Biden to establish national monument honoring Emmett Till

Telling the truth about Till's vicious murder at the hand's of Racist Southerners gives lie to their version of happy black people, chopping cotton and eating watermelon.
True – the lie that slavery ‘wasn’t so bad,’ as propagated by DeSantis in Florida, for example – among the most infamous and deadly of the former slave states.

Indeed, the right’s unwarranted opposition to honoring Emmett Till is yet another component of white grievance politics and racist replacement theory – that ‘the blacks’ are ‘taking over’ the country; that there are ‘too many blacks’ portrayed in television, theater, and film; the delusional lie that white culture is being undermined, eliminated, and erased.
What a wonderful "virtue signal" that Biden can add to his repertoire. "Hey blacks ... vote for me, vote for me. I've done soooo much for you, like erect a statue that will hopefully fuel your hatred for whitey (except for me, that it)." Is Pedo Joe going to erect a statue for the woman murdered by a black cop on J6? Nope!!

Ashli Babbitt: Say Her Name!!
Unarmed U.S. Veteran. She harmed nobody and posed no threat and didn't deserve to be murdered by a hired thug.
Lee was a US vet too.Traitor tried to break into a secure area despite warnings. Traitor FAFOd.

Should have shot all of them and then hung anyone who surrendered.
Interesting. The Till murder was one of the keystone beginnings of the civil rights movement. Showing the abject cruelty and horror of Jim Crow shocked millions across the nation.

I can get on board with that.
Lee was a US vet too.Traitor tried to break into a secure area despite warnings. Traitor FAFOd.
Blackie had no business pulling the trigger. Should have simply arrested the unarmed woman. Everyone was up-in-arms when career criminal, George Floyd, was sent to hell.
Blackie had no business pulling the trigger. Should have simply arrested the unarmed woman. Everyone was up-in-arms when career criminal, George Floyd, was sent to hell.
Blackie? No wonder you call the Till monument virtue signalling.
No they should have put them all against a wall.
Blackie? No wonder you call the Till monument virtue signalling.
No they should have put them all against a wall.
George Floyd certainly deserved it. And this Till fella probably broke a law or two as well, but he's a complete unknown to the common man.
Yeah, you racists hate the truth.

The truth of what?

We don't need a national monument dedicated to that guy. He did nothing great, no major accomplishments, nothing that qualifies for a national monument.

Emitt tills big claim to fame is he was killed by racists.

Well about these 4 guys killed by a racist black guy?

Where is there national monument?

My racism or lack there of has no bearing on this. No deserves a national monument because they were killed for no reason other than that. I don't think you grasp the concept of what a national monument really is.
Interesting. The Till murder was one of the keystone beginnings of the civil rights movement. Showing the abject cruelty and horror of Jim Crow shocked millions across the nation.

That's fine. Till was just 14 and lynched. He should be remembered.
Blackie? No wonder you call the Till monument virtue signalling.
No they should have put them all against a wall.
Huge dog-whistling.
Just think how things would be now if that cop didn't kill Mr. Floyd.
With some around here it would be the SOS.
  • Yes.....he was brutally beaten and murdered by democrats.....and the murderers were given not guilty verdicts by the all democrat party jury.......will that be on the plaque placed on the statue?
  • They have been trying to ignore his death since it was democrats who murdered him, and democrats on the jury who gave the murderers not guilty verdicts.......
  • they think they can put up Emmet Till's statue because no one will look at the democrats having murdered him.............
NOTE: I have taken the liberty to edit the above three quotes by the good poster '2aguy' by using the 'cross-out' feature. I did that not to change 2aguy's postings but rather to bring attention to the word and his and my difference in opinion on what was most significant in the brutal murder of the 14-yr old boy.

Where he had insisted it was '
democrats' who perpetrated the crime, and acquitted the admitted murderers (admitted it after they were acquitted)......I will substitute "White Supremacist"

I think a traction-full argument can be made that 'whiteness'...or the lack thereof was the distinction that made a difference.
THAT....rather than which political party the killers, or the jury, or young Master Till belonged to.


"I thought they were tearing down monuments. Now they want to build another one?
.............If they do build a monument to Till then they should restore all the monuments they had removed."

Well, another distinction that makes the difference is that the Till murder was that of an innocent (the wife later admitted her claim was untrue) 14yr old boy, whereas, the statues of Nathan Bedford Forrest were that of a war criminal (Ft.Pillow massacre); and Lee, and Davis, and Jackson and other Confederate luminaries were statues of traitors to America.

