Biden Still Refuses To Answer If He'd Pack The Court


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
The memo must have gone out that any question they don't want to answer....they accuse the reporter of doing what the Trump Campaign wants.

Watch Biden try to weasel his way out of answering this question.

The number of justices is not fixed by the you are wrong.
Another bootlicking OP suffering from TDS...


September 30, 2020
'Shut up,' 'clown,' 'fool,' 'liar' -- the vile debate spewings of Joe Biden
By Monica Showalter

Joe Biden was in some kind of foul, putrid mode at the debate last night.
Many people have cited memorable lines from the contentious political slugfest, but the lines that stand out are the grotesquely disrespectful ad hominem insults Biden directed at the president of the United States.
The transcript shows tons of them:
"He's a fool on this."
"Everybody knows he's a liar."
"Will you shut up, man?"
"Keep yapping, man."
"He's the racist."
"He's Putin's puppy."
"He never keeps his word."
"Well, it's hard to get any word in with this clown."
"You're the worst president America has ever had."
What kind of argument for 'civility' and 'decency' and 'dignity,' -- all words Biden uses ad nauseam, is that? Some kind of bottom has dropped out. Some of these insults were so disgusting they actually made viewers feel sorry for President Trump, which is frankly a feat.
Trump can give as good as he gets, but he made no such ad hominems comparable to those. There was one part of the debate where he called Biden 'not smart,' but at least he had some academic records to back it up with. In fact, in all of his oppositional statements to Biden, he had some kind of fact, he wasn't just pulling disembodied insults out as Biden did. Biden had no such backing for his insults, some of the most disgusting words hurled at a president of the United States to his face ever heard.
Which is about par, because Biden insulted a lot of little guys out on the campaign trail, calling them names like 'damned liar,' 'hey, fat,' and 'you're full of sh**.' And of course, years back, he was the author of the kinds of uncivil hearings now taking place over the Supreme Court, introducing the U.S, to the 'Borking' of candidates. That's led him to where he is now, flinging his disgusting insults straight to President Trump.
Whatever that makes Biden, what's gone now is the notion that he's a decent guy, a civil guy, a dignity-bringer, which is what his campaign has promoted him as. Many voters, as Thomas Lifson observed to me this morning, dislike Trump because they consider him crude and uncouth. Biden played Mr. Decency to that. But now that act is over. He's shown himself to be even more uncouth than President Trump -- a nasty, insulting, little-guy-hating, dignity-of-office-disrespecting screamer, who can't even back his insults up with facts. He loses the 'dignity-decency-civility' advantage with some voters right there. Those voters can now decide if they want a crude guy with a good governing record, or a crude guy without a good governing record, who spews insults at both them and the office, just because.
The memo must have gone out that any question they don't want to answer....they accuse the reporter of doing what the Trump Campaign wants.

Watch Biden try to weasel his way out of answering this question.

I don't understand. His whole political life he has lied, he has even lied on the schools he has attended. Now he won't answer. 0bama would do nothing but lie. Now we got a clown that won't answer. When they had near 100 idiots running to be the democRat contender I had never seen a group of total misfits in my life . It made me wonder where do these freaks come from. The best thing to happen to our nation is for all of them to crowd into their clown car and drive off a cliff. It should have been mandated. It's time for a revolution before these tyrants strip of of the means to carry one out. Just because these useless democRats traded their freedoms for a food stamp long ago that doesn't mean the rest of us will. This party for 4 years has used every criminal trick in the book to overthrow a standing president. Still not one jailed. He doesn't have to answers questions, he doesn't have to follow the law. He is an evil piece of shit and no longer should stupid be an excuse for high treason. Kill em all!

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