Biden stated he will tell us of his support to pack the court before the election.

That is his position
We’ll see

Depends on a lot of factors

That's not a position, that's kicking the can down the road. He said he would let us know before the election and he hasn't. It doesn't matter how he phrased it, he's still not telling us if he's going to do it before all the votes are in.
He doesn’t know the factors that will be in play
He said he opposes stacking the court but is keeping the option open

Guess it depends on how Republicans behave
He doesn’t know the factors that will be in play
He said he opposes stacking the court but is keeping the option open

Guess it depends on how Republicans behave

It doesn't matter how Republicans behave. WTF would that have to do with it? You either support stacking the courts or you don't; a simple yes or no question, and he can't answer it.
America did not care that Mitch McConnell kept a seat vacant for over a year......They will not care if seats are added

Most American’s could not even tell you how many judges there are or name one.

Maybe not, but people who care about our country and vote sure do, and that applies to the Independents. When Harry Weed changed the rules to get an Obama nomination through, we on the right warned you it's going to come back to bite you on the ass, and what happened? You lost leadership of the Senate, and that's not nearly as radical of a change as adding court seats to cheat the people's choice.
Voters don’t care about the nuclear option and they didn’t care about McConnell abusing the filibuster.

Dems need to know that you do what ya gotta do
He doesn’t know the factors that will be in play
He said he opposes stacking the court but is keeping the option open

Guess it depends on how Republicans behave

It doesn't matter how Republicans behave. WTF would that have to do with it? You either support stacking the courts or you don't; a simple yes or no question, and he can't answer it.

It is far from simple

Like I said...If the court avoids being a rubber stamp for conservative issues like repealing Obamacare, Roe v Wade or overturning the election results.....I doubt Biden would do anything
Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden announced on Thursday that he would create a bipartisan commission to study the Supreme Court and federal judiciary because the system is “getting out of whack.” Biden expressed (as he has previously) his reservations about expanding the Supreme Court, but he did not rule it out.

So it's the same stance he's always had. He's going to pack the court, but knows by telling people the truth, it would cost him the election. If he wins, he can't be called a liar. He just wants to rule against the will of the people who elected him.

He should add justices...

The Senate basically broke norms when refusing Garland... No Problem, norms can be broken now...

I think Biden is overly careful but let it off... First day
  • Nuke filibuster
  • Add Puerto Rico and Washington DC as states
  • Add 2-4 SC Justices
  • Pass the John Lewis Voting act.
  • Appoint AG and stay out of his way if he wants to investigate last administration
Have Lunch
  • Implement National COVID response plan
  • Create Public Option
  • Start New Sanctions on Russia
  • Put the Iran deal back on the table
  • Inform WHO not leaving
  • Inform Paris agreement will rejoining
  • Start talks on TPP
Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden announced on Thursday that he would create a bipartisan commission to study the Supreme Court and federal judiciary because the system is “getting out of whack.” Biden expressed (as he has previously) his reservations about expanding the Supreme Court, but he did not rule it out.

So it's the same stance he's always had. He's going to pack the court, but knows by telling people the truth, it would cost him the election. If he wins, he can't be called a liar. He just wants to rule against the will of the people who elected him.

He should add justices...

The Senate basically broke norms when refusing Garland... No Problem, norms can be broken now...

I think Biden is overly careful but let it off... First day
  • Nuke filibuster
  • Add Puerto Rico and Washington DC as states
  • Add 2-4 SC Justices
  • Pass the John Lewis Voting act.
  • Appoint AG and stay out of his way if he wants to investigate last administration
Have Lunch
  • Implement National COVID response plan
  • Create Public Option
  • Start New Sanctions on Russia
  • Put the Iran deal back on the table
  • Inform WHO not leaving
  • Inform Paris agreement will rejoining
  • Start talks on TPP
Tear down the wall
I've seen Creepy Joe say this a couple of times. When asked, he said he will give us an answer to the packing court question before the election. Well, it's now three days before the election, and maybe I haven't read the right news sources, but so far, Biden never committed to packing the court or not packing the court.

