Biden to cancel the Keystone pipeline via executive action on 1st day, Trudeau already complaining, conservatives like Ann Coulter already pouncing!

Unlike the efforts of the previous man in the WH, Biden knows that oil is not in demand as it was...even five years ago. All car manufacturers are swiftly switching gears and going electric. Not to mention the damage that fossil fuels have on the environment, elections have consequences. You people said that over and over after Putin helped elect the previous man in the WH. Suck it up...Buttercup.
So if Putin corrupted our election last time, and TRUMP! supposedly did nothing to stop him from doing it again this time, where is the wailing about Putin corrupting our election this year? It couldn't be because it's less about corrupting the election and more about getting the "right" guy elected, could it?
i know all about pipelines: THEY LEAK! they might not leak for many years, but in the end...THEY LEAK!
Sounds like you're talking about old people. In actuality, pipelines are the safest and cheapest way to transport oil. There are very sophisticated ways of preventing corrosion which causes leaks and there are also ways of detecting leaks as soon as they develop. And like the Admiral said, Buffett controls the alternative method of transport, the railroad. That rich conniver is the ONLY person who will benefit from this insane move.

Does Keystone monitor flow rate and pressure in real time?
That's SOP for every pipeline that I ever worked for.

Oil is icky and stuff.

Walk to work......unless Joe kills your job too.

Canada's oil is a very poor quality... as bad as Syria's oil.

There are 4 or 5 refineries in the Mid West that have been retooled to handle Canada's corrosive sludge.


Canada's oil is a very poor quality... as bad as Syria's oil.

And safer by pipeline than rail or truck.

There are 4 or 5 refineries in the Mid West that have been retooled to handle Canada's corrosive sludge.

And Texas refineries.
Despite the oil shale boom jobs are being cut back yet executives and owners are raking in big money.

Canadian tar sand oil is the lowest type of oil on the market as it has problems. Canada is so eager to sell it that the refineries in the US get it at a very low prices as compared to others. Canadians accept any offer for it. They do not set prices for their oil.

The only income is from building the pipe system which will go away once finished. Maintenance of these pipe lines also. Then the refineries will also make money in the Gulf area. That is it. yeah Canada is throwing a hissy fit as Obama refused to do it but Trump agreed to it and now Biden is likely to follow obama's lead. It is the dirtiest oil in the world and refineries probably will not complain to much with its loss. They still have all Texas light crude oil coming in.

Refineries are finding out the hard way that this Canadian oil builds up inside of pipes and leaves residue that has to be gotten rid off. There are health risk involved in it and the US is the one who is stuck with it. Canada is not because they have gotten rid of it and are making money on it.
You do know that the tar sand oil will still be shipped to the US from Canada...right? It will go by rail car instead of by pipeline making the process more costly and more dangerous but it won't stop the flow of oil.

But, Oldestyle, surada and Kilroy2 know more about the oil business than we do. They asked Alice when she was ten feet tall!
Despite the oil shale boom jobs are being cut back yet executives and owners are raking in big money.

Canadian tar sand oil is the lowest type of oil on the market as it has problems. Canada is so eager to sell it that the refineries in the US get it at a very low prices as compared to others. Canadians accept any offer for it. They do not set prices for their oil.

The only income is from building the pipe system which will go away once finished. Maintenance of these pipe lines also. Then the refineries will also make money in the Gulf area. That is it. yeah Canada is throwing a hissy fit as Obama refused to do it but Trump agreed to it and now Biden is likely to follow obama's lead. It is the dirtiest oil in the world and refineries probably will not complain to much with its loss. They still have all Texas light crude oil coming in.

Refineries are finding out the hard way that this Canadian oil builds up inside of pipes and leaves residue that has to be gotten rid off. There are health risk involved in it and the US is the one who is stuck with it. Canada is not because they have gotten rid of it and are making money on it.
You do know that the tar sand oil will still be shipped to the US from Canada...right? It will go be rail car instead of by pipeline making the process more costly and more dangerous but it won't stop the flow of oil.

