state courts. If the courts attempt to overturn the election by throwing out votes then that will be the clincher.

So he lied, thank you for admitting it.

He didn't lie. He never made a committment. He said he would clarify his position but not to take a position.
Spin baby, spin!

Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden announced on Thursday that he would create a bipartisan commission to study the Supreme Court and federal judiciary because the system is “getting out of whack.” Biden expressed (as he has previously) his reservations about expanding the Supreme Court, but he did not rule it out.
Bipartisan? Oh, ya. 90% commieosocialists and a pair of never Trumpers. GOT IT!!!
It's obvious that Biden's position on the Supreme Court, if elected, will be totally dependent on how the congressional elections turn out. I would have advised him to have kept it to saying the Constitution leaves the number of justices up to congress and he'll not put the cart before the horse. When he spoke of letting us know his position, I was expecting him to lend support to a Constitutional amendment to have a fixed number of justices without stating any position on what that number should be. I find it trite whenever a politician falls back on the 'committee' approach.
It's obvious that Biden's position on the Supreme Court, if elected, will be totally dependent on how the congressional elections turn out. I would have advised him to have kept it to saying the Constitution leaves the number of justices up to congress and he'll not put the cart before the horse. When he spoke of letting us know his position, I was expecting him to lend support to a Constitutional amendment to have a fixed number of justices without stating any position on what that number should be. I find it trite whenever a politician falls back on the 'committee' approach.

The Democrats would never agree to an amendment of fixed amount of justices. Democrats are weasels who will cheat the system any chance they get, and they are not about to burn any bridges.
Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden announced on Thursday that he would create a bipartisan commission to study the Supreme Court and federal judiciary because the system is “getting out of whack.” Biden expressed (as he has previously) his reservations about expanding the Supreme Court, but he did not rule it out.

So it's the same stance he's always had. He's going to pack the court, but knows by telling peoe the truth, it would cost him the election. If he wins, he can't be called a liar. He just wants to rule against the will of the people who elected him.

The will of the people that will elect him want the court expanded. All of them. The will of the people didn't want the last appointment. The will of the people wanted Obama to appoint Garland.

The will of the people chose Al Gore over George Bush. The will of the people chose Hillary Clinton over tRump.

If it's one thing your side doesn't have, it's the will of the people.
The will of the people that will elect him want the court expanded. All of them. The will of the people didn't want the last appointment. The will of the people wanted Obama to appoint Garland.

The will of the people chose Al Gore over George Bush. The will of the people chose Hillary Clinton over tRump.

If it's one thing your side doesn't have, it's the will of the people.

Democrats alone are not the will of the people. Your side is chasing Independents this way most of whom hate crooked politics and cheaters. That's why they're Independents. Perhaps with Garland you may have a point, but only Democrats were against the Republicans getting Barrett through. It's been done dozens of times in our history. You might not believe this, but there are a lot of people who still believe in tradition like keeping the court at nine.

As for Gore, every recount done after Bush won determined Bush got more votes including CNN.

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