So when is he going to make this commitment, Monday night at 11:59 pm after all the mail in ballots come in and nobody is paying attention to the news?
Pedophile Joe is a liar
I've seen Creepy Joe say this a couple of times. When asked, he said he will give us an answer to the packing court question before the election. Well, it's now three days before the election, and maybe I haven't read the right news sources, but so far, Biden never committed to packing the court or not packing the court.

So when is he going to make this commitment, Monday night at 11:59 pm after all the mail in ballots come in and nobody is paying attention to the news?
So, Joe, What's your answer? Folks used to know better than to mess with fundamental institutions, but, now the Left is trying to burn it all down.



Not that long ago, trifling with important institutions was understood as dangerous for society.
Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden announced on Thursday that he would create a bipartisan commission to study the Supreme Court and federal judiciary because the system is “getting out of whack.” Biden expressed (as he has previously) his reservations about expanding the Supreme Court, but he did not rule it out.

So it's the same stance he's always had. He's going to pack the court, but knows by telling people the truth, it would cost him the election. If he wins, he can't be called a liar. He just wants to rule against the will of the people who elected him.

He should add justices...

The Senate basically broke norms when refusing Garland... No Problem, norms can be broken now...

I think Biden is overly careful but let it off... First day
  • Nuke filibuster
  • Add Puerto Rico and Washington DC as states
  • Add 2-4 SC Justices
  • Pass the John Lewis Voting act.
  • Appoint AG and stay out of his way if he wants to investigate last administration
Have Lunch
  • Implement National COVID response plan
  • Create Public Option
  • Start New Sanctions on Russia
  • Put the Iran deal back on the table
  • Inform WHO not leaving
  • Inform Paris agreement will rejoining
  • Start talks on TPP

So let me ask: are you a member of the Communist party? Now if slow Joe is for these things, I dare him to tell the American people about it before the election. He won't even be honest with people and tell us he'll stack the courts.
Tear down the wall

We would love to see that. Some Americans don't believe that the commies are for open borders. them they are. It will guarantee us an all Republican Government after Joe leaves for many years.
It is far from simple

Like I said...If the court avoids being a rubber stamp for conservative issues like repealing Obamacare, Roe v Wade or overturning the election results.....I doubt Biden would do anything

So in other words, if the court rules against the Communists, then the head commie of the party will change the courts. Is that the threat you're giving us today?
Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden announced on Thursday that he would create a bipartisan commission to study the Supreme Court and federal judiciary because the system is “getting out of whack.” Biden expressed (as he has previously) his reservations about expanding the Supreme Court, but he did not rule it out.

So it's the same stance he's always had. He's going to pack the court, but knows by telling people the truth, it would cost him the election. If he wins, he can't be called a liar. He just wants to rule against the will of the people who elected him.

He should add justices...

The Senate basically broke norms when refusing Garland...
Fake News. Election year appointments when the Senate is in the hands of the opposition party are nearly always rejected. Biden Rule
... Add Washington DC as states
Fake news. The District has 3 ECV by constitutional amendment, if a 51st is formed from the residential neighborhoods currently in the district, then the new State will have 3 ECV but, the District will still have 3 votes, which means the First Family will have 3 ECV? Not likely.
... Add 2-4 SC Justices
Fake News. Polling doesn't support this and if you try to add 4 justices, some Dem Senators are going to peel off and you'll fail.
Tear down the wall

We would love to see that. Some Americans don't believe that the commies are for open borders. them they are. It will guarantee us an all Republican Government after Joe leaves for many years.

Only fascists love the wall of hate

Tear it down.....Mexico will pay for it
It is far from simple

Like I said...If the court avoids being a rubber stamp for conservative issues like repealing Obamacare, Roe v Wade or overturning the election results.....I doubt Biden would do anything

So in other words, if the court rules against the Communists, then the head commie of the party will change the courts. Is that the threat you're giving us today?