You can't clean up an oil spill in rivers and creeks..

Who wants to stop the flow of oil?
Show me a rail line that doesn't cross rivers and creeks.
It's all Kabuki theatre with the Democrats. Cancelling the pipeline won't stop the flow or oil south nor will it make it safer. The Keystone pipeline is a SYMBOL for the left at this point! They don't even know why they don't want it!

Its a boondoggle. I have been following it for 15 years.

Nobody wants to stop the flow of oil.

Of course there are people that want to stop the flow of oil, Surada! Claiming that isn't so is just naive on your part.

We are no where near the end of the oil age. I would like to see more diversity.. like solar in Israel, Hawaii and Saudi Arabia.. Solar hot water is easy peasy.

I would like to see some new Nuclear power plants.. In Arabia they do a twofer ..Desalinated water and cheap electricity.

Maine has a huge project in the Bay of Fundy whereby electricity is generated by the tides.. Its experimental.

Research on reducing automobile emissions continues unabated.

We can do better and protect the environment if we bring our will and creativity to the game.. Greed is NOT the only thing.
Despite the oil shale boom jobs are being cut back yet executives and owners are raking in big money.

Canadian tar sand oil is the lowest type of oil on the market as it has problems. Canada is so eager to sell it that the refineries in the US get it at a very low prices as compared to others. Canadians accept any offer for it. They do not set prices for their oil.

The only income is from building the pipe system which will go away once finished. Maintenance of these pipe lines also. Then the refineries will also make money in the Gulf area. That is it. yeah Canada is throwing a hissy fit as Obama refused to do it but Trump agreed to it and now Biden is likely to follow obama's lead. It is the dirtiest oil in the world and refineries probably will not complain to much with its loss. They still have all Texas light crude oil coming in.

Refineries are finding out the hard way that this Canadian oil builds up inside of pipes and leaves residue that has to be gotten rid off. There are health risk involved in it and the US is the one who is stuck with it. Canada is not because they have gotten rid of it and are making money on it.
You do know that the tar sand oil will still be shipped to the US from Canada...right? It will go by rail car instead of by pipeline making the process more costly and more dangerous but it won't stop the flow of oil.

But, Oldestyle, surada and Kilroy2 know more about the oil business than we do. They asked Alice when she was ten feet tall!

Are you the poster that has 36 years experience as a gas and oil engineer?
Despite the oil shale boom jobs are being cut back yet executives and owners are raking in big money.

Canadian tar sand oil is the lowest type of oil on the market as it has problems. Canada is so eager to sell it that the refineries in the US get it at a very low prices as compared to others. Canadians accept any offer for it. They do not set prices for their oil.

The only income is from building the pipe system which will go away once finished. Maintenance of these pipe lines also. Then the refineries will also make money in the Gulf area. That is it. yeah Canada is throwing a hissy fit as Obama refused to do it but Trump agreed to it and now Biden is likely to follow obama's lead. It is the dirtiest oil in the world and refineries probably will not complain to much with its loss. They still have all Texas light crude oil coming in.

Refineries are finding out the hard way that this Canadian oil builds up inside of pipes and leaves residue that has to be gotten rid off. There are health risk involved in it and the US is the one who is stuck with it. Canada is not because they have gotten rid of it and are making money on it.


Refineries in Houston and Port Arthur are in Free Trade Zones.. so the Canadian oil that is processed there will NOT become gasoline at the pump in the US.. They will become specialty products that are sold overseas and neither the US or Texas will see any taxes.
Are you the poster that has 36 years experience as a gas and oil engineer?

