Biden staying at home of billionaire supporter

I am sorry that I will not go along with your twist on the Thomas story. The problem is less than he has a billionaire friend but that he felt the need to hide what he was getting. When you hide things it gives the appearance of impropriety.

It is not an issue of being ok with it or not, it is what it is, it has always been that way and always will be. As the golden rule states, he who has the gold makes the rules.
Kinda like Biden denying he knew Hunter's business partners, but knows them very well?

Personally, I have no problem with this. I’d just like to point out the Left that their selective outrage when conservatives do this (See Clarence Thomas) and their silence when one of their own does this like Biden is doing, it further solidifies how full of shit the Left really is.
Dinner at a Rich SUPORTERS house is quite different than if he is giving them the house as a gift, after dinner.
We can find out if the house was gifted or rented by a FOIA request on his required yearly declarations.... (unless he lied on his declaration of gifts, like Justice Thomas did...)

Apparently his family did pay RENT for the property before he became president.

Biden’s ties to Nantucket date back to his US senatorial days, with recent records indicating his rental of Rubenstein’s home since 2014...

The past two year's stay, is unknown... But we can find out.
Also calling him a billionaire supporter is FALSE.

Rubenstein is not a supporter of Biden's or anyone's supporter with financial donations since 2007...when he made a $6000 donation to a Democratic Senatorial Campaign PAC.
Kinda like Biden denying he knew Hunter's business partners, but knows them very well?
He was introduced to them at dinner parties over the phone, and charity events is HARDLY Joe Biden KNOWING THEM VERY WELL!

Why lie?
When it is hidden one has to wonder if the influence goes beyond what is normal.
Hidden? Or not? Makes no difference if it is legal. It isn't anyone's business.
And it certainly changes nothing.

Quid pro quo is quid pro quo, whether we know about it or not.

If it is legal, and normal, whether it is known to the press or not, it makes not a lick of difference.

I'm not sure what you are getting at.

Testing Theories of American Politics: Elites, Interest Groups, and Average Citizens​

Good lord. And I'm the one that gets accused of seeing shadows on the wall. . . .
. . . seriously?

Beyond normal? :rolleyes:
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Hidden? Or not? Makes no difference if it is legal. It isn't anyone's business.
And it certainly changes nothing.

It makes all the difference in the world.

It is about the appearance of impropriety. I could have a perfectly legit lunch with a female friend and if I hid it from my wife she would have every reason in the world to wonder why.

Same holds true for the SCOTUS most of all. They have no actual power, they have no way to enforce their rulings. They rely 100% on the confidence of the people of our country in them.
It makes all the difference in the world.

It is about the appearance of impropriety. I could have a perfectly legit lunch with a female friend and if I hid it from my wife she would have every reason in the world to wonder why.

Same holds true for the SCOTUS most of all. They have no actual power, they have no way to enforce their rulings. They rely 100% on the confidence of the people of our country in them.

Your partisan games and false equivalency/arguments from analogy don't hold up. Those are false analogies. I could adjust them to be more accurate, but you would not agree with those adjustments, so lets just drop those silly analogies, they're just false.

Until there is an Amendment to the Constitution which reforms how campaigns are run, and forbids all types of gifts to all judges & politicians, and probably, given the direction the nation is headed, commissioned members of the military, this is a useless debate to engage in.

You're just being silly. Your mind and judgement is clouded by your partisan/societal social-economic interests & PoV, IMO.

Personally, I have no problem with this. I’d just like to point out the Left that their selective outrage when conservatives do this (See Clarence Thomas) and their silence when one of their own does this like Biden is doing, it further solidifies how full of shit the Left really is.
Ok but there would be no room for a motorcade and 150 secret service agents at my house so I didn't invite him. There may be other reasons as well, but the Presidency comes with a huge footprint, especially when traveling.
If the Left really had issue with wealth gaps and undue influence, then they would have issue with Biden’s “annual visits”.
Yup, those are the keywords. Glad you understand that. Now, show how the rich friend is having undue influence over Biden. Go.

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