It is clearly Constitutional to improve the Courts
Just like it was Constitutional to refuse to fill the seat for Obama
Not beneficial to bipartisan cooperation.....but Constitutional

It is clearly Constitutional to improve the Courts
Just like it was Constitutional to refuse to fill the seat for Obama
Not beneficial to bipartisan cooperation.....but Constitutional

I never said it wasn't constitutional. How does adding more justices improve the courts? It doesn't. That's not why the commies want to do it, it's because liberals have the mentality of children. If they lose the game, they go home crying or insist the rules be changed so they never lose again. They won't change their platform so they can win elections, instead, insist that everybody complies to their agenda like it or not.

When was the last time a Democrat ever publicly said they lost fair and square? It's hanging chads, paper ballots, the Supreme Court, Diebold machines, Russia collusion, gerrymandering, Voter-ID, the FBU director, exit poll data, the Electoral College, third party candidates, it's never because the Democrats are doing something wrong.

We Republicans are far more accurate with our predictions than you on the left are. So trust me when I say if they pull a lowlife stunt like packing the courts, it's going to cost your party perhaps for the rest of our natural lives. Nobody likes a cheater.
Only fascists love the wall of hate

Tear it down.....Mexico will pay for it

Like I said, tear it down. Draw in more third-worlders and destroy this country. I know Democrats don't care, but show the rest of the nation how you could care less about this country and care more about power.
Only fascists love the wall of hate

Tear it down.....Mexico will pay for it

Like I said, tear it down. Draw in more third-worlders and destroy this country. I know Democrats don't care, but show the rest of the nation how you could care less about this country and care more about power.

We don’t have to “tear it down”

We can just defund it like Republicans do with legislation they don’t like.
Just stop repairing breaches, reassign border patrol agents.

Then you do a study that shows the wall is ineffective and tear it down
We don’t have to “tear it down”

We can just defund it like Republicans do with legislation they don’t like.
Just stop repairing breaches, reassign border patrol agents.

Then you do a study that shows the wall is ineffective and tear it down

The studies have already been done. Barriers work in every place they've been used, including here in the US where they exist. That's what Democrats are really afraid of. If they actually thought walls wouldn't do any good, they'd welcome us erecting walls to show the public Republicans were wrong, and rub our noses in it for decades to come.

I know you're a Democrat, but if you can be honest with yourself just once, you'd admit that the Democrats want to flood this country with poor third world people to get more power. Their main goal is to make you a minority ASAP so Republicans have no chance at ever getting leadership in government again. When that happens, it will begin the end of the Great Experiment. We will quickly slip into Socialism, and then Communism not far down the road. It will be over, and it will happen with support from people like yourself.
Yes, a commission is his decision. Interpret that any way you'd like and get over it. It is sad that Joe lost your vote over this.

He didn't say he'd make a decision on any stupid commission. He said he'd make a decision on whether he'd pack the courts or not.

The BIPARTISAN Commission was his decision

Ray is flailing so hard on this stupid theme he's gonna go under - Titanic-style. :)
We don’t have to “tear it down”

We can just defund it like Republicans do with legislation they don’t like.
Just stop repairing breaches, reassign border patrol agents.

Then you do a study that shows the wall is ineffective and tear it down

The studies have already been done. Barriers work in every place they've been used, including here in the US where they exist. That's what Democrats are really afraid of. If they actually thought walls wouldn't do any good, they'd welcome us erecting walls to show the public Republicans were wrong, and rub our noses in it for decades to come.

I know you're a Democrat, but if you can be honest with yourself just once, you'd admit that the Democrats want to flood this country with poor third world people to get more power. Their main goal is to make you a minority ASAP so Republicans have no chance at ever getting leadership in government again. When that happens, it will begin the end of the Great Experiment. We will quickly slip into Socialism, and then Communism not far down the road. It will be over, and it will happen with support from people like yourself.

Know what's funny. You pick one dumb thing you wanted Biden to say in order to lose half his voters. You obsess over one semi-weasely "out" by Joe - And yet you are entirely unconcerned with the 22,000+ documented lies and broken promises foisted by your Orange Overlord. Sad man, just sad.

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