No. I'm the poster, among others, who understands the senseless, job-destroying and business-destroying outcomes in the real world due to Biden's actions to appease the economically illiterate political agenda of environmental wackjobs who would mindlessly undermine our quality of life and the entrepreneurial means of the very innovations they supposedly support. As you routinely do, surada, you're unwittingly confounding things again. The interests of the prevailing economics of the matter and technological innovation are not mutually exclusive, and no one is arguing against the economic and environmental benefits of the latter.

But, then, most of the posters on this thread are not consulting Alice when she's ten feet tall.
Despite the oil shale boom jobs are being cut back yet executives and owners are raking in big money.

Canadian tar sand oil is the lowest type of oil on the market as it has problems. Canada is so eager to sell it that the refineries in the US get it at a very low prices as compared to others. Canadians accept any offer for it. They do not set prices for their oil.

The only income is from building the pipe system which will go away once finished. Maintenance of these pipe lines also. Then the refineries will also make money in the Gulf area. That is it. yeah Canada is throwing a hissy fit as Obama refused to do it but Trump agreed to it and now Biden is likely to follow obama's lead. It is the dirtiest oil in the world and refineries probably will not complain to much with its loss. They still have all Texas light crude oil coming in.

Refineries are finding out the hard way that this Canadian oil builds up inside of pipes and leaves residue that has to be gotten rid off. There are health risk involved in it and the US is the one who is stuck with it. Canada is not because they have gotten rid of it and are making money on it.


Refineries in Houston and Port Arthur are in Free Trade Zones.. so the Canadian oil that is processed there will NOT become gasoline at the pump in the US.. They will become specialty products that are sold overseas and neither the US or Texas will see any taxes.

They will become specialty products that are sold overseas and neither the US or Texas will see any taxes.

Despite the oil shale boom jobs are being cut back yet executives and owners are raking in big money.

Canadian tar sand oil is the lowest type of oil on the market as it has problems. Canada is so eager to sell it that the refineries in the US get it at a very low prices as compared to others. Canadians accept any offer for it. They do not set prices for their oil.

The only income is from building the pipe system which will go away once finished. Maintenance of these pipe lines also. Then the refineries will also make money in the Gulf area. That is it. yeah Canada is throwing a hissy fit as Obama refused to do it but Trump agreed to it and now Biden is likely to follow obama's lead. It is the dirtiest oil in the world and refineries probably will not complain to much with its loss. They still have all Texas light crude oil coming in.

Refineries are finding out the hard way that this Canadian oil builds up inside of pipes and leaves residue that has to be gotten rid off. There are health risk involved in it and the US is the one who is stuck with it. Canada is not because they have gotten rid of it and are making money on it.
You do know that the tar sand oil will still be shipped to the US from Canada...right? It will go by rail car instead of by pipeline making the process more costly and more dangerous but it won't stop the flow of oil.

But, Oldestyle, surada and Kilroy2 know more about the oil business than we do. They asked Alice when she was ten feet tall!

This is a discussion board.
Actually it will help oil prices by making them increase due to a stoppage of flow. The market is still in a glut and the US oil industry shut down four hundred wells since this time last year. And the pipeline keeps leaking...
Actually it is going to help the price of gas go up to 4.00 a gallon again and for us, back into Obama's energy dependence on foreign governments. Good to see your concern for the oil and gas industry though...
The Canadians are really pissed that Biden killed Keystone XL without even discussing it.
LOL!! Joe the coalition destroyer, alienating US allies, getting more sanctions put on US goods, amateur hour clown show.
Actually it will help oil prices by making them increase due to a stoppage of flow. The market is still in a glut and the US oil industry shut down four hundred wells since this time last year. And the pipeline keeps leaking...

Yep, explain that to any of the 10,000 (at least) that will be out of a job. I'm sure they'll be looking forward to that $4.50/gallon we all will.
The Canadians are really pissed that Biden killed Keystone XL without even discussing it.
LOL!! Joe the coalition destroyer, alienating US allies, getting more sanctions put on US goods, amateur hour clown show.

C'mon man, Canadians are the wrong color to be considered allies.

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