Biden: ‘Tea Baggers’ Preventing New Gun-Control Laws

YOUR elected Representatives to the world...just lovely people


By Andrew Johnson

July 7, 2014 4:41 PM


Vice president Joe Biden has disparaged gun-rights advocates as “tea baggers,” CNN host John Walsh told reporters today. Walsh, the former host of America’s Most Wanted, recounted that he bonded with Biden over the need for more gun control and their distaste for the National Rifle Association..

“I said to Joe Biden, ‘90 percent of Americans are for a responsible background check for a gun, and you know what this Congress has done? Not voted on it, not brought it to the floor, not introduced a bill,’” he recalled to reporters during an event for his upcoming program, a crime show called The Hunt. “I said, ‘They’re all scared shitless of the NRA, aren’t they?’”

“‘John, every one of them,’” the vice president replied, according to Walsh. “‘Because the NRA will run a tea-bagger against you. . . . They’ll put 5 million bucks against you.’”

Walsh made clear that he is a gun owner, but said the United States needs to do more to address gun violence and characterized himself as “the biggest advocate for background checks out of any gun owner in America.”

all of it here:
Biden: 'Tea Baggers' Preventing New Gun-Control Laws | National Review Online

This shows what scumbags Dimorats truly are. You won't here a peep from anyone on the left about Biden's offensive label for TEA Party members. If any Republican referred to liberals with similar terms, it would be a major scandal.
... and? What he said is correct:
“‘Because the NRA will run a tea-bagger against you. . . . They’ll put 5 million bucks against you.’”

The NRA is a front group for the gun manufacturers themselves.

Yeah, all four or five million of them. I have never manufactured a gun in my life, and I am a life member of the NRA. I once fully supported background checks until I realized that background checks are a costly, worthless exercise in futility. Background checks have no more kept guns out of the hands of bad guys, than the DEA has kept drugs out of the hands of nine year olds.

You have to understand that any opposition to the libturd agenda can't possibly be based on ideals or ethical priniciples. It has to the result of shills working for those sinister corporations. Liberals just can't grock the idea that anyone would object to their schemes to impose their utopia on us.

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