A notable distinction. A notable difference. The United States of America does not want to honor with statuary those who sought to destroy the United States of America.

At any rate, it surely seems that way.

She harmed nobody and posed no threat and didn't deserve to be murdered by a hired thug.
Ashli Babbitt is dead because of Ashli Babbitt.
If she hadn't charged through a breached barrier specifically erected to bar her and the mob she led...and towards an armed officer who had warned her to back-off, to leave......she likely would be alive today.

And may internet shrillers cease dragging her bloody corpse through American social media to promote their latest grievance-filled fantasy-du-jur....thus allowing her family to find peace.


Blackie had no business pulling the trigger.
That ain't "virtue signaling" by poster Action Jackson.
That is signaling racist bigotry.

And this Till fella probably broke a law or two as well, but he's a complete unknown to the common man.
He was 14yrs old. Visiting relatives. The woman lied about her interaction with Till. She admitted so years later. The two killers admitted they brutally killed him ----- after they had been acquitted.
His killing, and his grief-stricken, but determined mother's decision to show the world what those two white racist did to her 14yr old -- by insisting on an open coffin displaying his tragically disfigured face --- THAT development spurred a righteous and overdue revulsion against the brutal racism of some elements of white society. And it was a significant step towards Civil Rights progress for America.

I don't think you grasp the concept of what a national monument really is.
Do tell.
Why wouldn't a statue noting and describing the racist denouement of Till's short life and the subsequent revulsion that added to the Civil Rights movement not have resonance for our nation?
Ashli Babbitt is dead because of Ashli Babbitt.
If she hadn't charged through a breached barrier specifically erected to bar her and the mob she led...and towards an armed officer who had warned her to back-off, to leave......she likely would be alive today.

And may internet shrillers cease dragging her bloody corpse through American social media to promote their latest grievance-filled fantasy-du-jur....thus allowing her family to find peace.


That ain't "virtue signaling" by poster Action Jackson.
That is signaling racist bigotry.

He was 14yrs old. Visiting relatives. The woman lied about her interaction with Till. She admitted so years later. The two killers admitted they brutally killed him ----- after they had been acquitted.
His killing, and his grief-stricken, but determined mother's decision to show the world what those two white racist did to her 14yr old -- by insisting on an open coffin displaying his tragically disfigured face --- THAT development spurred a righteous and overdue revulsion against the brutal racism of some elements of white society. And it was a significant step towards Civil Rights progress for America.

Do tell.
Why wouldn't a statue noting and describing the racist denouement of Till's short life and the subsequent revulsion that added to the Civil Rights movement not have resonance for our nation?
Babbitt is dead because of a bullet fired from the gun of a bloodthirsty, government hired hand. Period! If you or your family member trespassed on my land, would I have the right to murder you/them? Let's see if you respond in a consistent manner.
NOTE: I have taken the liberty to edit the above three quotes by the good poster '2aguy' by using the 'cross-out' feature. I did that not to change 2aguy's postings but rather to bring attention to the word and his and my difference in opinion on what was most significant in the brutal murder of the 14-yr old boy.

Where he had insisted it was '
democrats' who perpetrated the crime, and acquitted the admitted murderers (admitted it after they were acquitted)......I will substitute "White Supremacist"

I think a traction-full argument can be made that 'whiteness'...or the lack thereof was the distinction that made a difference.
THAT....rather than which political party the killers, or the jury, or young Master Till belonged to.


Well, another distinction that makes the difference is that the Till murder was that of an innocent (the wife later admitted her claim was untrue) 14yr old boy, whereas, the statues of Nathan Bedford Forrest were that of a war criminal (Ft.Pillow massacre); and Lee, and Davis, and Jackson and other Confederate luminaries were statues of traitors to America.

A notable distinction. A notable difference. The United States of America does not want to honor with statuary those who sought to destroy the United States of America.

At any rate, it surely seems that way.


He was murdered by members of the democrat party....

The democrats are taking down those statues to scrub their history...
Babbitt is dead because of a bullet fired from the gun of a bloodthirsty, government hired hand. Period! If you or your family member trespassed on my land, would I have the right to murder you/them? Let's see if you respond in a consistent manner.
Yes and let's not forget Byrd (the murderer) was cited for mishandling his firearm previously to Jan 6. He should not have been even holding a firearm.

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