Biden to establish national monument honoring Emmett Till

First of all, not a lefty.
Second, I couldn’t care less about statues.
Why do righties like scruffy complain about it if it’s not a big deal
Who's complaining?

Lefties will just tear it down again.

But before that it will get vandalized, tagged, covered with spray paint - requiring cleaning at public expense, all of the above.

No, it's not a big deal if you don't mind pissing away public money.
Emmett Till is somebody who was a young boy killed for no reason no good reason that is. And there are probably eight people in America who don’t like the kid.

So what’s going on here. If there’s a monument to Till that’s good but just watch out for the politicians have to say if they keep trying to utter the words “white supremacy” that’s what you call creating division. Literally no reason for that at all.

Is somebody going to make a monument to the white people in America who were killed by BLM rioters?

How about in the summer of 2020 elderly Trump supporters were viciously and brutally beat by Black Lives Matter supporters on the streets of America. All they were doing is wearing a make America great again hat. This happened hundreds of times in our country in the summer of 2020. It wasn’t barely mentioned by the media.

May God be with everyone here in this thread. And God bless even the Black Lives Matter supporters. Jesus said love your enemy. Even if your enemy is a racist, and hates white people. We can only hope that they change their ways.
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If we see Democrats and the Republicans allies, hold hands, do candlelight vigil‘s and start talking about how “we have to fight white supremacy in America”. You know those politicians don’t care about us. They don’t care at all about poor people. They do this to make money so they can write books about it. And they can get a deal for CNN or MSNBC.
Interesting. The Till murder was one of the keystone beginnings of the civil rights movement. Showing the abject cruelty and horror of Jim Crow shocked millions across the nation.

Bro...your screenname is killing me! Lol

"U.S. President Joe Biden will sign a proclamation on Tuesday establishing a national monument honouring Emmett Till, the Black teenager from Chicago, whose abduction, torture and killing in Mississippi in 1955 helped propel the civil rights movement. The proclamation also honours Mamie Till-Mobley, Till's mother. With the stroke of Biden's pen, the Emmett Till and Mamie Till-Mobley National Monument, located across three separate sites in Mississippi and Chicago, will be federally protected places.

"We are resolute that it now becomes an American story and not just a civil rights story," Rev. Wheeler Parker Jr., Till's cousin, told The Associated Press - For Parker, who was 16 when he witnessed Emmett's abduction, the Till monument proclamation begins to lift the weight of trauma that he has carried for most of his life. The move comes as conservative leaders, mostly at the state and local levels, push legislation that limits the teaching of slavery and Black history in public schools. Biden's administration "will continue to speak out against hateful attempts to rewrite our history and strongly oppose any actions that threaten to divide us and take our country backwards," Jean-Pierre said."

Biden is too dumb to realize that declaring these sites as national monuments only angers the racist Democrats in the South who don't want the rest of us to be reminded or learn about their racist past. This is why earlier attempts to place a sign memorializing Emmett Till were either defaced, had acid thrown on it; and often times were just shot up -- as if they were murdering Emmet Till again...and this was all done by racist Democrats who hates the blacks...So much so they had to keep making larger signs because racist libs in the South kept shooting them up...even making it popular to pose in front of the shot up sign with your rifles..


And now what Biden has done is brought new attention on the behavior of racist libs in the South who will now be even more determined to deface and attack these national monuments, whether they are federally protected or not. Liberals want you to believe that they were the ones in favor of Civil Rights and Voting rights for minorities, they want you to think they were on the right side of history -- when it was they who opposed emancipation, it was they who opposed Re-Construction (Just look at the KKK) - it was they who opposed Voting Rights and Civil Rights for the blacks.....Thankfully, conservatives are standing up and reminding America that it was they who risked their lives fighting for the rights of the blacks and other minorities like chicks, wetbacks and certain types of fags.

This is why it is important to teach our children the true history of the Democrat party and Liberals in general and how they opposed every Civil Rights policy that was pushed by Conservatives thru-out the Civil Rights era. Famous Conservative freedom fighters like Lester Maddox, Bull Connor, Jesse Helms -- these men do not get the credit they deserve for their hard work in fighting for Civil Rights and Voting Rights. It's time to set the record straight.
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"U.S. President Joe Biden will sign a proclamation on Tuesday establishing a national monument honouring Emmett Till, the Black teenager from Chicago, whose abduction, torture and killing in Mississippi in 1955 helped propel the civil rights movement. The proclamation also honours Mamie Till-Mobley, Till's mother. With the stroke of Biden's pen, the Emmett Till and Mamie Till-Mobley National Monument, located across three separate sites in Mississippi and Chicago, will be federally protected places.

"We are resolute that it now becomes an American story and not just a civil rights story," Rev. Wheeler Parker Jr., Till's cousin, told The Associated Press - For Parker, who was 16 when he witnessed Emmett's abduction, the Till monument proclamation begins to lift the weight of trauma that he has carried for most of his life. The move comes as conservative leaders, mostly at the state and local levels, push legislation that limits the teaching of slavery and Black history in public schools. Biden's administration "will continue to speak out against hateful attempts to rewrite our history and strongly oppose any actions that threaten to divide us and take our country backwards," Jean-Pierre said."

Biden is too dumb to realize that declaring these sites as national monuments only angers the racist Democrats in the South who don't want the rest of us to be reminded or learn about their racist past. This is why earlier attempts to place a sign memorializing Emmett Till were either defaced, had acid thrown it; and often times shot up -- by racist Democrats who hates the blacks...So much so they had to keep making larger signs because racist libs in the South kept shooting them up...even making it popular to pose in front of the shot up sign with your rifles..

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And now what Biden has done is brought new attention on the behavior of racist libs in the South who will now be even more determined to deface and attack these national monuments, whether they are federally protected or not. Liberals want you to believe they they were the ones in favor of Civil Rights and Voting rights for minorities, they want you to think they were on the right side of history -- when it was they who opposed emancipation, it was they who opposed Re-Construction (Just look at the KKK) - it was they who opposed Voting Rights and Civil Rights for the blacks.....Thankfully, conservatives are standing up and reminding America that it was they who risked their lives fighting for the rights of the blacks and other minorities like chicks, wetbacks and certain types of fags.

This is why it is important to teach our children the true history of the Democrat party and Liberals in general and how they opposed every Civil Rights policy that was pushed by Conservatives thru-out the Civil Rights era. Famous Conservative freedom fighters like Lester Maddox, Bull Connor, Jesse Helms -- these men do not get the credit they deserve for their hard work in fighting for Civil Rights and Voting Rights. It's time to set the record straight.
i wish you would feel this way about a chitcago child getting hit by a punks stray bullet

we can't take anything seriously from your crew

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